MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > Am I the only one who thought the ending...

Am I the only one who thought the ending should be that.....

Pratt dies / sacrifices himself so that Lawrence and the ship would survive...

and then Lawrence would inevitably wake up some other guy to be her companion...

Seems like a complete wasted opportunity to bring the movie full circle and provide some sort of plot twist ending..

rather than a cliche, non dramatic ending.. (eye roll)

Anyone else?


Yes Pratt should have been killed by the extreme heat shooting out the vent.
And the movie should have ended with Aurora walking up slowly to a sleeping-pod with doubt in her eyes. And then fade out and leave an open ending.


or least his legs burned away


Or his dick.


This is an interesting idea!


Totally. However, this is how the audience likes it, so enjoy more independent films and less Hollywood.
I was hoping beyond hope that he died, as well he should have. It would have been fitting as well as it propagates the "have your cake and eat it" dream, the way it turns out.


I agree with the whole ending being turned into a killing for Pratt, but it is a Science Fiction and it has to have the 'same-old' classic love story ending.


In all fairness... I never thought a happy ending was going to happen because no movie does that anymore because it's become too predictable. I was actually shocked by the happy ending.


Agree totally with that.

I was expecting one of them to die as that seems to be what most modern films dictate and was actually pleasantly surprised neither did.


And do you see the irony of your comment. "no one does that anymore because it's become too predictable." So movies predictably don't have happy endings. So the happy ending was actually the less predictable one.


I expected the crew & passengers to wake up to their grandkids and maybe great-grandkids being there.


And 1 minute later, further down the thread list, i see somebody else mention this. Hah.


Who would the children have sex with exactly? :D


with each other of course! or any visitors that come by


LOL, i didn't even think of that


Who would the children have sex with exactly?
Aurora uses the colonist's extensive gene bank to have the autodoc implant embryos into her womb that are genetically unrelated to her.

That way the children Jim sires will grow up to have individuals genetically unrelated to them to conceive her grandchildren.

Her daughters and granddaughters can also mix it up, raising naturally conceived children, with genetically unrelated individuals, from the gene bank.

I first pointed this out in December:


With each other. If there were only 2 people left on earth, siblings - a boy & a girl - realistically they would've paired off.


I thought the same. I almost wished he would have gone out and told her "don't die alone - wake someone up".


It should've been a horror.

She goes to sleep in the AutoDoc.

Wakes up.

Some new guy is there. Tells her only 10 years have passed. Pratt had an "accident" on a spacewalk and the ship is starting to malfunction again.


I envisioned about a dozen endings to this movie while watching it. But yes, that is ultimately the ending I would have chosen. I would have had her hateful and mean all the way through, and then, once faced with loneliness and going mad herself, she does exactly what he did. But there was about a 100 things I would have done differently. I really liked it by the way. It just could have been so much more. It could have been dark, and beautiful and tragic. They could have packed the entire human package into this flick. To be perfectly frank, Red Dwarf tackled this same pretense in a much heavier manner, despite all the comedy.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Yup - this movie was a bit all over the place.. it had a high concept theme and general feel.. but was dumbed WAY down for the masses.. and the screen play fell apart and felt very 'twighlighty' towards the second half...

I also felt like the action sequences were "thrown in" just because..

Also how melodramatic their fight and resolution was... basically the action sequences were used just to make the audience forget they were even fighting... no real resolution.

It failed on so many levels and could have been way more than it was.. but what else is new with hollywood.


Ha! Funny that. While I was watching it I remember thinking "Red Dwarf did all this *years* ago..." (Right down to the malfunctioning skutters.)

I didn't mind the ending. I was just glad they didn't have kids. If it was inhumane to wake someone up for company it would have been a moral shitstorm to produce a child who would end up alone.


Just wrote the exact same thing, before seeing your post OP, it really looks like they had test screenings and people chose the happy ending


I was thinking they both should have died. That in actual fact it needed both of them to save the rest of the passengers and upon arrival the passengers and crew would realise what happened and what bravery was done for them.

Also, just to ad for thought on the ending...pratt could have died like 2 years later from accident or illness or Lawrence could have died from any number of reasons leaving the other one alone for the rest of their life. We assume they lived happily for ever together but at the very least one is dieing first a leaving one alone for a few years.
