Diane or January?

More appealing ice-blonde?

I think January is more consistent and never veers into scary territory like Diane, but the latter in top form is more striking and pristinely beautiful.


Im not trying to troll or be different, i really mean it when i say Eva Lobao. ( Nurse Gretchen )

Eva's more feminine than the other two, January Jones looks like she'd do best as Hick in a Cowboy movie, and Diane Kruger as Hitler Youth.

Darkness lies an inch ahead


Guys we are talking about beauty here why are you bringing their acting skills into this??
Diane is much more beautiful in an obvious sort of way. January is cute, but Diane is beautiful.



Diane, easily. I don't find January attractive, and I think Diane is beautiful... even though I hate her a little bit for getting to be with Pacey for all those years! 


Diane easily. JJ plays the spoiled, snotty brat just a little too convincingly




Very tough choice as both are insanely gorgeous but I think Diane just shades it
