Worst audience ever?

So I was at my local theater Saturday night and our auditorium was half full...didn't surprise me, I was kind of expecting it...

But what did surprise me is the lack of laughs this half full audience had.

Okay, so it's not the funniest movie in the world, but barely no one laughed in the whole 81 minutes this movie was showing. My friends and I laughed a few times, as did a few teenage girls somewhere else in the audience...but that was it. Total silence throughout the film.

Was it the same in your audiences?

That's a Bingo!


That's insanely annoying. Most people were probably just stubborn and trying not to laugh without knowing it. It's annoying but what can ya do about it? :l


I'm drunk in a hotel room ATM. My girlfriend and I went out for the night and she just fell asleep so I checked netflix for movies to watch on the iPad. I had been wanting to see this movie for a while now so I started watching it. Started is the key word. This has to be the worst film I have ever seen. I haven't puked from drinking sinc I was 12. I'm 34 now and I puked tonight. It wasnt from the booze either. What a crappy film. Thanks Jonah hill for keeping me from anymore of your future films. So to answer the op's q, no, it was not the worst audience ever, but possibly the best....



I didn't find it funny, but it wasn't made for me. I didn't even finish watching it.
But audiences are subjective. I saw Pulp Fiction in Atlanta. The audience was electric with joy and excitement. A few weeks later, I saw it in Pittsburgh. I was almost the only one reacting to it! Shocking...


An awful film is likely to attract a similar audience....

This is a crude, juvenile, vulgar and stupid movie. Jewish humour at its worst. No wonder you had a bad audience.


I only Laughed at Sam Rox parts he was funny


At one time I watched the same movie in a theatre twice, at the audience inflects on the movie.


