You just proved my point. It's only the language and boobs that make it R. If you think that improves quality I think you need to see a psychiatrist.
How did he prove your point? EVERY SINGLE FILM HE LISTED
DID NOT have boobs or sex in it and still got an R for violence. Hell, he did just say that only one
Saw movie out of 7 had nudity (I assume he's talking about
Saw III where it shows a woman hanging nude in front of a freezer in one of the traps in that movie) in it for all of 5 minutes, meaning
none of the other
Saw movies had ANY nudity in them and they still got an R! Hell, like I said,
Saw VII/Saw 3D was going to be NC-17 because of the violence, same with the original
RoboCop. HTF does one say "violence doesn't bump a rating to R" when it explicitly bumped several movies to f'ing
NC-17 ratings in the past?
Again, answer me this question: do you
honestly believe
Saving Private Ryan and
Black Hawk Down would get dropped from near NC-17 ratings to PG-13 if they took out all the "bad language" and whatnot, but kept the insane levels of violence and gore as is? It even says on the MPAA rating board that graphic violence (keyword:
GRAPHIC) denotes an R-rating.
And no, TV-14 is not necessarily equitable with PG-13, see
The Following or
The Walking Dead. For example,
The Walking Dead TV show is TV-14, but TWD videogame is rated M which is always equitable to an R. That's only if it's a low to mid TV-14, a high TV-14 or low TV-MA is essentially R and a high TV-MA is NC-17.