MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

Rank All Live Action Batman Movies

How would you rank all 9 live action films Batman has appeared in since 1989?

Here's my ranking:

1. The Dark Knight (10/10)
2. The Dark Knight Rises (10/10)
3. Batman Begins (10/10)
4. Batman Returns (7/10)
5. Batman (7/10)
6. Batman v Superman (7/10)
7. Suicide Squad (7/10)
8. Batman Forever (5/10)
9. Batman & Robin (4.5/10)


1.Batman Returns
2.Batman and Robin
3.Batman Begins
4.The Dark Knight
5.Batman Forever
6.Batman 89
7.Batman v Superman
8.Suicide Squad
9.The Dark Knight Rises


Curious as to what about Batman and Robin ranks it so high on your list? Do you enjoy it in a "it's so bad it's good" sorta way? Or do you think it's legitimately better than Batman Begins and The Dark Knight?

A list like this is hard for me to do because I find B&R much more enjoyable than BVS or SS, but I can recognize that it's a pretty terrible movie. I just have a thing for movies that are MST3K level bad.


I don't think it's terrible
I think it's a big budget Adam West/Brave and the Bold movie.
There's a lot of great creative visuals like the Gotham City architecture, Skeleton Gangs, etc


I think it's a big budget Adam West movie.

Haha pretty much! But my question is do you think it's really better than say Batman Begins, or do you just find it personally more enjoyable while recognizing that BB is a better film. And to be clear I'm not saying either opinion is wrong, just want to know your thoughts.

There's a lot of great creative visuals like the Gotham City architecture, Skeleton Gangs, etc

I guess it fits in with the rest of the movie but it was really over the top. The dialogue was largely terrible as well (at one point Poison Ivy actually says "curses"....whoa watch the language there Ivy). I hated the movie when it came out, but I came to enjoy it as one of those "shut your brain off type movies" later on. And that's something I never see happening for me with MOS or BVS.

Not sure if you've ever checked out Rifftrax, but you can buy a commentary track to go along with B&R and it's pretty damn hysterical.


Haha pretty much! But my question is do you think it's really better than say Batman Begins, or do you just find it personally more enjoyable while recognizing that BB is a better film. And to be clear I'm not saying either opinion is wrong, just want to know your thoughts.
I love a lot of Batman begins.
It's very funny as well. Scarecrow is done beautifully, etc etc
He's really underused though. And Raz Al Ghul isn't really my favorite villain to begin with. It's definitely the best plotted of the Nolan movies though

I guess it fits in with the rest of the movie but it was really over the top. The dialogue was largely terrible as well (at one point Poison Ivy actually says "curses"....whoa watch the language there Ivy). I hated the movie when it came out, but I came to enjoy it as one of those "shut your brain off type movies" later on. And that's something I never see happening for me with MOS or BVS.
I think it gets hyper criticized on the Internet. It wasn't meant to be serious, but silly.


Batman Returns
Batman Forever
Batman Begins
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
The Dark Knight
Suicide Squad
Batman And Robin
The Dark Knight Rises

Hoping JL skyrockets to the top.

The Hardest Thing In This World Is To Live In It


1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Batman v Superman
4. Batman
5. Suicide Squad
6. Batman Returns
7. The Dark Knight Rises
8. Batman Forever
9. Batman & Robin


Dark Knight
Batman 89
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Suicide Squad
Batman Begins
Batman and Robin
Batman vs Superman
Dark Knight Rises


Batman Returns
The Dark Knight
Batman Forever
Batman (1989)
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman & Robin


Batman Forever is pretty high up on your list. You liked it that much, huh?

Val Kilmer was probably the best Bruce Wayne/Batman combo we've had at least until Ben Afleck. Keaton was decent in both roles but I think he was a better Bruce Wayne than Batman. Clooney..... "Hi Freeze! I'm Batman" - let's not count Clooney. And Bale was also a a better Bruce Wayne than Batman.

Robin's costume wasn't bad. I kind of liked how they took the goofy classic red and green with collar and adapted it to the rubber suit style. Too bad he was only Robin for like 30 seconds. Waste of a suit.

Especially since in Batman & Robin he wore a Nightwing suit. Weird.

The villains were both awful though.


1. The Dark Knight
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman v Superman
5. Batman 89
6. Batman 66
7. Batman Returns
8. Batman Forever
9. Batman & Robin

How does it feel to be deconstructed?


You forgot Batman from 1966.


You forgot Batman from 1966.


Ranked from my favorite to worst

Batman 89
Batman V Superman
Batman Begins
Batman Returns
The Dark Knight
Batman Forever
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman & Robin

I won't rank suicide squad as batman has like 2 minutes of screen time. If he had more of a presence and way more scenes then I would
