Baby yoda chooses...


So, I guess that this means that this crap will end up being tied into crapisodes 7-9. So, we're still going to get an emo version of Luke, Han will still die a meaningless death, Leia will continue to be Carrie Poppins, weird reylo's will continue to rejoice, meanwhile the larger part of the people who would be buying the merch will tune out again... Also, baby yoda going with Mando completely rendered the first two seasons of the Mandalorian pointless. Two seasons to find a Jedi, just to have him stick with Mando. The people writing this crap have no conception of how to write anything. I'm wondering if when they sign their contacts that it is specifically written into their contracts that they are suppose to piss of the fan base, and try to lose as much money as possible all at the same time. I'm glad I'm not paying for this crap. I feel sorry for those of you that did.


Unfair. Even Luke interrupted his Jedi training to save the world first. Grogu does the same. So what? Maybe this is the typical destiny of a Jedi?


Piss poor writing is what it is.


Only idiots really believed these shows would retcon the sequel trilogy....


The sequel trilogy is SHIT. Get it?


Still, only idiots really believed these shows would retcon the sequel trilogy....


I didn't believe. I hoped for some shred of sanity from Disney, but alas (as was expected) there is none. Disney Wars is the drizzling shits.


Well Doomcock been saying that Kathleen Kennedy going be fire from Lucasfilm for over half a decade and nothing happened.




Doomcock is selling wishful thinking. Same as Mike Zeroh.


Only idiots take fiction so seriously as if it is some kind of reality.


Doesn't make the first 2 seasons pointless, they was building their bond in those 2 seasons, sure the mission was to find a Jedi and get him to his own kind, but him going back to Mando doesn't make all that pointless, it was more about the journey. Plus he learned how to use the force better, now he's back with Mando better able to help in situations, so it wasn't really pointless.

Theres been plenty of movies and shows where the goal was to get someone somewhere but the journey to get there changed things and the destination is no longer where the person wants to be, doesn't make everything pointless.


disney's crap wars is strong with you.


I don't like the implications of "The Grogu Show" continuing and him leaving Luke either.

But that's a huge assumption that Filoni and Co. are going to tie this shit straight into the garbage Disney movies.

They would be wise, all around, to just do their own thing, and make ZERO mentions or connections to them at all.

That way, people who actually for some insane reason like that crap, can think it's connected. And the rest of us who DON'T, are perfectly able to think they AREN'T canon, and that's that.


This show is canon but the sequels aren't? LOL...what?


Pre-disney Lucas Film changed the cannon several times. Disney changed the cannon again, and are still retconning stuff. I think that cannon is pretty much a personal thing at this point.


What movies did Lucasfilm say "didn't count" anymore?


I didn't say movies. I'll give you an example of a retcon. In one of the comics (which is a disney licensed cannon product that they do count as cannon) yoda's lightsaber was destroyed, but in episode 6 (it could have been 5 as I don't remember) Luke offers Grogu, Yoda's ligt saber which had already been destroyed. That's a retcon within the existing disney approved cannon. I know, you'll probably say that that doesn't matter because it's a comic, but it does matter. A retcon is a retcon no matter where it is.


I'm sorry, but what? You thought this was going to change the movies somehow? There are actually delusional fanboys who thought this was going to erase the movies? HA!


I'm sorry, but what? Star Trek, Jaws, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Terminator, are just a some of the franchises that have outright ignored sequels in place of later sequels. Halloween alone has three to four different timelines. No, one was delusional. It was/still is a possibility that Disney could go in more than one route with a franchise. This is especially possible if they begin losing massive amounts of money, or if someone else takes control who wants to go in a different direction.


"It was/still is a possibility that Disney could go in more than one route with a franchise. This is especially possible if they begin losing massive amounts of money, or if someone else takes control who wants to go in a different direction. "

This is a completely baseless comment. There's no merit to it whatsoever. Star Wars has never ignored previous movies. And it's not going to either, just because you Lucas cultists don't like the dIsNEy sTaR WaRs; which includes these shows LOL!!! Purely delusional to think that was going to happen.


