MovieChat Forums > Taken 2 (2012) Discussion > The embassy scene didnt make sense

The embassy scene didnt make sense

It really didn't make sense that he would tell his daughter to crash the US Marines checkpoint. He knew they would open fire on the car possibly hitting his daughter,, and the car possibly kill or injure US personnel. What did he really have to gain from doing this? He lost the tail on him at the train track. Even if there was another guy gaining on him, if he just pulled up to the checkpoint and stopped, its not like 2-3 guys with pistols were going to open fire at the car with a bunch of armed US Marines standing there.
The much more realistic scenario would be him pulling up to the checkpoint, identifying themselves as Americans, and saying 'watch my daughter, I have to rescue my wife who's been kidnapped by criminals"


What had me scratching my head was how someone could crash through an embassy baracade and then be out on the streets within 5 minutes. What, no interrogation, shadowing by current CIA or military personnel concerned about a loose cannon shooting up the streets of an allied country?


Maybe it has something to do with his friends from the first movie.

Bryan calls him, he probably knoes someone from the Embassy. The rest, you know...


Yes, that scene hurts the credibility of the film overall.


That is the only thing that does not make sense to you? There are so many major plot holes in this movie that I don't even care about the detailed ones.

1. Bryan practically stalking the guy's house and legally his wife and child, a multi-millionaire have no security system to even warn him? Well, that’s fine, I am not looking for a dramatic scene but actions, forgivable.

2. The set up of the movie is shown in the trailer. That kind of kill the mood. Sorry, I have to make some complaint about this, albeit the set up does not really show plot hole. It is a simple theme anyway.

3. Everything start to go wrong here: their kidnapping is ok, until he calls daughter. So no one will take advantage or warning that he was calling his daughter (or might be someone else, they did not know that). After that, the counting was pretty cool though.

4. Hiding in the closet? Come on. I doubt my ears when I hear it, I thought the closet has a special lock or something, but turn out that it is just a plain closet.

5. The whole daughter finding them scene. Throw grenades on the roof? It was like OMG, when I watch it. I can tell you countless soldiers in army threw the pin out rather than the grenades and blew their hand off, that is why there are practices before using the real grenades. The map navigation thing, discounting she might be panicking, that skill actually require 10 hours of training and there will be an exam for that to do it properly. I guess it is in her gene.

6. He was talking to a phone about 1.5 foot from him and the guard outside cannot hear it…echo much in that room?

7. I would chain a harmless women and tied up a professional agent with plastic band and a dungeon full with edges and no tie on his feet.

8. Just one guard outside on his jail? Knowing he is important and extremely dangerous.

9. A driver without a license (or even much experience) driving like that without vitally crashing into anything.

10. The embassy thing you pointed out. I might add that there were no one chasing them at that point for about 1 mile.
11. They used the same line so much in this movie that is ridiculously inappropriate.

12. The scale of the first movie is better than this one is ridiculous.

The rest of the movie is just like the first one, which is actually fine. As long as I don’t feel it is ridiculous, I can just enjoy the action. I may still point out a few plot hole that is ridiculous but I probably missed during my toilet break.

I actually still recommend this movie to people. The pace is still fast, the action is still decent and Liam is still cool. Just the first movie is so much better than this one.


Don't forget about infinite bullets :)

Sorry for my bad English


in Turkey there is no US marine waiting at the gate of the Embassy! this is not Iraq for god's sake...


Marines do security at most US Embassies. I don't know if they have armed checkpoints but they are at least inside the embassies.


This is not possible in Turkey. Any embassy of a foreign country is protected by Turkish Police. You can not place your soldiers to protect your embassy in another country. This is really funny.
And the Turkish Police has nothing to do with the way they were depicted in this movie, driving 40 year old cars, not hearing grenade explosions in the middle of one of the world's largest metropolitans.
Taken 1 was good but Taken 2 is a disappointment.


Nonsense. What exactly do you think the Marine detachment do at embassies around the world?

They guard the *beep* embassy, dude. They just stay within the boundaries, that is all. Outside is by the local police, as you noted.

Unless your misunderstanding is that you think the property line ends at the physical compound itself, rather than extending further out to allow a perimeter line to be established.

Though I do agree that the threat level in Turkey may not justify such elaborate security, but then again, America does have many security threats.


It would have been a good idea. He could have dropped her off, when the Marines came over he would had said, "Here's my daughter. I have to go rescue my wife!" and take off!




I think we all knew they were going to ram through the checkpoint, it's that kind of film. The only real sticking points for me was, after the events of the first film, Bryan didn't spend time ensuring Kim had a basic knowledge of self-defence and weaponry. That's the first thing I would have done if I were him.

"I told you, I don't want to join your super-secret boy band."~ Tony Stark to Nick Fury


Going in I thought Kim was gonna be an expert at handling herself, but she was just a normal person. Also they slightly slit the mother's throat so she would bleed out upside down (about a half hour) and then later there is no apparent wound and no blood in her hair or on her face. Lots of blood was dripping from that hood. Dumb but still entertaining movie. This is one you really can't overthink or it will drive you crazy.



When you see a car breach the parimeter and come flying up to the main steps, the first thing you expect is for the thing to be laden with explosives! So you shoot the snot out of it so it blows up before it gets to you. Once it stops, its going to be awhile before anybody comes strolling down to see whats going on. He could have made phone calls till his battery went dead, or until the robot camera came rolling over. Either way, it was a stupid risk on his behalf, absolutely reckless, and a good way to get him and his daughter snuffed. That car should have been reduced to steel flakes before it got that close.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"



You said, "Bryan didn't spend time ensuring Kim had a basic knowledge of self-defence and weaponry. That's the first thing I would have done if I were him."

I absolutely agree. In fact as a CIA agent, he probably would have made sure his wife and daughter knew the basics even before the first movie. The first "Taken" could have been a good movie, they just wouldn't be at his skill level.
Same with this movie. But even good actors can't save a project lacking in so many ways: a poor screenplay, lousy direction and simply awful editing.


She is a silly little girl. How do you propose to train her up? Given the raw material you have to deal with.


In real life they would have used a rocket launcher on the taxi long before it hit the U.S Embassy. All the terrorist bombings these days they would rather kill a few people then risk a terrorist attack.


Yeah i agree with you on that when I'm watching this movie i got confused because of that scene.
