MovieChat Forums > Lovelace (2013) Discussion > Linda Lovelace was obviously a liar

Linda Lovelace was obviously a liar

This movie is based on Linda Lovelace's "autobiography" that was written in the early 1980's when she was embracing a idealogy I call "victim feminism". This almost completely discredited idealogy, which most self-respecting women and even most feminists, would probably consider insulting today, basically supposes women have no free will, so if they end up working as strippers, porn stars, prostitutes, etc., it MUST BE because they were forced into it by men. Worse, Lovelace wasn't even sincere about this. She only became a "feminist" some years AFTER she failed to parlay her infamy from "Deep Throat" into main street celebrity.

Of course, some women ARE forced into prostition, but she was the only mainstream porn star to claim this, and strangely she never did so in the early 70's when she was at the height of her minor fame and had lots of mainstream exposure. Instead she started a revue in Las Vegas and made "Linda Lovelace for President". Her stories are also contradicted by everyone she ever "worked" with back then--Harry Reems, Gerardo Damiano, Thora Birch's mom--many of whom are not otherwise still friendly with the porn industry. She's also contradicted herself numerous times. She allegedly took a polygraph at her publisher's request after this book came out, but if THAT story is even true, the machine probably exploded or she passed it only because she was a sociopath.

It's not hard to believe she was in an abusive relationship with her then-husband Chuck Traynor, but then she turned around and made outrageous claims about mild-mannered director Gerardo Damiano holding a gun to her head. This is typical "victim feminism"--instead of blaming ONE man and assigning ANY responsibility to a woman for her poor romantic choices, they blame some kind of "patriarchal" male conspiracy, even though the larger "patriarchy" back then was definitely against women being in porn. Moreover, that was a strange time when porn was largely still illegal, but porn stars were quasi-celebrities; porn producers were outlaws flying under the radar, yet there were probably thousands of liberated young hippie girls willing to go all the way on screen (it was the height of the Sexual Revolution). And in the midst of all this, a large conspiracy of people chose to risk kidnapping rape and felony menacing charges (a gun to the head) to force one, only marginally attractive woman to make a porno movie? Pardon the pun, but this whole story is VERY hard to swallow.


Damn right Laz!

I'm a proud male feminist: I believe in the equality of women and that dictates that they are not little children/undeveloped pseudo adults who are powerless to the exploitation by men and certain power structures (like the porn industry) because of their supposed mental/emotional/psychological inferiority but are their own self actualizing free agents and authentic adults on the very same level by any measure as men. It is utterly repugnant to treat/view women as if they are less than this, that they are often "victims", especially in the name of feminism. That is blatantly in direct contradiction to feminism and degrades the status of females.

Also, women, uh, enjoy sex. And some truly desire to be porn stars and are very happy and psychologically healthy with this career choice. Only in repressed societies do woman have to feel badly about enjoying sex, so much so that the guilt they feel over doing so or becoming a porn star drives them to play the "victimhood" get out of jail free card.

The real culprit of Lovelace's psychological stress was the sexually repressed society stemming from the harmful patriarchal religious outlook that makes so many think of something as wholesome and wonderful as enjoying sex as something bad and sinful. She wasn't of sufficient independent mental spirit to overcome this anti-life draconian nonsense in the end (and that has nothing to do with her sex! many males can't enjoy sex because they feel guilty about it), she didn't posses a healthy enough ego to not care about what society thought of her actions.

This whole movie was morally repugnant because it is anti-woman and also must have been written by a sexual repressed loser and funded by the anti-woman and anti-life fundamental religious traditions. Lovelace was no victim (and again most women are not victims just as most men are not) and she was not some innocent naive girl: she loved sex, loved what she did (including bestiality which is a lot more common than most know), spent years doing it, and did a lot of drugs as well...then denied it all later and blamed others because she bought into the unhealthy attitudes about sex too much of the repressed US holds and lacked the intellectual honesty and strength of character to just "blame" herself (for doing nothing wrong in the real world, but only in her mind and the mind of other unhealthy people). That is the real tragedy here, that she couldn't embrace what is morally justified and psychologically healthy: that sex in any form, whether private or public, between consenting adults is a good and life affirming thing, not something corrupt, sinful, immoral, or anything otherwise.

So lovely to see another anti-female/anti-sex movie; again I'm offended as a proud male feminist and rational/psychologically healthy person.

PS: About nothing in this movie was accurate, even a brief look at Wiki will tell you that.


^Agreed. She was a compulsive liar who enjoyed what she did. When her 15minutes of fame was over, she tried her hands at other stuff, but it didn't work. Then, she decided once she met and married her new husband and wanted to have children, that instead of being honest about her past, she would totally lie about it and not take any responsibility for HER choices. I find it fascinating that people forget that Vanessa Del Rio was in this movie also. It was her first I believe. She had a very good long running career. Never blamed anyone for her choices yet no one has asked her about working with Lovelace and her husband from what I know. I would love to hear it from someone who has actually met and worked with them what their relationship was like. Of course, behind closed doors we will never know the truth, but infront of the camera Linda loved her work. She wanted to be famous, but the movie became bigger than she would. Other stars in the movie also did a lot better. I feel for Linda's children. To have a mother who lied about everything in her past to make herself look better and we all know the truth. She was full of crap. And the beastiality really got me unnerved. It's disgusting. That dog could not defend itself and yet she willingly did it. How do you tell your children about that kind of horrific stuff. Poor dog.


"The poor dog??????" Hahahahahahahahaha!