I didn't say that it did happen. Only that it could. Do you really think that the aforementioned series originally planed to make various different time lines. With the possible exception of Terminator (and even that's reaching) no they didn't. They only did so because someone else came into power and decided to move said franchises into another direction. A direction more in line with what the new people in power preferred.

I'm not a Lucas cultist. I only liked two out of the six of his Star wars movies. He had great ideas (actually he stole a lot of them) but more often than not I didn't like his execution of those ideas. As for disney, I haven't liked anything that they have done since their dark era in the 1970s to the early 1980s. So, you can stop with your assumptions now.


"Only that it could."

No, it couldn't. It's never happening.

Baby Yoda was never going to be Luke's first student and negate the movies. It's laughable you thought that. You believed some guy named "Doomcock", LOL!


I see therapy sessions in your future.


If you think about it this actually fits the movies... Remember Keylo was supposed to have been the first jedi Luke trained so you knew he couldn't have trained baby Yoda... but with any luck they will now start moving further away from the original characters and stop trying to cram them into every season where they make no sense.


That's what the OP is mad about. He thought this show was going to erase the sequels. Some guy named "Doomcock" said Grogu would be Luke's first student and it would negate the sequels. There were people who actually believed this BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


"but with any luck they will now start moving further away from the original characters and stop trying to cram them into every season where they make no sense."

Fuck you if you think we've all had enough of the OT. And who's Keylo?


The world has had more than enough of the original characters, give them a rest. As for Keylo... apparently my phones dictionary recognizes Keylo and not the pointless Kylo character that it believes to be a misspelling. Of course if you were the die hard fan of the movies you would have worked that out. I suspect you are just a troll that wouldn't recognize a ewok if someone shoved one up your ass.


I'm not a die-hard fan though, I'm more of a casual fan. I'm Generation X yet I've never understood the insane joy people get from Star Wars, I didn't even like some aspects of it at all.


"I'm not a die-hard fan though, I'm more of a casual fan. I'm Generation X yet I've never understood the insane joy people get from Star Wars"


"Fuck you if you think we've all had enough of the OT."

"Are you BLIND? Did you even pay attention to the Jedi Council scenes in the Prequels?"


Emo version of Luke? Hamil was always kind of "emo" before that newspeak term came along and had some disputes with the director for his character cutting the arm of the abominable snowman. Jedi aren't supposed to commit any harm at least back in Luke's day.

It seems perfectly logical for Grogu to choose Mandalorian because he knows that Luke is going to train him anyway. He's also a "child" so he is going to choose the person he is most happy being with. He's not into training to be a jedi anyway. Why not have a mandalorian jedi yoda even though most jedis are humans.


"even though most jedis are humans."

Are you BLIND? Did you even pay attention to the Jedi Council scenes in the Prequels? Most of them there AREN'T human.


That's what always gets me about the complaints about Luke in TLJ. Aside from ROTJ-era, Luke has always been an emotional guy. ANH, TESB, TJL - it all fits his personality. Robot Luke from ROTJ and these shows are the outliers. He's an normal emotional person and has been most of his life.

That's what the OP is mad this show was didn't erase the sequels. Some guy named "Doomcock" started a baseless rumor Baby Yoda would be Luke's first student and it would negate the sequels; and some people who actually believed this.


OP is a whining drama queen.


Hello stalker.


I am just following my reply notifications so you're the stalker. Kuatorises replied to me. Maybe you're posting your tripe on here a little too much where it looks like everyone is replying to you. Dirty maga.


That's all you got? "You're the stalker, and Dirty maga." That's kind of weak don't you think? Of course you don't. You think you're winning the internet by being a keyboard tough guy. Have fun with your stalkerish obsession with me. It's creepy.


Again the pot calling the chef black. I have spoken.


Yes, yes he is.
