Diane or January?

More appealing ice-blonde?

I think January is more consistent and never veers into scary territory like Diane, but the latter in top form is more striking and pristinely beautiful.





this is a tough one as both are beautiful but for some reason I like Diane a little bit more. It's too bad there wasn't a scene where they actually say something to each other. who knows maybe in a deleted scene or something.



January is to Diane as Ford Mustang is to BMW M3. Both are nice but one is obviously a lot better.


Diane. Both are stunning, though. I think January's character on Mad Men is the reason I choose Diane, simply because Betty Draper annoys me.

The easiest way to validate your own opinions is by agreeing with everyone else.


Both hot as ****

but i prefer Diane, hottest girl on earth


Diane can actually act, which puts her ahead of January, who can't. Plus, she's more beautiful (which didn't get shown off in this movie).


Nice, nice, u guys definitely have good taste!

So summa sumarum 95 % prefer DIANE KRUGER, because she isnt only stunning beautifull, a kinda porcelain like German beaty - she ALSO can act and transfer herself into different characters - a so called "pretty good actress"!

Well January is pretty aswell, but lets be honest, thats it simply.
My favorite role af Diane is as Helen in Troy, cause we got some nice body shots right there ! ;)

I bet she´ll get a lot of more complicated and respected roles in the near future, really looking forward to this!


Well IMO there is no wrong answer since they are both beauty given form. That stated...Diane Kruger all the way.

"Time is the fire in which we burn"



If Diane is an icy blonde, then January is dirty yellow slush.


yellow snow.

PLUS I just got to see the dumb tramp get blown all to pieces! Best part of the movie.


When I watched the preview I thought Diane was his wife! She said "How did you find me?"-and I assumed it was January Jones character until I saw the movie...



I find January having a very adorable personalty and its very uncanny for a person that looks like a very mature person.


January Jones all day long.
