MovieChat Forums > Frasier (2023) Discussion > Enjoyed it more the second time.

Enjoyed it more the second time.

I ended up watching the first two eps again when they aired on CBS. I felt they actually flowed better on tv with commercial breaks. And the little behind the scenes clips added a nice saucy layer of nostalgia. Picked up on a few jokes I missed the first time around. So like the original show, there's still some nice subtlety in the writing. Watched it with my sister and was quite surprised by the aspects of the show she enjoyed. Things I found dull or annoying were quite amusing to her. Always nice to get the perspective of the opposite sex. Actually enjoyed David this time around. His character actually has the most potential to be interesting. I have to assume the actor playing Freddy has mostly done stage work prior to this? He's very shouty and theatrical with all his delivery. I'm sure he'll get a handle on that moving forward. Main thing missing in the show is Frasier's job. I really hope they fill that element in with him teaching the students.


And since I obviously suffer from memory lapses I'll rewatch too.
Based on an old joke:
You get to know new (old) episodes every day! 😳​


I want to like it. I'm trying. The first go-round was one of my all-time favorite shows. The big change is the original writers are gone and it has me receiving these new episodes in a tepid manner.


Yep. I read through the credits this time too. All new. Not sure how many eps Burrows is sticking around for. Being 82 i'm guessing that might have been it.


OK I got through the first two. Some things I noticed: Frasier is calmer and not as uptight, which IMO takes away from the comedy a bit. In the first show the majority of the laughs came from watching Frasier and Niles in their pretentious world and the juxtaposition of their father's simpler life added some. In the new one the only anal-retentive is Frasier and it seems kinda lonely. The writing is not as smart, but it can be funny and I sorta like some of the new characters.

I dunno if this is true for anyone else but minus most of the pretentious parts I'm not unlike Frasier and Niles which makes it funnier for me. I don't drink sherry though.


Me too, I so want to like it.
I think I'm watching mostly for nostalgia reasons.


Me too I think. If it's good but not great, and departs from what we understand of Frasier is it still acceptable? I dunno
