MovieChat Forums > A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) Discussion > Was good until the romance stuff (spoile...

Was good until the romance stuff (spoilers)

I thought the movie started off okay. They’re in the city during the first day of the invasion, and she, the counselor dude, Djimon Hounsou, and others are trapped and have to figure out how to survive. I figured I was in for a good horror / thriller

But then Eric shows up, he and the black girl do some sort of romance, the counselor dude dies, and Djimon Hounsou disappears altogether. The movie loses a lot of steam from here. The piano romance scene between Eric and black girl was terrible and awkward. I like animals, but I found the cat got too distracting

Instead of watching the black chick and Eric, I would’ve rather watched Djimon Hounsou protect his family


I don't remember any romance. Wasn't he just trying to recreate the nightclub where she listened to her father?


They don’t kiss or have intercourse: but it’s implied that Eric and the black girl are in love


Nah! They just develop a platonic friendship. That pizza scene was about her reliving time with her dad whom she missed. He was only trying to bring peace and comfort to her similar to how she helped him when he was traumatized after leaving the subway.

Adding romance would've cheapened the story and turned it into a cliché. Not everything needs to be about s-e-x.

I'd call that scene sentimental. Not romantic.


It sounds strange to say (about a 3rd installment to a thriller franchise), but this is a rather beautiful movie, and I was pleasantly surprised. Different director, who chose to go with a very different approach and tone. Kinda....artful.
For example, a really nice, subtle scene is when the group from the hospice home go to that litlle theater and see that puppet show. It's artfully directed, right down to the content of the show: Pinocchio dreaming to float up into the air, only to have his balloon burst. It was all done in silence (some foreshadowing of what was to come).

Also, I really enjoyed the whole jazz club scene, where Eric brings the pizza to Sam and writes Patsy's on it. Then, the magic trick, done in complete silence. He brought some peace and humanity back to her desolate, hopeless world. And when she smiles, just that one time...for just a moment, it washes over you.

For people expecting just a cookie-cutter prequel to a thriller franchise, they will be surprised....but hopefully they will appreciate the beauty.


I 100% agree. This is one of the best movies of the year for me.


Nicely written. It's worth a rewatch from me when released on DVD.


what romance?! if there's something good in this movie is that it didn't fall for that


Eric and the lead actress


name one scene where that was implied.


The piano scene


He was trying to make her feel better! Nowhere it's suggested they have feelings for each other. Not even during the sacrifice. They could have said goodbye with a kiss.
