Are Americans embarrassed by this?

I guess that there are people like this all over the world if you look hard enough, but now that this has been shown on UK TV some friends of mine (who should know better) think that this is representative of Americans as a whole.

I have been to America, and met many nice Americans, but personally I feel that this film does your country a disservice.

"Everybody in the WORLD, is bent"


Has anyone watched the UK show How Clean is Your House? If you believe the entire population are like those people, you would think the whole UK never cleans their houses, have about half their teeth and a week's worth of food in the beards (that's just the women)

I hope most people are smart enough to realize reality tv is the modern version of a circus freakshow you don't have to leave your house for. Most people are pretty decent law abiding people, but every country has it's low-lifes and they get more tv time.


You don't think there's people like this, or worse, in the UK? Suck it.


Not representative at all.
A White would only get about 50% of the vote if nominated for president.


"A White would only get about 50% of the vote if nominated for president.

I think you have a point....

- Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine


Are you embarrassed that you are friends with people ignorant enough to think the Whites represent America? It would be like me thinking that the movie "Snatch" or the series "Shameless" represents the Irish and/or English people. I don't generalize and neither should they. Their doing so reflects porrly on them, not Americans...


You ALMOST have a valid point, except Snatch and Shamless aren't documentaries :)


Ok, how about Swansea Love Story? I could go on but why,on your own you should have gotten the point.


Have you ever heard the saying that goes something like "Americans think 200 years is a long time; Europeans think 200 miles is a long distance"? Most of us in the United States live hundreds or thousands of miles away from West Virginia and other coalmining areas, which are often associated (probably unfairly) with rampant poverty, joblessness, et cetera. This family was featured in a documentary because they are unique and extreme. Just like it would be unfair to judge someone from the UK for the lifestyle of a family in Italy, for example, it's unfair to judge all Americans for actions taken by a single family many hundreds or thousands of miles away.


I don't know, are Brits embarrassed about the white trash family in Keeping up Appearances? The one with the car in the front yard?

"I'm verklempt, talk amongst yourselves..."


I don't know, are Brits embarrassed about the white trash family in Keeping up Appearances? The one with the car in the front yard?

You mean that fictional show, right?


I'm American and live in the northeastern part of the US. I am totally embarrassed by this documentary and all those "reality shows" out these days like Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo. I don't want the rest of the world thinking we are all a bunch of backwoods rednecks and/or white trash!!!


I take it your friends have never seen the Jeremy Kyle show. Some of the chavs on there would fit right in with the Whites if their accents were mutually intelligible. There are bottom feeders in every culture, and the US is particularly large and diverse.


America is large country filled with diverse people. However, there's no denying that probably the worst citizens of this country live in Appalachia.

