MovieChat Forums > Never Let Me Go (2010) Discussion > Vote NO to Organ Donation

Vote NO to Organ Donation

I used to have a neutral view to organ donation but having just seen the film nothing could drive me further to a YES please on my driver's licence. It has turned me to DISGUST that anyone could contemplate donating organs or receive them. We are caught up in heroics that we can save lives or be saved. It has made me realise we are not meat at the butchers to be cut up and have vital organs removed or robots exchanging usable parts. We are fantastic individual humans who have their own identity! It is NOT selfish to preserve our state. Let's face it BABY, WE WERE BORN THIS WAY!


I respect your view, however, the difference between the movie and real life is that organ donors are not alive in the same sense when their organs are acquired. One can argue that people don't stop living after they die - depending on what you believe - but to me, it would be pointless to keep my organs if I don't need them anymore, especially if they could save someone else's life as opposed to just rot in the ground.

I only do it with superheroes.


I agree with you...if I'm dead, I don't need my organs. And it's true we are born the way we are, but we now have the chance to extend the lives of people. Why should we not give our organs to make people around us happy? One organ can chance the life of the patient, the family and friends of that patient, probably some co-worker...only there, you are talking about a bunch of people.

To the original poster, if your kid needs a new heart, would you rather let him die because he's born this way or hope he can receive a new heart to save his life?

When I had to chose if I wanted to be a donor, at first, it felt weird. The idea of having one of my organ in the body of someone else is strange, but like I said, you can change the life of several person, so in the end, the decision was easy. I'm an organ donor and I'm proud of it. I hope I'll be able to save someone's life!


Actually, you're not dead when they take the organs. They have to take them while the person is living for them to be useful.




Absolutely not true.


I don't know why people don't understand this, but it's simply biology:

Cells, like the bodies they live in, must live in order to function. They survive because in addition to a nervous system to tell the cells what to do, the body has a circulatory system to provide them with oxygen. Without this, they die in minutes.

There is no way to harvest organs from a dead person and implant them into a living person and have them be magically alive again, because the cells in that organ would be dead.

When a person is selected as an organ donor, they are selected to die in exchange for someone else living, through a system called triage. Triage was developed in the military with dual purpose: to not waste time treating those who would live anyway, and to not treat those who would die anyway.

However, in the US, as of 2012 there are now no legal laws restricting or guiding the principles by which triage is used. In theory, a person is selected to live because they have a higher chance of survival. Yet, if someone decided that one person was to live on the basis that they had more money, etc. that would be perhaps unethical, but it would be illegal.

If you sign that organ donor card, they can sacrifice you at any point when you are unconscious and under medical care.

In the US and Europe this is new and controversial but they have been doing in in parts of east asia, central africa and latin america for years. Even if it were illegal, does anyone seriously think that anyone with enough money and power wouldn't be able to circumvent such laws? However, it's not illegal.

Just saying.


One day I will very likely need an organ transplant to I can`t agree with you.

"That movie gave me drunk-in-the-bathtub face!"


Read what happens to a body when it's embalmed.

When I'm dead, if somebody can use my organs they are welcome to them.

Watch a good movie about organ donation like "Return to Me."

If you're too old to cut the mustard, you can always lick the jar.


Corpses don't need organs. Living people do. I don't think 'selfish' is a strong enough word to describe people like you.



I have no intention of ever being an organ donor and it has nothing to do with this film, there is nothing selfish about not wanting other people to have parts of my body (even if I no longer need them). Stop pushing your own beliefs as fact.

BTW I won't reply further to this topic as it wont lead anywhere worthwhile as its an argument essentially about ones beliefs to which you have clearly decided yours is the only correct one to have.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time...


"Stop pushing your own beliefs as fact." What beliefs? That a corpse has no use for organs? That's not a belief, that is a fact. Ask a doctor.

As for the selfish thing, sure, that's just my opinion. If I was about to die because I needed a new kidney and I asked a guy on his deathbed if I could have his and he said "Sorry buddy, this kidney is going six feet underground to rot away, I ain't letting you have it." then in my opinion I'd think that person is a bit selfish. As I lay there dying.



Shame on you. A real hero wouldn't act the way you do. Freewill and respect. You lack the second, which affects the first. Who made you dictator? Oh, right. No one. I'm a vegan. I try to respect all living creatures. You can choose to do the same thing if you wish, but I won't condemn you if you choose not to. People have the freewill to respect freewill. I may not agree with others, but I will not dictate what they can and can't do. You say that not being a donor is selfish. I say that expecting someone to be a donor is selfish. And not only acting like you are better than them, but actually asserting it, shows a lack of humanity. I am not God and neither are you. I try to be a role model for others, but I don't tell them that it's my way or the highway.

"A true leader does what is right, no matter what others think." - Dumbledore


He didn't push his beliefs. He used hard fact to prove a viewpoint, then he did editorialize, but you are doing that now. He's not saying one can not refuse to donate organs. If he did, why would anyone listen to him? I think he is like me, as I cannot see any reason to be reasonably against organ donation. How is demanding to have something after death, when you can never use it and it will just decay, anything but selfish.

Have your belief, and I'll have mine. Just be prepared to defend them.


I'm a vegan. I try to respect all living creatures.

..Creatures. What about plants? Those are living, breathing organisms. They have feelings, they reproduce, they live & die.

