MovieChat Forums > The Book of Boba Fett (2021) Discussion > The True Purpose of this Show

The True Purpose of this Show

I've been hearing a lot about this show on YouTube, and insiders gave information about what was going on in Lucasfilm when this series was being made. They said the set behind the scenes was a mess, but that isn't the worst part about what was going on.

See, when filming of this show first started in 2019 (and continued into 2020), Kathleen Kennedy was still in charge of Lucasfilm, and everything you saw in this show, from Boba Fett's softer, more benevolent personality change, the helmet constantly off and too much talking, to the Mod Squad, all of those were KK's ideas for the story. She was the one who made him into a goody-two-shoes buffoon, rather than the ruthless killer bounty hunter he was well-known to be. (To be fair, this story would have worked...if they had used some character that wasn't Boba Fett. The name and character were just bait to make people want to watch).

The Mandalorian scenes (which were filmed later) were all part of Favreau's work, and if you look at the two storylines side by side, you realize who had the better talent when it came to story-telling and more respect for the source material. (Yes, I know there are complaints about what happened, that's not what this thread is about).

So basically, Favreau is using this show to demonstrate to Walt Disney Studios that he's a much better producer and story-teller than that bitch Kathleen Kennedy, and shows that she never had any good ideas to start with, or the real creativity required to build onto an already established world.


This show is probably a case study in schizophrenia.


The OP is a classic study in psychosis.


Favreau definitely sounds like he has a lot more love for the source material, that's for sure. (haven't seen the show myself, but it sounds like such a mess I probably won't bother).


You Lucas acolytes are such freaks. Yes, Kennedy was in charge of all the episodes except the 2 you liked. Unreal the lengths you nutjobs go to.


That still doesn't explain why Luke was made to look like a fool... AGAIN!

Baby Yoda going back to Mando completely rendered seasons 1 and 2 of the Mandalorian pointless.

Yeah, the Mando episodes were better, but it still shows some of the shittiest writing imaginable on Favreau's end. With writing like that I'm suppose to think that that guy is going to save Star Wars?!


You thought this show was going to negate the sequels, LOL!!!


Why does Favreau have sole writing credit?


Writing credits don't mean jack squat in show biz. There are many uncredited writers out there that never get to see their name mentioned on the big (or in this case little) screen. I'm guessing the telescripts written for this show were originally written by Kathleen Kennedy's all-female writing staff (many of which are gone now).


Then why would Jon Favreau let them put his name on this tripe and sully all the goodwill he received for The Mandalorian?


Okay, I got some new info about what might have happened. Evidently Favreau brought on a director named Robert Rodriguez to do the show, because he thought he could get an ally [a non-Kathleen Kennedy drone] to help in rebuilding Star Wars, but it turns out Rodriguez had gotten really lazy and stupid in the past couple of decades.

Evidently all those bad ideas on the show were his (most notably the Mods and Boba Fett going soft), partially because he wanted to add in stuff he considered "cool," and he really misinterpreted the stuff John Favreau may or may not have written. It's like, Rodriguez really wanted to direct this particular show, and when he got it, he got really "lackadaisical" as the story goes, and wasted his golden opportunity. It got so bad that the last three episodes had to be scrapped, chopped up, re-edited, and they added in Mandalorian stuff to "salvage" what they could of it.

After this mess-up, I hear Rodriguez isn't gonna be directing anymore Star Wars shows in the near future. They're gonna minimize anything he does in Lucasfilm from now on.


Thanks for the info. I'd like to see the shooting script, to see just how different Favreau's script was from what we got.


This OP didn't share any info.

Do you not understand that the OP sources information from thirsty bums on YouTube who make shit up for clickbait, but pretend to be talking as if they were movie insiders with some kind of inside track? Nobody on YouTube is a Hollywood insider except for actual screenwriters, actors, executives, etc. who actually work for the major studios.The rest are just wannabe Hollywood insiders (Red Letter Media) or vagrants pushing out clickbait for money. It's very easy to find out in this day and age who worked on what production and then drop these names as if you were an insider who had an inside scoop.

I really pity you that you're so gullible as to believe hearsay and gossip from a Movie Chat user who himself/herself is too stupid to understand that a neckbeard on YouTube dropping names and prattling about behind behind the scenes stuff made it up for clickbait. You must be as dumb as a box of rocks.


Robert Rodriguez? Is that you?


Money. Every time you reach a point where your name gets put in the credits of a show it means you just got a little more cash in your pocket. Why do you think so many movies has more producers than actors, it isn't because they are all actually involved in production they are just thrown the producer or executive producer because they were given a bigger piece of the pie.


Hearing a lot about this show on YouTube?

Oh, look, another brain damaged feeb who takes manbabies broadcasting out of their mother's basements as gospel truth for what's going on in "the industry". Reminds me of the idiots who believe Red Letter Media and manbabies on Reddit that Bruce Willis as dementia.

The point is: nobody on YouTube knows anything. They're all unemployed vagrants with mental issues desperate for money, clickbaiting for views. They make everything up from their imagination, designed to make as much money as possible. When are idiots like you going to realize that just because an unemployed manbaby has slick production values, talks confidently about studio executives or drops film industry jargon, it doesn't mean they know jack. You're not sharing any insider information here; you're just a feeb, or what they used to call a "mark."


It's pretty common to want to do good, or at least better, in ones golden years.

Can OP show on this Baby Yoda doll where Character Development hurt her?


It doesn't fit Boba Fett's character at all. The story would have been fine if it had been anybody else. Boba Fett was a cold-blooded killer and not the type to settle down or start a "family." The Tusken raiders story sounds almost plausible, because Fett sounds tough enough to impress them, but that's it.

Now, can the naDaht dipshit tell me where the feminazis castrated you and turned you into a petty bully? Oh, and by the way, here's your doll back.

*doll explodes in naDaht's face, blasting its sorry-ass body to pieces*


It doesn't fit your head canon of the character.

If it's someone who'd long for settling down with a family, it sure as fuck would be an aging cloned orphan turned bounty hunter. We long for what we never had be see others enjoy.

Thing is, you're obviously still a kid, if not by age then by lack of maturity, and you can't see the show through adult eyes.
Your pathetic attempt at taking the piss out of me, and lack of understanding of the words "petty" and "bully" is the icing on that cake.


" Boba Fett was a cold-blooded killer"

Who did he kill in the OT?


"2019 (and continued into 2020), Kathleen Kennedy was still in charge of Lucasfilm"

Stopped reading right there. Kennedy is still in charge of Lucasfilm, for better or worse.


Why the heck is Kathleen Kennedy still in charge at Lucasfilm? The sequel trilogy was a debacle. The Han Solo movie was an expensive failure. How she still has a job there is mystifying.


She has made billions for Disney


She has crippled a film franchise. Star Wars isn't the cash cow it used to be, or the cash cow that it could still be today, almost entirely because of her mismanagement of the property.


"She has crippled a film franchise."

The sequels all made a billion or more, have better reviews than the prequels, and Mando is a hit show. Sit down, you fool.


The plan was a Star Wars movie every year, remember? Episode movies every other year, with stand alone movies like Rogue One and Solo in the off years. That idea didn't last long. It's not like they stopped making Star Wars movies because they were just too darn successful, is it? They stopped making them because they saw the diminishing returns and knew they needed a good long pause in order to prevent further damage to the brand.
