I'm going to erase my memory that I ever found out about this film and its plot, I mean I feel sick just by thinking about it. Butter is the most disgusting foodstuff on the planet, I don't understand how/why people eat it and do other sick stuff with it. Like in one episode of "Weeds" there was butter carving too and they had to eat heads of American presidents made of butter... I watched with eyes closed - it was sick! Sick!! Stay off butter people!

Omne ignotum pro magnifico




at least it wont give you cancer, unlike margarine..


Swordsaint, that depends on what type of margarine and how it's prepared. The belief that margarine is nothing but "evil plastic" is misguided. It's made from vegetable oils. Molecularly speaking, that explains why it seems similar to plastics. Plastics are made from petrochemicals.

Butter alternatives were created throughout history during dairy shortages. Nowadays, when selected carefully, they can be viable substitutes for butter. In fact, contrary to the popular belief that butter is better (being natural), it can also be less detrimental to your health. The American Heart Association suggests buying soft, trans-fat-free spreads instead of regular butter or stick margarine. You have to deliberately look for the one with the lowest trans fat and saturated fats. Buy whipped, since you'll be eating less per volume.

In all, be it butter or margarine, go easy on them. Neither beyond small moderation are good.


Nothing beats a fresh slice of artisan bread dipped in olive oil.




Do you have proof of this?
Don't get me wrong: I'm a healthfreak, however...when people post things this outrageous-sounding with no link to proof? It sounds a little suspect. Like bad science.


Hahaha I love when people talk about certain foods being toxic or "toxins" building up in the human body. I'm a doctor who has a fairly solid understanding of how the human body processes what is put into it, and I think it's simultaneously genius and sad how the health food industry and new age medicine prey on people's fears when it comes to their bodies. Unhealthy, sure, but toxic!? You have to be kidding me. Even when the body encounters actual toxins, like heavy metals or inorganic chemicals it's surprising how resilient the body is and how much of it we can take compared to other mammals before we start to feel the effects. Vegetable oils are absolutely fine for human consumption, and the fact that this poster listed "extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil" I think says alot about their intelligence level. As if 2nd press olive oil made for cooking or just regular virgin olive oil will kill you haha! So are you saying something like white truffle oil isn't edible either!?

What are you going to tell us next, that we will feel fatigued and sluggish until we get a high colonic to "clean out our colons" (such a funny concept) or a juice cleanse to rid out the "toxins" from our bodies?



Margarine is one molecule away from being plastic.

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!



Plastic is a polymer, made up of a long chain of repeated smaller molecules. Plastics are usually made from crude oil and natural gas, but can be made from natural materials such as wood, corn, plants, and even sugars. In fact, one of the earliest plastics made in the 1800’s was from milk. So whilst both plastic and margarine can be made from vegetable oil, that is where any similarity ends. The claim is nonsensical - adding one molecule to margarine won't turn it into plastic.

Even if it were true, it’s worth considering that one molecule can make a world of difference. Many natural substances are very similar in chemical composition but very different in appearance and effect. One molecule, and more importantly how the molecules are arranged, makes a huge difference to the end product. Take for example the difference between hydrogen peroxide (bleach) and water, which have only one atom difference.



And salt is two atoms away from being chlorine gas. All molecules are one molecule away from being any other molecule. If you are going to try to use chemistry to prove something, you need to actually understand chemistry.

To give you an example, one of the deadliest chemicals in the world is Water -- people drown every year, it destroys homes, it's destroyed entire cities. It contains oxygen which is a primary cause of fire, another destructive force. Water is two atoms away from Hydrochloric acid, which is one atom away from deadly chlorine gas (or salt or any number of other chemicals). Water is responsible for much more death and destruction than butter and margarine combined.

Saying that X chemical is one atom or molecule away from another molecule is equivalent to saying that death is one second away from life. It doesn't make the the same thing, nor does it necessarily make them similar.

In any case, drinking water in excess can kill you, just as eating butter or any other substance in excess can kill you. Just ask people who've lost family to fad diets that demand drinking mega amounts of water like some very dangerous people recommend. Butter and margarine are not poisons, though that doesn't mean that it's healthy to put either one on everything you eat.

