MovieChat Forums > X (2022) Discussion > Freaking awesome movie

Freaking awesome movie

I swear i wanna put this in my top 10 favorite horror movies of all time its so good.

The atmosphere, the music, the way its shot, the story is great, its genuinely creepy and funny at the same time, love that grain the picture quality has to it, i felt like i was watching a grindhouse movie or something.

And i loved the kills, almost all of them came out of nowhere with no music building to give it away, thats really effective. And they didn't hold back, heads being ran over, throats being carved out, facess being shotgunned, an alligator tearing a head off.

Such a fun fucking movie too, me and my cousin had a blast watching this.

Ti West never disappoints, House of The Devil was amazing and this topped it imo.


Movie sucked ass!


I think you meant to say "Movie kicked ass!" its ok fixed it for you.


I loved it, 10/10.


I really dug it too, man. So much hate for it out there, smh


I think you forgot the /s at the end.

"almost all of them came out of nowhere"
My wife and I guessed almost all of them long before they landed. You really didn't see the pitchfork coming, the alligator, the skull crushing (the beginning of the movie tells you it's coming ffs), the knifing, the gun blast? You really, really need to see more movies.

The only unpredictable deaths were the heart attack, and the black dude getting whacked... only because they were so bland as to not guess they were about to happen.

"creepy and funny"
About on a par with a dozens of other movies. The only real funny part was the girl stuck under the bed having to listen to the old af couple screwing on top.

"And they didn't hold back..."
True. Again though nothing many other movies haven't already covered.

" me and my cousin had a blast watching this"
Tell me you two were high, and we'll forgive you for thinking this was anything more than average for the genre.

The only mildly interesting part was the end reveal which I guess will be part of the sequel.


Lol. This sarcasm is funnier than the movie.
