Favourite Quotes?

So, what is everybody's favourite quotes from the film.

Mine has to be when Oliver sits down with Jordana's parents for christmas dinner and his VO says,
"We sat down to have what might have been Jordana's mother's last christmas dinner, which i hope it wasn't because the turkey was a bit dry and the sprouts were soggy and out of focus"

I was laughing for about 2 minutes after that, to the point that people were staring at me. I'm going to see it again next week, hopefully to watch it with a better audience. It was , i think, the only film that i was laughing more than other people.


"To us, and a wonderful evening of lovemaking"


I decided to soften the blow with some light arson.

We don't want to be in the dark being fiddled with, thats for sure.


I liked Oliver's third reason as to why Joanna might sleep with him:

"You're bound to be disappointed so why wait?"


Just thinking about giraffes made me angry.


When Jordana knocks his door she says 'Thanks for living up a *beep* hill'


Don't ask me how, but just know that I'm more powerful than ever.


There are so many. Some of those not yet mentioned:

"I can only assume the subject of wife swapping was raised and dad didn't feel emotionally ready."

"He probably makes sure that all of his prospective sex partners are salon fresh before impregnating them with a ninja love-child."

"We should get in. It starts in an hour. I want to get a good seat."

"You've got to shut that $h1t down. It's fµcking ridiculous."

"Nice one, you fµck muppet."

"Fµckin' aye! You're a serial killer!"

On that last one, I could use an assist. To my American ears it sounded like "Fµckin' A" (as in "Office Space" when they're cleaning up after the Initech fire), but the subtitles have it as "Fµcking hell".

Burt Reynolds is my spirit guide. -- Sterling Malory Archer


Has imdb always converted S-bombs and F-bombs into "*beep*"'s ? Maybe I've never tried to use one in a post, but it feels very "Walt Disney". I found no specific mention about language in the board FAQ's. Please send a link along if anyone is aware of one. Thanks.


"Thanks for living up a *beep* hill."


These two are paraphrased because they were a bit long for me to memorize verbatim.
Oliver: If Dad and I were in danger in different directions but at equal distances from you and you could only rescue one of us, which would it it be?
Mom: I'd rescue you but I'd feel bad for your father.
Oliver: If Mom and I were in danger in different directions but at equal distances from you and you could only rescue one of us, which would it it be?
Dad: I'd rescue your mother on the hope that working as a team we'd have a better chance at rescuing you.

I love how neither of them needed to think about it even a second before answering. Oliver seemed to be perfectly satisfied with both answers. I also liked that his father used the Kobiyashi Maru technique.
