MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > Still Confused about the Hate?

Still Confused about the Hate?

I love it! Ridiculous scenes and all. Lighten up, folks!


It doesn't seem "light" when you insist that people agree with you and behave like you. Glad you liked it. Producers love undemanding viewers that like anything whether it is ridiculous or not. I however, think illogical people like you motivate the people who make movies to aim low ... so you should consider being a bit more critical, heavy up a bit.


Thanks for showing me how ridiculous my comment was, Brux! I'm actually impressed with how you can see that someone is completely lacking of clear, sound reasoning by reading ten words they wrote about a five year old big-budget movie. I hope you're using that ability for good, not evil. Keep up the tremendous work! πŸ˜‰


haha. burrrrrn.




I really enjoyed it too. The story has more horror elements than hard science but they tried. People seem to think that Prometheus is a religious allegory. It wasn't. It's actually more of a science fiction movie containing theories of evolution than religion.


I really liked that too. It felt like they were exploring different theories and went a little deeper into the Alien mythos in this one. If people think this is a religious allegory, then they must think most science fiction is... or horror, for that matter! I've always felt the Alien franchise was a horror/scifi franchise as opposed to just science fiction too. The evolution of the Creature Feature!

I guess my confusion about people hating on this movie SO MUCH stems from the trend of picking apart scifi for not being realistic enough. I understand you want some basic realism and scientific understanding, but I guess I just prefer the classic definition of the genre that has always produced fun, speculative and adventurous writing. If there are any big fans of hard science fiction, I'm not dissing it, I'm just stating what I personally like. It's called an opinion!


From some of the comments I've read, don't think people were expecting Prometheus to have more science than horror. I know I was one of them. But I was pleasantly surprised at the way the story unfolded. I had to watch it twice in order to follow the plot.
I get now. The story really needed to be told because I often wondered where those eggs in Alien came from.
Prometheus a damn good movie with just enough of science, fiction and a dash horror with beautiful cinematography.


I can see that. It was definitely promoted differentIy than the other Alien movies.


Honestly I don't remember how the movie was promoted. But if it was promoted differently, it needed to be because it's different from the other Alien movies. The other movies are horror. This one is true blend of the science fiction and horror genres.

I rank the movies in order of my favorites

Alien Resurrection
AvP Requiem


TBH that is why I loved prometheus compared to the Alien series. Prometheus of SC-FI and actually had a story where as Alien didn't have any progression at all.


Well... you could argue it has plenty of Scientology in it - a religion that is intermixed with sci fi.


yep. never got it in the first place. absolutely loved this film. the "giftbearer" fanedit is even better.

i can only guess that people were expecting a more classic "alien" film and that pissed them off.


No, thats the excuse people have come up with. The reason is the poor script and anticlimax of the film. The ideas the film was advertised to explore were largely lost and what remained was a barebones notion of the original concept. The idea of engineers is fine, but it goes off in a weird direction from there.

Why would the engineers come here have a dude sacrifice himself? Was it to start us, or all life on earth? Depending on which one it is, changes the timeline. Billions of years in the past vs a few hundred thousand.

Why would they come back and visit us and draw little maps all over the world to a wmd facility?

Why were they coming back to destroy us?

Alien covenant brings more questions to bare which I wont mention for the sake of those that havent seen it, but its just more of a mess time line wise. Ill just say this, fossilization takes 10,000 years. The time between prometheus and alien is 30 years. The original alien movie gave us enough information to know that what prometheus and covenant have done is screw things up in much the same way lucas screwed up star wars.

The hate for most people isnt about the lack of xenomorph, its the lack of plot. The lack of interesting characters and their development. Scott is able to craft a scene and create worlds like very few people can, but when the script isnt there, its just not there not matter how vivid the world is that scott shows us.


i could not disagree more. loved the plot, loved the characters. david in particular was spectacular.

it left questions open, so what? wasn't there supposed to be a prometheus 2?

"Alien covenant brings more questions to bare which I wont mention for the sake of those that havent seen it, but its just more of a mess time line wise. Ill just say this, fossilization takes 10,000 years. The time between prometheus and alien is 30 years. The original alien movie gave us enough information to know that what prometheus and covenant have done is screw things up in much the same way lucas screwed up star wars. "

no offense, but that's the kind of "purist points" that i can not take seriously as a major criticism for a film or series itself. it is a valid "goof", but that's about it.


Open questions I hear you say, yet those questions will never be answered. Lets be honest you like the premise, but the plot is dog shit. proto humans turn up to seed life on earth then comes back a few dozen times for a visit and leaves the same map to wmd storage moon at various locations around earth? If they had left a map to their homeworld, sure Id buy that. But why would they come back at all? No answer, and now never getting an answer.

