Favourite Quotes?

So, what is everybody's favourite quotes from the film.

Mine has to be when Oliver sits down with Jordana's parents for christmas dinner and his VO says,
"We sat down to have what might have been Jordana's mother's last christmas dinner, which i hope it wasn't because the turkey was a bit dry and the sprouts were soggy and out of focus"

I was laughing for about 2 minutes after that, to the point that people were staring at me. I'm going to see it again next week, hopefully to watch it with a better audience. It was , i think, the only film that i was laughing more than other people.


I can't remember the quotes word for word, but there was the bit where he'd slipped the note under his mother's door and she was cross with him and he said he and his father had been talking about their relationship - "He still finds you attractive and wants to make love to you." I don't think that's exactly what he said, but I thought it was hysterical.

There were many moments I found brilliantly funny, but I'll need to watch the film a few more times for me to remember them verbatim and, believe me, I intend to!


When the dad rang the pothole complaints hotline. And recognised the person on the end of the phone. Brilliant!

Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of silly persons!


I thought the film was extremely funny. I havent been in a cinema where so many people laughed at most of the jokes. It was touching that so many found the same jokes humorous.

I saw it twice and the atmosphere was the same both times.


'Avin a wank? Get out.

Aye mate, you seen Taxi Driver?


Olivers letters had me cracking up

"And as I sip on my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in..." - Silky Johnson


"The house. On Thursday. The house is empty. On Thirsday. It's an empty house"

"I've also included some break-up songs towards the end, just in case things don't work out. Which, obviously, you know, that isn't the aim, though, I'm gonna tell you, it is likely."

And as said above, Oliver's letters were damn funny.
"Let me rediscover your sweet spot"


I liked the "during a routine search of my parents bedroom..." bit =)


Surely it has to be the one where he wakes up after being found in Grahams house and his parents tell him its all alright, "Graham was upset so your mum gave him a handjob" or something like that. Very deadpan.


"is it self harm?" "no why would i punch myself in the eye"
that whole bit is hilarious


"Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen"


[after being resurrected]

" don't ask how just know i'm more powerful than ever "

killed me, i had to pause the dvd from laughing



"My mum gave a handjob to a mystic."

