When did the show lose you?

I enjoyed the first 4 seasons a lot. Great characters, fun storylines. However, it lost me in season 5. I don't know if it was cos I was burned out of the show or I just got really boring.

Anyway, I was curious when did the show lose you if it did?

Should I try get back into the show? Is season 5/6/7 better?


After Elena/Nina Dobrev left.

In fact, the last season I watched is the one where Caroline's mom died from cancer.


Got bad in Season 3. 4 and 5 I thought were bad. Got better in 6, enjoyed 7. 8 was a trainwreck.

Overall while it had moments, I would never rewatch this series


i think i only got through the first season.

it looked OK but i think the vampire shtick just got old..


I think it was season 3.


Day 1. Give me True Blood any day of the week.


I stayed with it until the end. It had its ups and downs, but the good outweighed the bad. Overall, I enjoyed it and was satisfied with the series finale.


1-4 very good
5 bad
6 good
7 meh