I'm all for healthy eating, but I think vegans are hypocrites. My wife tries to live a vegan lifestyle and always falls off the wagon, but I'll give her credit for trying, and I respect her for loving animals and not wanting to see cruelty happen to any animal, but I don't believe one can draw the line between something that walks on all fours, swims in the water, lays an egg, or grows from the ground. They're all living organisms. Just because one doesn't have eyes, ears, mouth, etc. doesn't make it any better than the other living organism that us humans eat for nourishment. Plants have energy and a life force and you take from it, just as much as any meat eater would take from cattle, so spare us with the "I'm a vegan" label. You are a human being before you're a vegan and as a sentient being, you should have respect for all living creatures [that's a no-brainer]. If not, you would be no better than than the food we eat.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


If I don't need my organs anymore then I want someone who does to have them!

such is life


If you saw a really rich person eating a meal in front of a poor, starving person, with whom they refused to share would you happily accept this as an expression of their freewill and therefore respect their decision?


Of course I would happily accept.Should I force them to share?Negating their free will would be the act of tyranny and barbarity.The poor are that way because they are lazy and stupid and I don't feel sorry for them.


Assuming you are not merely an irritating troll trying to provoke to anger and disgust any thoughtful, humane and educated individual - and there are, thankfully, a few - drawn to this thread by the controversial (and in my opinion, tragically misled at best; selfish and fanatical at worst...) views of the OP - in the wildly improbable event that you are, in fact, serious in what you say, here and elsewhere, regarding wealth and poverty, tyranny and barbarity, I would like to offer the following observation: You are, in the words of the late, great Physicist Fritz Zwicky, a spherical idiot. Looked at, indeed, from any and every angle, you are an idiot. Furthermore, you and your ilk give selfish greedy self - justifying bastards a bad name. There, glad I got that out of my system. Good film, by the way.


You are, in the words of the late, great Physicist Fritz Zwicky, a spherical idiot

Perhaps. I suspect that poster just finished "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, and is in the throes of newly baptised Libertarianism. Give him/her a few more years.

Love me some Waltons


"...because I needed a new kidney..."

What, and that ain't selfish?


thanks! i totally agree with u. nothing 2 do with this movie at all. but i'd rather let my organs rot with my decaying corpse than donate. nothing heroic about it. i sort of understand if its a friend or family member + this will save them. but to just cut u up BEFORE youre dead. they ask (pressure) your family 2 remove u from life support. disgusting.
now on the other hand, if they would let u sell your organs i'd list mine on craigslist :)


Everyone on this thread that believes "No to organ donation" is screwed in the head. I have a congenital blood disorder that went undiagnosed until I was 43. I was placed onto a transplant list to save my life. Shame on you. Yes, you footed the Medicare/Medicaid after over $5 million in medical bills was spent, via your taxes, to keep me alive. Try that experience on for size and re-learn how to feed yourself and walk again after six months hospitalised with a coma, heart failure and a stroke.

*edited for clarity


I absolutely agree with you. My mother is alive today because a brave mother donated her sons organs. My mom had a 5 organ transplant done in 2008. I have total love and respect for the donor family.


Everyone on this thread that believes "No to organ donation" is screwed in the head.
No we're not. We simply don't choose to be gutted alive and (as is often the case since time is of the essence) without anasthesia. Sorry, I don't love you THAT much.


heh Using this movie as a basis of support for the idea that people should not be organ donors is like using Alien to support the idea that people should not go into space.

I smell a troll but it's a funny one.

The Survivor Funny 115:


haha, good simile :)


I shouldn't worry If I was you love as it is illegal to clone humans in the states ( remember when that was science fiction ? ) and as it happens they are working on cloning just the bits n bobs you need ( look up mouse grows human ear ) Though I do agree with you as to if it came down to using a full clone as the people in the movie seemed Very human I could not understand how any rational thinking person would allow that, I mean if I was there I would like to think I would have been part of an underground to help send them to a place they could live. But that may just be the rebel in me =}


While I can't imagine anything more cruel, inhumane or heartless than growing genetically "perfect" humans just so they can be "organ donors" (as in this movie, and at least one other I've seen), I have the Organ Donor "thingie" checked on my Driver's License, since I see it as equally senseless to let perfectly good organs go to waste once someone's body (including mine) is no longer functional.

The statistics are that literally tens of thousands of people -- many children, teens and young adults -- DIE each year in America, alone, because they can't get a kidney or a lung that WOULD be available if most people were organ donors. THAT is the true travesty. Yes, science IS on the verge of being able to grow organs in laboratories. Once such science is perfected, the need for organ donations may diminish or even be totally eliminated. But until that day comes, I can see no sane reason not to agree to donate your organs once your physical body is gone.

Note that we all call it "our body," "my body," etc. We don't call it "me," "I." Most of us seem to be at some level of agreement that whatever makes up the "me" or "I" leaves the physical body when it ceases to function... the soul, per se. So if most of us agree on that, then why should we deny the leftover organs for someone else??? As for those who proclaim to be Atheists, they believe there's nothing after, anyway, so they would have no further use for the body, either.

At any rate, this was ONE haunting movie, possibly the highest rating I'll ever give a movie that left me so depressed.
Jeff Hayes


I thought your review on Netflix was really good. It's nice to see I'm not the only one to bounce between that and IMDB. =)

I ain't your friend, palooka.


Jesus Christ.
Too many f--king idiots on this board.


Totally agree.
