I'm going to erase my memory that I ever found out about this film and its plot, I mean I feel sick just by thinking about it. Butter is the most disgusting foodstuff on the planet, I don't understand how/why people eat it and do other sick stuff with it. Like in one episode of "Weeds" there was butter carving too and they had to eat heads of American presidents made of butter... I watched with eyes closed - it was sick! Sick!! Stay off butter people!

Omne ignotum pro magnifico


wait, if you think "Butter is the most disgusting foodstuff on the planet..." wouldn't you have stayed away from a movie entitled BUTTER in the first place? i mean, it already kinda gives you the idea of what the movie will be about...


you americans going off at butter talking about the 'american food and heatlh crap organization... lol thats the same that poisons you with gmo made burgers at the nearest toxic crap fast food joint which you all will run to every half an hour...


The OP is a militant vegan, stupid. Hence the topic.

Everyone who ever loved you was wrong.
