Are Americans embarrassed by this?

I guess that there are people like this all over the world if you look hard enough, but now that this has been shown on UK TV some friends of mine (who should know better) think that this is representative of Americans as a whole.

I have been to America, and met many nice Americans, but personally I feel that this film does your country a disservice.

"Everybody in the WORLD, is bent"



No. Since when does a handful of country bumpkins from West Virginia represent the nation as a whole. So many foreigners stereotype Americans when they barely know any; It's rather tiresome.


First of all, I didn't even watch the whole thing and,...

YES I am embarassed. Embarrassed that these idiots were paid money to film their lives instead of being punished for their crimes.

I am humiliated as an American and also as a West Virginian. I agree with one of the officers of Boone County. He talked about a young man who worked hard and went to MIT. He said why isn't somebody following him around with a camera instead. Why exploit the White family as first choice?

My heard ached for the mother...she did so many wonderful things. She raised so many orphans and was loved by many...even called the Miracle woman. However her own kids don't respect her. At her birthday party ( where I stopped the film) she was telling them not to smoke joints. They were making fun of her and saying that it wasn't grass. HER party turned into a porn film with snorting and smoking... it was disturbing to say the least. :-(

from a DISGUSTED West Virginian!

It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun.


ached for the mother...she did so many wonderful things. She raised so many orphans and was loved by many...even called the Miracle woman. However her own kids don't respect her.

Me too. For me she was a woman stuck in a poor situation it would seem that she raised her children, some grandchildren and I was under the impression that people (strangers) would just leave their kids with her. The shame is that they all became a wild bunch of so and so's who never learned how to respect another person.


The "wonderful" mother cleaned up the blood and hid the knife when her granddaughter stabbed her cheating boyfriend. Thus there was no evidence, and the grandaughter got away with it ...

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In the mountains family comes first above all regardless of the situation.


the poor woman thought she had to snort her medication in the hospital.


These "people" are not only an embarrassment to West Virginia, and to the United States, they are an embarrassment to the human race. Stupid, inbred losers who couldn't find their asses with both hands. They make "white trash" look cultured.


The United States is absolutely enormous, with a vast population. Anyone that sees this as representative of the entire country is ignorant themselves, and I wouldn't value their opinion.

Oh no, someone from the internet dislikes me!


Nah not really embarassed. There's scum everywhere. The current fascination seems to be with filming it. The Hills, Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, and now the Whites. All different classes, all miserable scum being televised. I think people like to watch this stuff because they can feel superior.

Aaah, buckle this.


So true. Not to mention the entire BET channel that makes all black people look ghetto where guys only care about rap and girls wear weaves and care about money. America media is crazy.


There's scum everywhere. The current fascination seems to be with filming it. The Hills, Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, and now the Whites. All different classes, all miserable scum being televised. I think people like to watch this stuff because they can feel superior.

So true. Add Teen Mom and Intervention to that list as well.


Not embarrassed by this film and anybody who actually believes all Americans are like the Whites really should get out more....

I'm American and have never encountered this degree of white trash in my whole life!

- Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine


I'm American and I had no idea that people like this actually existed. It was so depressing watching that woman snort crushed up pills while her newborn baby was laying just a few feet away.
