It made $100 millions at domestic box office and $200 millions more overseas. On a budget of $110–150 million. I guess no one knows the real budget.
They expected it to make more, probably some $180 millions in USA and some 300 overseas for some total of $500 millions worldwide. Because they thought that Jennifer Lawrence is a big box-office star. Which she never was. Its all hype in press. She made few ensembles with other famous actors. But no one will come to movie specially because of her.
And neither is Chris Pratt, he is just very lucky to pick projects that would make money. But Jurassic World and Guardians would be successful with any actor.
Here producers miscalculated the real star power of those two actors. They really thought it would make over 150 millions. But it made 100 millions. Which was still good, that movie did not flop and studio didnt lose money. It just didnt perform to expectations.
And it was penned by leftie woke critics and their press. People who watched it - loved it. Its very rewatchable movie and those kind of movies that will be shown constantly on tv even 20 years after release.