Russell Crowe's weight

He looked so seedy, overweight and flabby. His folks were in good shape; it's improbable that an educated guy with a trim wife would let himself get so seedy and overweight. I am talking about the beginning of the film when they are living "happy ever after." I know Crowe gained weight for the Whistleblower film but in Gladiator he looked fit. Even in the preprison scenes he looked like Skid Row.


IMO he was in his prime looks wise early 2000's

He gained all ths recent weight for a role? I though he said he'd never do that again? Too hard to lose the weight afterwards.


Improbable that someone would be overweight?! That may be the dumbest thing I have ever read. Do you have kids and a family? If you do then you would realize that exercise is usually the first thing to go when time becomes an issue. Someone's weight in a movie is the last thing you should be worrying about. Normal fathers/ husbands look more like Crowe's character in this movie than they do characters from Gladiator. More improbable is the fact that his dopey looking brother had such a hot wife.



Russel Crowe has always faught the battle of the bulge. I never thought I'd live to see a fat Robin Hood it happened. Gladiator was his last movie where he was in shape . That movie made him a star and since then he can't be bothered

Nowadays he goes from obese to fat for roles. In between shoots he's obese, then he "slims" down to fat for films. He's like Jon Travolta.

He COULD get a personal trainer and chef etc... but he's too lazy. And apparently no one calls him on it despite his 25 Million dollar contracts, so thats how you end up with a greasy, bloated , fat Robin Hood. Yuck.

PS I got nothing against fat or obese people but for 25 Million bucks I think the guy could make the effort to work out appropriately for the parts he's given.


Ya know, I never could understand that, rich famous people that are overweight. Can't find the time or money for a trainer? Really? I guess even with money some people just don't care. I know if I ever came into a lot of money, first thing would be a trainer/nutritionist. ;)


txeagle I agree. I'd have a gym in the house, possibly a pool and the trainer could come teach me what I need to do and then you do it on your own, like Physical Therapy. Same thing with these actors getting DUIs. I'd hire a driver.


You really amaze me, guys (or girls):

If you had a job you liked and be very good at,
a family that you love and that loves you back,
friends and activities you can pick from a wider range than the average person can (simply BECAUSE you've got money that enables you to meet people and do things who/that the average person cannot meet/do)

...would you REALLY be concerned what people you haven't even met think about your body weight? Would you?


I guess if you have all that you don't have to care what peple think about your body weight but I'm thinking also in terms of health. If they don't care then why should I.
I got my own problems to worry about.


Well, one can use money for a trainer or for a personal chef. If I made Crowe's bank, I would have Ronald McDonald in my kitchen.




You can't understand "rich famous people being overweight"? Yeah, right. Sounds to me like you're a teenager. Haven't been on this earth for very long, have you. Some "famous" actors have been huge - Marlon Brando, former sex symbol and movie star, Orson Welles, famous as an actor/director/writer.

As it happens, in Russell's case, when the filming took place he was having a lot of marital problems with his wife Danielle. She didn't want to be on the road, like him, going from country to country filming. She was more than happy to stay back in Sydney raising their two children. Problem was during that period (2009/2010) he over-extended himself workwise and took too many projects on and wasn't spending time with his children and her, straining his marriage. When you have that sort of emotional stress in your life, you automatically turn to food and hence the weight. So .. to put it bluntly, he's mortal and being human, he's not perfect. The last thing on his mind would be worrying about his weight. That was then, now in 2014, he's a slimmer man. Saw him in Sydney a few days ago, looks fit.


Gladiator was his last movie where he was in shape

Yeah, I watched "Gladiator" last night and I'm not sure he was that in-shape in that either. You can hide a lot under those metal breastplates! His legs still looked pretty chubby. (But at least he didn't look as out-of-control bloated as he did in "State of Play".)

But I guess he's at that age when the metabolism slows down and ... well, almost everyone gets a bit pudgy when they're approaching fifty, don't they?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I might have a crush on Elizabeth Banks, but she wasn't completely fit for this - she had a few believable rolls here and there. A buff fit teacher would not have been very credible, so I was fine with Crowe's flab.


I find it hilarious you nerds taking shots at Crowe's weight when he gets more $ and more ass than any of you will ever, ever see- half the chicks on the planet would blow him in a heartbeat, why would he care if he's fat, he's made it lol.

Enjoy life :)


Christ almighty there are some stupid people posting on this board.

@ OP did you ever think that he had to be in great shape for Gladiator because that's what his role called for?

In this movie he was just a simple husband in his late 40s, and the role didn't require someone to be particularly fit?


He seemed completely average to me. Not even remotely overweight




How has nobody said tht perhaps they didn't want him looking like Maximus for this role!? The whole point of the movie is that he is not the archetypal hero who takes risks. He is a teacher leading a normal life. If he was ripped it wouldnt be realistic! Bare in mind he is also highly depressed after his wife goes to prison - I highly doubt looking good and maintaining 5% body fat would be in your mind!


While I find this entire thread a bit funny, I mean he is playing a role as well as the age factor (along with genetics) and the subject is rather humorous to me.

He makes 20 million for some films, sure.

Someone critiqued and said "someone this rich should have a personal trainer and chef for his roles".... while Crowe has changed weights with age as well as his roles (from Gladiator to Insider when he was younger, still in decent shape in Robin Hood, not fat by any means)...

Maybe, just maybe, Crowe was actually working on his ACTING and playing all different kinds of roles immersing himself into that world rather than focusing most his energy on physical shape (which he did though). From Gladiator to The Insider to A Beautiful Mind to his last 5 years of films, he has always done at least a solid job of acting in all his films, and physically has always seemed to seem a good fit (or simply not something I've noticed much) for all his films and roles, back to Romper Stomper.

Thread itself is a joke though. Even if he is a multi-millionaire actor the guy has aged 15 years almost since we first saw him get big in Gladiator which even then was prime or past prime physical age for most men....

And again, maybe acting skills (along with living life, people think movie stars have it easy; while many do like Crowe financially they still immerse themselves into roles and film 12+hour days for months at a time often multiple times a year. Is it not alright for them to have at least some part of "life" and just live? Or should 100% of their time be about acting+fitness and their next role... maybe they like to spend time living in their off hours in the month span they have between shooting films 24/7.

Notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have f’ed with? That’s me.



Who cares if he's not fit anymore (unless of course its for a role I concede).

His average to fat body fits in with most of the roles hes taking nowadays (cept for Robin Hood I guess).

Least hes not Val Kilmer.

Plenty of chubby guys have pretty fit wives.


Russell Crowe has been publicly tweeting about all the exercise he has been doing towards the end of 2011 for a new role. I think as you get older it isn't as easy to lose weight when you put it on. I think for this role in The next 3 days the weight wasn't really a big issue. Dads put on weight sometimes, shock horror.


