MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

How would you rank all 9 live action films Batman has appeared in since 1989?

Here's my ranking:

1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. The Dark Knight Rises (10/10)
3. Batman Begins (10/10)
4. Batman Returns (7/10)
5. Batman (7/10)
6. Batman v Superman (7/10)
7. Suicide Squad (7/10)
8. Batman Forever (5/10)
9. Batman & Robin (4.5/10)


1. The Dark Knight - 9
2. Batman Begins - 9
3. Batman - 7
4. Batman Returns - 6
5. The Dark Knight Rises - 6
6. Batman Forever - 5
7. Batman v Superman - 4
8. Suicide Squad - 4
9. Batman & Robin - 3


(1. Batman : Mask of Phantasm (10/10) () )

1. Batman Begins (9/10)
2. Batman Returns (10/10)
3. The Dark Knight (9/10)
4. Batman v Superman (8/10)
5. The Dark Knight Rises (8/10)
6. Suicide Squad (7/10)
7. Batman (7/10)
8. Batman Forever (6/10)

9. Batman and Robin (5/10)


Batman 89
Batman Begins

I like Batman Forever as a guilty pleasure

I could live without the rest


1. Batman
2. Batman v Superman
3. Batman Returns
4. Batman Forever
5. Batman Begins
6. Suicide Squad
7. Batman & Robin
8. The Dark Knight
9. The Dark Knight Rises


Thanks for the idea!

1. Batman Returns 10/10 (one of the most misunderstood and under appreciated movies of all time)

2. Batman 10/10 (another terrific adaptation reflecting the real tone of Batman comics perfectly)

3. The Dark Knight 8/10 (dark, fresh, solid, entertaining, but overrated)

4. Batman Begins 6/10 (just an ordinary summer blockbuster. It is not different than any crowd pleaser action flick.

5. Batman and Robin 5/10 (yes so bad it is good and insanely entertaining

6. Batman vs Superman 3/10 (like a mixed soup with no salt in it. Long story)

7. Batman Forever 2/10 (loved it as a child but hated it now. A crazy movie in a bad way)

8. The Dark Knight Rises 1/10 (ohh it was awful man! Overrated by trolls and blind Nolan fans. What a rushed, sloppy and failed attempt!)

Haven't seen Suicide Squad yet.


1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. Suicide Squad (8/10)
3. Batman Begins (8/10)
4. Batman Forever (7/10)
5. The Dark Knight Rises (7/10)
6. Batman Returns (7/10)
7. Batman (6/10)
8. Batman v Superman (5/10)
9. Batman & Robin (3/10)


The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Begins
Batman Returns
Batman v Superman
Batman Forever
Suicide Squad
Batman & Robin

Are You Watching Closely? You're an idiot


The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Begins
Batman v Superman
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Batman & Robin
The Batman Movie


1.Batman Begins (By far the most superior)
2.The Dark Knight (It's no where near as good as people claim, its all hyped up due to heath ledger dying, can you believe its in the top 10 list.. absolutely ridiculous... Its above inception for god sake.
4.Batman Returns
5.Dark Knight Rises
LAST EVER. Batman V Superman (Horrid)

The Best of the Best Found Footage films! -


Come on! BvS is better than Batman and Robin at least.
