Rank the three

I think I would rank the movies as such

Pitch Black

Even though Riddick is more or less a complete re-hash of Pitch Black, I enjoyed it more than Chronicles of Riddick, which seemed like "let's make this guy do as many cool things as possible"


Pitch Black (8.5/10)- An enjoyable mix of Alien and John Carpenter's The Thing. I love the suspense and the colorful cast that makes it rise above most sci-fi/action movies released during the late 90's-early 2000s.

Chronicles of Riddick (7.5/10) - That rating is for the Director's Cut which I feel makes the film more complete. While the Lord Marshall's a weak villain, I give the film points for ambition and taking the series in a new direction. I also enjoy Diesel's interactions with Nick Chinlund's Toombs. A very underrated sequel, IMO.

Riddick (6/10)- I like the first act where Riddick's stranded and has to fend off vicious creatures and befriends the alien dog, but overall the film feels like a rehash of the first film just with new creatures. The supporting characters are bland and whereas in the first two films, Riddick was shown to be vulnerable, here he gets out of scrapes too easily and you never feel like he's in danger. I found the final battle anticlimactic; they could have had a big boss monster to fight, but instead just more of the alien scorpions from the start?

*Dark Fury (6.5/10) - A fun little side adventure that's set between the first two films.


Pitch black

Strangely, when i first watched pitch black years ago, i found it okay. After watching Riddick, i again watched it and found it better than last time i viewed it.


1. Pitch Black (10/10) - First one I seen and nothing but love for it. Because of this movie, this franchise is one of the few I keep watch for in the news and updates.

2. Chronicles (9/10) - I think my mouth was hanging open during the whole movie. Loved it almost as much as I did Pitch Black. Maybe even as much.

3. Riddick (6/10) - Was good, but was a rehash of Pitch Black. Planet of water creatures instead of darkness creatures. It did not continue the story.

The only movies I really even look forward to are the next two that I expect from this franchise. IMO this is the best character Vin Diesel has ever played. Probably ever will play. FF would be a close second. I know, I might be in the minority on this, but it is truly how I see it.


Yeah, I "seen" Pitch Black in theaters when it came out, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then when Chronicles came out, I saw it in theaters as well and enjoyed it, but not as much as the first. I didn't see Riddick in theaters, but rented it as soon as it came out on DVD. It was okay, but clearly a rehash of the first film, but with weaker characters, dialogue and alien monsters. So I would rate it as Pitch Black, Chronicles, then Riddick. The series seems to get worse as it goes along. If they do a 4th film though, they probably shouldn't wait almost a decade again, like they did between Chronicles and Riddick.



I figure I'll rank the franchise.
Pitch Black - 10/10
Chronicles (Theatrical) - 8/10
Chronicles (Director's Cut) - 10/10
Riddick - 8/10
Dark Fury - 8.5/10
Escape From Butcher Bay - 10/10
Assault On Dark Athena - 6/10

"Wasn't Einstein German?"
"Hard to tell from his accent, Russ."


where's ur list of kiddie porn, cracka


Even though Riddick is more or less a complete re-hash of Pitch Black, I enjoyed it more than Chronicles of Riddick, which seemed like "let's make this guy do as many cool things as possible"

I agree with your comment, EpsilonX, but my ranking would probably be a smooth downhill slope, in order of release. I agree that Riddick is a better film overall than Chronicles, not least for the reason you give, but here's my problem with it:

Twohy said it was meant to be the resuscitator of the franchise, and it didn't achieve that. I'm puzzled that, given Twohy and Diesel focussed their pre-publicity for Riddick on the character's fanbase, and essentially begged for the opportunity (and the money!) to show that the story was worth pursuing, they would choose to make a retread, unaccountably dodging away from the main narrative that the previous film established to splash about in a side-pool, with only enough of a nod to the Necromonger arc to keep it on life-support. Kinda.

If it was meant to creat an imperative to see more Riddick flicks, then for me it failed. It may have put some funding in the coffers for another film, but (for me, anyway) at the expense of killing the interest. I rate Pitch Black fairly highly among recent(ish) sci-fi flicks, but I started to rewatch Riddick recently and turned it off about 30 minutes in. At this point, I'm not even sure I'll bother with Furia, because I'm not sure I care about any more Riddick backstory.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Pitch Black (Unrated)
Riddick (Theatrical)
Chronicles (Neither and/or Both)

My preferred version of Chronicles is one I saw on HBO or Showtime once. It was a combination of sorts of the theatrical and unrated. Got rid of the visions of the Furyan dame, the "Hadoken", and I think it also removed the female merc trying to diddle Riddick in his sleep. Kept the Keep What You Kill ending. Can't remember what other details it might have had, but I enjoyed it better than other versions.

Thit and thpin!


All directors cuts...

Pitch Black