And btw, Olive oil, extra virgin or otherwise, goes rancid if you cook with it with a high heat. It's fine otherwise. There's no such thing as a perfect food when people act irresponsibly. Ignorance will kill you faster than anything.


You two are making too much sense... that is not allowed on IMDB.


I would rather eat a lb. of butter than a pound of McDonald's. Obviously, butter is bad for you, but there are far worse things out there than butter. Plus butter taste *beep* great.


butter, oil, salt, pepper, lemons(might or might not be prepared together)....its like the cornerstone to cooking get used to it

im a cook, we have like 40lb's of butter in our fridge, its not like im gonna open up a pound and start munching

and to whoever said there far worse things than butter, yea like 90% of Americans diet (im american and more than likely fall into that 90%) anything processed, or most importantly read labels i bet you more than half the stuff you pick up in the market first thing on the label is high fructose corn syrup

most deadly weapon in america, high fructose corn syrup

if your actually interested in this stuff watch food inc. its amazing makes you think twice before picking up something like a burger, or chicken meat...hgh injected chicken, then cant even walk, they just constantly fall down. Why i switched to free range chickens.


Stay off butter people!
Butter people? It would be hard to stay on them. We'd probably slip right off.

The concept of butter may very well be between 4,500 and 10,000 years old. Like many foods, butter is not healthy in excess. In moderation, butter is just good. Almost every tongue and brain on the planet will have to disagree with you. Butter practically has scientific evidence backing up its ability to improve the enjoyment of food cooked with it. It literally fires up the pleasure centers of the brain. I somehow doubt you have stumbled across some monopolistic truth about butter being "ewww" just now, after all of these centuries.



How has no one responded to this comment? Hilarious!!


it was hidden from us behind a big red word wall


Butter is actually real food, people. Unlike oleo and lard and grease and goodness whatever these butter "substitutes" are made from!

Do you realize that in WW2 butter was sent to the troops and there was no butter being made for families in the home and stores. So they came up with oleo which is no better than lard! And when you bought it, it came with a yellow dye packet. You were advised to mix this dye in with your oleo to make it look like butter. Oh yeah, oleo is actually white.

If you are afraid of butter then don't eat anything other than coconut oil. Olive oil clogs arteries too so does anything that is not real food.

before you start spouting what the media says do some research.

My advice...eat food---- not anything that says it is a SUBSTITUTE FOR FOOD.


How is Lard not real food? It's pork fat. it may not be the healthiest thing to cook in, but it is absolutely real food.


If you could get on them, the next course of action would be to order some extra butter people.


LOL!! This is currently my favorite comment on IMDB.COM!



What? There is NOTHING better on warm freshly baked bread than some butter. Sure anything in excess is bad, but to say that butter in moderation is bad is ridiculous. Butter is meant to be melted over something, like fresh warm baked bread, right out of the oven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.



You don't know what you're missing......

People are right, the sight of folks eating whole sticks of butter is DISGUSTING!!!!! But like salt, sugar and other things, small amounts is okay. But to deny the foodstuff completely is extremist :D

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


I grew up on a dairy farm, so you'd think we'd have had butter all the time, right? Wrong. My mother bought Parkay. I only had real butter occasionally, sweet (unsalted) butter, so I didn't think I liked it.

Then when I was away from home and taken on dates to nice restaurants that served butter, it was like "where have you been all my life?" I like sweet butter now, too.

Crusty french bread with butter--I can make a meal off it.

I never buy margarine and keep butter in a butter bell, so it's always at a nice spreading consistency.

A few years ago, my husband got on a diet kick and bought some tub margarine. I wouldn't touch it, and he forgot about it and it got pushed to the back of the fridge. After 3 years, and long past the expiration date, it looked exactly the same.

Real food should go bad or spoil.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


Butter is delicious. I can almost eat it by the stick.


Just thinking of butter makes me wanna hurl. I'll eat butter in desserts, like cookies, cakes, and confectionery. But, definitely NOT in savory dishes or itself!!!


I've never been fond of butter growing up esp eating it point blank like spreading it on bread,.BUT I always have some in the fridge for things like brownies,cookies,cakes, etc. And it's nearly impossible to eat popcorn without butter.


This is such a weird conversation.


I can't believe this conversation ain't butter......


"Oh, you think it's butter...but it snot..." Don't you remember that commercial? "It's Chiffon"
