MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

How would you rank all 9 live action films Batman has appeared in since 1989?

Here's my ranking:

1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. The Dark Knight Rises (10/10)
3. Batman Begins (10/10)
4. Batman Returns (7/10)
5. Batman (7/10)
6. Batman v Superman (7/10)
7. Suicide Squad (7/10)
8. Batman Forever (5/10)
9. Batman & Robin (4.5/10)


1.Batman 89
2.Batman Returns
3.Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
4.The Dark Knight
5.Batman and Robin
6.Batman Forever
7.Batman 66
8.The Dark Knight Rises
9.Batman Begins


Batman Begins 10/10
Batman Returns 9/10
Batman v Superman 9/10
Batman 7/10
The Dark Knight Rises 6/0
Batman 66 6/10
The Dark Knight 5/10
Batman Forever 5/10
Batman and Robin 3/10

I don't count Suicide Squad.


Gotta respond, and afraid I disagree.

1. Batman 89 (10/10)
2. Batman Returns (9.5/10)
3. Batman Begins (9/10)
4. Suicide Squad (8/10)
5. Batman v Superman (6.5/10)
6. Batman Forever(5/10)
7. The Dark Knight (2/10)
8. Batman and Robin (1/10)
9. The Dark Knight Rises (-1/10)

Though I enjoyed Anne Hathaway's take as Catwoman, even she could not put
the Dark Knight Rises into positive numbers.


even she could not put
the Dark Knight Rises into positive numbers.

This cannot be taken seriously on any level.


#1 - Batman Forever
#2 - Batman
#3 - The Dark Knight
#4 - Batman Returns
#5 - Batman Begins
#6 - The Dark Knight Rises
#7 - Batman v. Superman
#8 - Batman & Robin
#9 - Suicide Squad

Batman: The Movie 1966 I would have ranked in between The Dark Knight & Batman Returns.

I picked Forever because it's the only one of those 9 films with Riddler, and the only one with a Robin origin story. It was also the first movie to show a glimpse of Arkham Asylum, the first to show a deeper look at Bruce's psychology and childhood (which albeit was later done better in Batman Begins). It's really like the first film that makes an attempt to understand the comic book character, whereas in Burton's movie he's a pulp vigilante who goes in for revenge and barely manages to get the approval of Gotham's public. Batman Forever steered Batman in a good direction - only for the sequel, Batman & Robin, to completely go full reverse with a cheap imitation of 1966 Batman - which then led to Nolan bringing it back in the right direction again - only for the DCEU to make Batman as homicidal and unintelligent as ever (so far).

I put Suicide Squad last obviously because Batman is in it for 2 minutes. There are short films that accomplished more with Batman than Suicide Squad did (Batman: Dead End for example).


#1 Batman 1989 (I love this movie)

#2 Batman Returns (Nothing like the source material but a visually stunning movie and I love all the characters)

#3 Suicide Squad (I don't count this as a Batman movie but this was a hell of a lot of fun!)

#4 The Dark Knight (Loved this when it first came out but the more I watch it, the less I like it)

#5 Batman Forever (Not a great movie but a great kids movie and the nostalgia factor is off the roof for me with this one!)

#6 BVS (A pretty stupid movie imo but with some entertaining parts, great visuals and nice music. It has a great atmosphere... whenever Lex isn't around)

#7 Batman Begins (I respect aspects of this movie and acknowledge it has some great things in it, but like TDK, the more I watched it, the less I liked it)

#8 Batman & Robin (The worst of them all, but depending on mood and company, can have the 'so bad its good' factor)

#9 The Dark Knight Rises (The worst cinema experience for me in recent memory. Say how well made this movie was all you want, I just found the entire thing dull and boring. While I acknowledge it is a miles ahead movie than Batman & Robin, I can at least enjoy B&R in a so bad its good manner from time to time. TDKR I'm fairly confident I will never watch again... even up to now, I've only ever seen it once)


The worst cinema experience for me in recent memory.

Someones a bit of a drama queen.

I just found the entire thing dull and boring

More so than Batman V Superman? I can't believe that, not in the slightest.


Someones a bit of a drama queen.

Everyone has a best and worst cinema experience of recent memory, even if its more than one for either. In what way does that make someone a drama queen?

More so than Batman V Superman? I can't believe that, not in the slightest.

Yes. It makes no difference to me whether you believe it or not, but I must say, it's rather troubling that you find it difficult to believe that someone probably halfway across the world who posts on imdb, who you've never met in person might find one movie duller than another just because you disagree.

Do you think that I would pretend for some reason?


1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. The Dark Knight Rises (9/10)
3. Batman Returns (8/10)
4. Batman (8/10)
5. Batman Begins (8/10)
6. Batman vs Superman (7/10)
7. Batman Forever (6/10)
8. Suicide Squad (4/10)
9. Batman & Robin (2/10)

I know people are entitled to their own opinions, but I really don't trust any opinion that doesn't put Batman & Robin at the very bottom.


1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. Batman (1989) (8/10)
3. Batman Begins (8/10)
4. The Dark Knight Rises (7/10)
5. Batman Returns (7/10)
6. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (6/10)
7. Suicide Squad (5/10)
8. Batman Forever (5/10)
9. Batman: The Movie (1966) (5/10)
10. Batman & Robin (4/10)


1. The Dark Knight 9/10
2. Batman Begins 8.5/10
3. Batman 8/10
4. Batman Returns 8/10
5. The Dark Knight Rises 7/10
6. Batman v Superman 6.5/10
7. Batman Forever 6/10
8. Suicide Squad 5/10
9 Batman & Robin 3/10
