Are Americans embarrassed by this?

I guess that there are people like this all over the world if you look hard enough, but now that this has been shown on UK TV some friends of mine (who should know better) think that this is representative of Americans as a whole.

I have been to America, and met many nice Americans, but personally I feel that this film does your country a disservice.

"Everybody in the WORLD, is bent"


If they were inbred, it would make sense, but I don't think they stayed within their gene pool, did they?

It's hard to imagine anyone would actually find them (their lifestyle etc) attractive enough to want to be connected to them.

They fulfilled almost every negative stereotype about 'hillbillies'

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."


Is there any country that doesn't have an enclave of uneducated, drug addicted, idiots?


Nah...were more embarrassed by Nobama


USA ≠ America To answer your question, no I'm not embarrassed by this.


I'm from California, there are a few "country" types here away from the more urban areas, but not to the level of this depravity. I was aghast watching this documentary as well... I was getting angry at it, actually, ha.


I think I'm more embarrassed as a human being than an American. People like this exist all over the world. There's Gypsies in Europe, warlords in Africa and the Middle East, and generally bad people on every corner of the planet.

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People like this are why we Americans are more conservative and opposed to the welfare state. I know in the UK and other European countries welfare is generous but maybe your culture is different and people have more self respect and don't abuse it as much with the exception of the foreign immigrants to your country. In the US many people have a welfare mentality and the rest of us good people recognize it which is why we oppose so much government spending on entitlements and welfare.