The characters were uninteresting. They spent the movie explaining the plot to themselves. There was no great character development. What was the point of vickers for example? As a character she did nothing to advance the plot. Also dumb death. In fact they all were. Thats a cute alien cobra thing, Ill just pet it. Im not here to make friends, but do you wanna get lost in the caves together even though Im geologist and have been mapping the tunnels with my balls? Im a captain that loves christmas and banging chicks I think might be robots. The list goes on. They were not great characters. David might have been good, but he wasnt explored nearly enough. And his reasoning for the doing the things he does are left very vague. Was he doing what he was doing for himself, or because wayland told him too? STOP READING HERE IF YOU HAVENT SEEN COVENANT YET!!!!!!! In the first 2 minutes of covenant we find out david just has daddy issues, and a superiority complex. Thats it. No driving force for his actions other than his hatred for the fact he was made by an inferior species that treated him like a pet.

Just because theres supposed to be a sequel doesnt excuse lazy writing. They had the opportunity to give us something when they woke up the big guy. Some kind of conversation that gave answers to the questions in this film, but brought more questions to be answered in the next film. TBC


As for the goofs. Its not so much that theres goofs, so much as its shoehorning too much in and in the process make a mess of what come before. The idea that the space jockey and that ship had sat there for thousands of years was part of its mystery. Now you say goof, but as I said I didnt get into it for the sake of spoilers but I will here to address it. So once again STOP READING IF YOU HAVENT SEEN COVENANT!

Right so as I said fossilisation takes 10,000 years. Dallas said that the space jockey was fossilised, and that HIS BONES had been bent outwards. Now david creates the aliens we know and love today. He stays on the engineers homeworld and splices his way to the "perfect organism". By the end of that film that takes place 20 years before alien the covenant and david are off and away from the engineers homeworld which begs the question how could there be an engineers ship full of thousands of eggs thats been sitting there for thousands of years with a pilot that had something burst from his chest? Its not just a goof, its not me being a purist its simple logic. You cant have a ship full of alien eggs when the person that created the eggs isnt there, and all space jockeys are dead and wouldnt be flying ships anyway no matter if it was 10,000 years ago or 10.

Prometheus and covenant are both guilty of shoehorning plot points in no matter the cost to whats already happened. They are not just goofs, they are akin to C3PO not knowing that darth vader made him, or that vader forgot he made him or that obiwan has no memory of his best friends droid(r2d2) that helped them countless times during 3 movies and two kids tv shows.


As a film on its own, without connecting at all to the Alien franchise, this film is somewhat fine. Some of the writing for the characters is stupid, but overall the film can work on its own. There are a LOT of unanswered questions, but the film was banking on a sequel, so I guess that should have been expected, if it was promoted as its own individual movie. It wasn't though; most people who went into this movie were expecting a direct prequel to Alien. For Alien fans, they knew that this script was originally designed to lead up to the events of the first Alien, and the film was promoted as such, guaranteeing answers to questions they've had since the first Alien and Jame Cameron's Aliens:

Where did the derelict ship come from? What caused it to crash?
What and who are the space jockeys?
How did the space jockey die?
Why was the derelict carrying the eggs? What were the eggs used for?
How was the life-cycle for the Xenomorph created?
Was the Queen from Aliens born from the same cycle as regular Aliens or was it created through other means?
Did the Queen chest-burst out of the Space Jockey?

The initial shooting script, Alien: Engineers, did answer most of these questions, but Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof came in and rewrote it, to make the film act like its own, saying they didn't want to nod heavily on the first Alien film. Yet, in the final version released to theaters, they did. The film is trying to act like its own original property, yet has nods to the original Alien in there, and confusing audiences as to whether or not if its supposed to be answering the questions from the original or not. That's where the hate mostly comes from, from what I think personally.


I get that. That's how I felt about Rogue One, honestly.

After being so pumped when I went to the theater to see what ended up being the turdfest that is Alien Resurrection, I think my bar was set super low. I didn't even watch the trailer or read about it before I went in, so I wasn't expecting aaaaaaanything. I also kind of liked that it left me thinking about wtf did i just watch, lol. But of course, I am getting super tired of the sequel set-up... I mean, it's so transparent at this point!


A lot of people are fans of Aliens... they like a more action, family oriented movie with nice characters who they can "relate" to... these are the fans who were so upset when Alien 3 [spoiler]killed off newt and hicks in the begining of the movie [/spoiler]...

These fans dont really like sci-fi or horror movies... they just want another alien movie with their favourite buglike alien and happy family hero characters... they're not interested in nuance, in ideas, or in the terryfing indifference of the universe to man... they ultimatly dont want to be upset or challenged and prefer that a movie makes everything ok..

Its an infantile way of looking at movies... but its very common


The hate comes from the squandered potential with every scene and character. This film is a hasty bare bones draft version of what it could have been. It's a very frustrating watch.


Fantastic movie!


Yea I've learned to eventually accept the film. Can't do anything about it now.

For the love of god the Space jockeys arn't supposed to be humanoid they were "grown out of the fu*king chair".

Perhaps I'm not fully over it.


Ha! Doesn't sound like you are! πŸ˜‰