Did Lovelace bite the dog's penis off or something? do you really think THE DOG gave a crap that some woman was playing with it's genitals? Are worried that THE DOG'S life was ruined by the experience?? That maybe it became addicted to crack and turned to prostitution to deal with the emotional pain inflicted upon it? Your comment is one of the most ludicrous things i have ever read on here! Lets just hope that dog got himself to a good Beverley Hills psychiatrist to help him deal with the humiliating violation to his doggie balls.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Clearly you didn't read that post after you submitted it.


I believe that she was abused by her boyfriend and then husband. I also think that he forced her to have sex with men. I do believe she was in porn under her own free will. Be it being damaged or not from previous things that happened in her life. I think she wanted this to make her a star and for a short time it did and when that star faded she denounced her adult career. From what I know about her lie detector questions it doesn't really delve into her being forced into porn but more so being afraid of her husband, and that he beat her, and also forced her to have sex with other men. My thoughts are that her husband was a bad man, no doubt, but he late married Marilyn chambers who he managed, and stayed married to for a decade. I don't recall hearing any horror stories from her about him.


I have to agree with most of the people here who say you can't believe everything Linda said once she became an anti-porn activist. This movie is quite interesting though as they show both sides of the story.

The true story lies somewhere in the middle though. Did Chuck beat and abuse Linda when they were together, I have no doubt that he did. Did he force her into doing porn movies. Perhaps but I think she was more willing to do it than the second half of this movie showed (that is based on accounts from people on the set that said Linda was much more relaxed and energetic about her scenes when Chuck wasn't there).

As others have said. I believe that Linda was pissed that she didn't get any mainstream success after Deep Throat and once she left Chuck she fell into the anti-porn feminist crowd and they convinced her that she was forced into the industry against her will.


i am sorry but almost everyone hated chuck and most people said that he was very abusive to her


Please look up feminism, this goes againist what it is all about.


I believe that she wanted fame and she did want to be a star and I think the stardom that came after the movie was something she genuinely enjoyed. I think she probably exagerated her story to make it seem like she was against pornography from the very beginning but she was extremely young at a time when women had a smaller voice. They were products of their husbands an she came from a family who taught her to do as her husband asked.

I think she was very naive and married this guy who found it easy to manipulate her into doing things in the beginning. She was probably happy to do them as well to please him. But I ccan tell you the porn industry today is still sketchy and it was even worse back then. So I dont find it hard to believe that it wasnt just her husband holding a gun to her head. There are still women today willingly signing on to do porn and walking into a dangerous situation where they are raped against their will. Just because a woman agrees to do porn, or dances naked on a stage, or even takes money for sexual favors doesnt make her a blow up doll someone can use and abuse. They still deserve a level of respect.

I cant say whats true and what isnt true, I do think there was a part of her in the beginning that was ok with doing the porn film but I do believe she was heavily abused, manipulated and pushed beyond her limits until she broke and finally got out. She probably felt she had to say that she was against it all from the beginning because had she said she quite enjoyed being a pornstar at the time everyone would have turned round and said she deserved to be raped, she deserved to be abused because shes a slut...thats how women were treated back then. If they wore short skirts, dressed a little risque, flirted incessantly they deserved what they got/ People still have that mindset over women today who get raped down back alleys or outside clubs and just because they are wearing a short dress they deserve what they get. Its disgusting.

There is no blame on any woman who marries an abusive man unknowingly. You cant know that the man your marrying is an abusive nut job and its not as simple as to get out straight away sometimes, they are very good at manipulating you into believing its your fault.I know ive been in such a relationship and luckily I got out when I did because I found out some years later the girl he was with after me didn't leave and she ended up hospitalized nearly dead. Its not easy. Theres that fear of what they ight do if you leave, because you see theres nothing left for that person to loose. And even if they dont kill you or hurt you for leaving, theres been cases of long term stalking well after the relationship has ended. These men and women because women can be abusive the same way too, are just that sick minded they shouldnt be allowed to walk around in the light of day! But anyways I dont like the mindset of the woman or the man whose been abused having to take responsibility. No they dont because they are a victim of a crime nothing more. Theres no responsibility on them unless they knew the person was violent and married them because they wanted to be abused then they would have to take responsibility for that, but who in the world wants to be abused?

<3Every great dream begins with a dreamer<3



This movie is based on Linda Lovelace's "autobiography" that was written in the early 1980's when she was embracing a idealogy I call "victim feminism". This almost completely discredited idealogy, which most self-respecting women and even most feminists, would probably consider insulting today, basically supposes women have no free will, so if they end up working as strippers, porn stars, prostitutes, etc., it MUST BE because they were forced into it by men. Worse, Lovelace wasn't even sincere about this. She only became a "feminist" some years AFTER she failed to parlay her infamy from "Deep Throat" into main street celebrity.

That can't be stated often enough when commenting about Lovelace. Her entire stance is a crock.


I read the book when it came out, and I found it compelling. At the time I believed it. But now, not so sure. Apparently, though, she passed a couple polygraph tests. That should count for something. And if it means anything else, I think the movie believes her.


Polygraphs aren't reliable though, that's why they aren't allowed as evidence in court. The reason for this is because if someone truly believes that what they are saying is true, the polygraph will show that they are telling the truth. So if Linda convinced herself that she was a victim and was forced into that life, then the polygraph would show that she was being truthful.


I have seen an interview with Chuck Trainer and he did seem to confirm Linda's version of events.

"I'm entitled. Simple. End of.."
