Is it really that bad?
Hearing some say it's one of the worst MCU movies? I really haven't cared for the last couple including Deadpool and Wolverine. Should I even bother with this one?
shareHearing some say it's one of the worst MCU movies? I really haven't cared for the last couple including Deadpool and Wolverine. Should I even bother with this one?
shareWait for streaming seems to be the consensus from reviewers.
shareIt's not the worst MCU movie, but it's bad. It suffers mostly because the directing and writing is very weak. You could tell when you were watching parts of it that were done in reshoots.
shareIt's not as bad it's made out to be, especially the arm chair critics on YouTube blasting it for clicks and the "Like" button, but in the end, when they created Disney+ they made the movies and TV Shows on a shoestring budget and this movie sort of feels like a Disney+ movie that made it to the big screen because they really don't have anything post END GAME. The Betty Ross scene was a waste for a woman who got paid $3.2 Million for a less than 30 second role and for a movie that was supposed to be a sequel to The INCREDIBLE HULK, one would've thought you'd have Bruce Banner in it unless it would've looked too awkward having Ruffalo take credit for Edward Norton's HULK and they decided against it or they filmed him and ended up on the cutting room floor. When this movie comes out on Blu Ray, they'll sell it with all the Extras and over 2 Hours of Deleted Scenes and an Alternate Ending or opening crap
shareI saw it this weekend and found it a
Bit boring. 6-6.5/10
Not as good as other great MCU movies but nowhere as near as bad as the recent ones. It's decent.
shareI only watch movies with attractive young Jews.
shareThe cgi is crap
shareI watched it for free as I wouldn't pay to see it.
I hate the idea of Falcon changing his name to be Cap. That's profoundly stupid to me and example of racial Tokenism.
They didn't continue the Falcon story but rather used a black character to take the place of a white one to prove a point. In proving it, they stripped a black character of his personality.
As is always the case with Tokenism, the white character comes back and the black one is gone. That's what happens in the comics. They did that with Thor where he's replaced by a woman, but of course the REAL Thor comes back so the woman was used so the writers can say they used a woman.
That's 1950s racism and it's all over the media today.
Anyway, I like the actor who plays Falcon so I watched.
It wants to be a good movie, like Winter Solider, with a political plot and lots of stuff going on. However, it never takes off because the character who is supposed to have weaved a heinous plot never is shown doing it. He talks about it a bit so it's not that interesting.
There's a lot of action but Falcon is not a superhuman but is show doing things that would exhaust and harm a person. However, he never looks like he's struggling. A counter point is Indiana Jones, he's getting kicked around, sweating like crazy, and totally exhausted, but keeps on going.
This movie also has Falcon doing really stupid action scenes. For instance, he can fly and has a special suit to reduce harm, but he's able to kick flying missiles into the ocean. He can perfectly throw Cap's shield which makes no sense. For instance, while flying, he throws the shield at three missiles, blows them up, and catches the shield before it falls.
Also, he fights Red Hulk and is able to counter him when Hulk just smashed through a building.
If you don't pay for it and just sit back and watch what they made, it's okay. If you are hoping for a good movie, it's not.