uhhhh i turned it off after they revealed how the [spoilers]

...daughter died. A FBI serial killer profiler left his daughter alone in a room with a cannibalistic serial killer? What? Not only would this never be allowed to happen, it's incredibly stupid even from an in-universe perspective. And Bell's wrath/craziness isn't directed at her stupid ex-husband? Once it was clear that actually happened and wasn't a dream, I dipped.

I made it three episodes and quit.


Right with you there man! Watched 3 episodes and dipped. I really like Kristen Bell and was hoping this would be a real comedy/parody but it was weird, it took it self too serious for what it's supposed to be.


She should feel responsible also though. Although the husband is mostly responsible its not normal either for a mom to let her daughter go there let alone to suggest it. But yeah overall it was just stupid like many other things on this show.


When that scene happened I was like "is she mocking her therapist by telling him absurd BS stories? But why?" Then I realized whoever wrote this nonsense was serious and laughed my ass off. That was just SO absurd, it was almost funny.

Unlike you I finished the series, though, and urge you to do so as well - it's friggin hilarious and you have no idea what you're missing out on! xD


I hung in there too. Glad I did. I really liked it, and I am now in love with Kristen Bell.


https://youtu.be/hVQT9mDDeJo @1:44 you're welcome


Bonus, Kristen Bell paired with Kristen Wiig! My two favorite Kristens and both so hot!


This is satire . . .meant to be funny


But it wasn't. There was no joke, no pointe, no nothing.
It's just shit writing.


I think the shit writing is the joke.


You thought this movie was serious?


Again, where are the jokes?
How was the "your daughter was eaten" thing "funny"?
There was no pun, no satire, no slapstick humor, no nothing.

Being flat out absurd without any comedic relief does not mean it's satire.


It is absurdist humour, like some mpfc sketches.
Perhaps American humour has grown up.


Absurdism is a form of humor.


Yes, if done right.
Not the case here.


Yes, it was.. satire and dark humour. Clever writing!


Again, and maybe people stop dodging this finally: WHERE was the humor?

Let's take the scene where she tells her "therapist" how her daughter died since people here defend this as "satire".
Explain it to me like I am 5. No, like I am 5 and completely free of grasping humor.

You can't.

Because there was no humor. Making up an absurd story without substance is not humor. There was no point to it, there was no comedic relief, there was no twist, there was nothing.
There was a grim tale of "That guy killed and ate my daughter because my husband was stupid. The end."

How. Is. That. Funny?

And no, I do not mean this as in "Oh my, such a horrible thing! Surely no one can laugh about a child's demise!"
I mean it literally, how was that funny?

And before someone claims the opposite for a cheap cop-out: Yes, I do indeed have a sense of humor, a very dark one.

Louis CK, Ricky Gervais (master of dark humor), George Carlin, Clarke and Dawe (masters of satire, actual fucking SATIRE!), and all the others I forgot are among my favorites.

I am all ears.


I have to admit, I only read your first paragraph, so I apologise.. but the scene where she described her daughter being killed and eaten was so funny! Laughing now just thinking about it.. that show was brilliant. Sorry you didn’t like it, but I did. And it’s ok, to like different things. It would be a very vanilla world if we all agreed on everything.


Why answer if you haven't read what I said and when you only do what you did before: Dodge the question.


The only question I remember is you asking where was the humour.. I thought many ridiculous elements were funny, and you didn’t.. so that’s ok. Have a good day!


Really, that's what you "remember"?

Man, if only my old posts would still be accessible so we could see that I said:
"How. Is. That. Funny?"

As expected. More dodging.

So far NO ONE could explain why "your daughter was eaten" (the whole thing) was allegedly funny.


"Take your daughter to work day" when the dude is a criminal psychologist interviewing a guy who killed and ate a bunch of people is one example.

The writing on the daughter's grave that kept changing, the repeated smashing of chicken casseroles, and the silly titles of the books in the attic I suppose would be another.

I found that the parody/satire/whatever was so subtle that it could be easily missed and make the whole show look like it was just actually awful.


It’s mocking movies that often show up on Lifetime that follow the similar pattern. Where a woman has an irrational fear (the rain), lives alone, falls in love with a man only to suspect he’s a killer but no one believes her. The whole thing is played very dry. I don’t know how you didn’t ‘get’ the whole, my daughter was killed and eaten on bring your daughter to work day. I didn’t think that anybody wouldn’t get what the movie was doing at that point.


More dodging. Okay.


So I wasted my time. Okay.


Since you decided to simply say "I am surprised you didn't get it" without explaining what "it" was - yes.
And that was my question all along.


All this person says is “dodging.” Just ignore, I did lol


Well I feel kinda bad for them, it's like trying tell someone who didn't get the joke why it's funny . . .you can't.


Yes! Exactly this!


Right? It was clearly meant to be funny to the audience who "gets" that kind of humor. I personally laughed out loud at the absurdity of a criminal psychologist in a high risk serial killer psych ward taking his six y/o daughter to listen in. It just seems that Kendricks can't/won't let it go. No one is "dodging" the question of why it's funny. S/he may think my Dad's jokes are hilarious and LOL funny. I don't, but I don't continue to press on (and on and on) with someone to tell me WHY are my Dad's jokes funny. You either get the humor or don't. I mean really, Kendricks, just give it up. It's annoying.


That was just SO absurd, it was almost funny.

Exactly. That was the entire point of this show, i.e. the absurdity, which should be obvious by its very title. Chrissakes, people.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


You missed the deciding bit here.
I said: Almost.


Oh, I got that part (I even quoted it), I just had a different reaction. Although, like you, when she first told the story I pondered the possibility of it being some delusion she was telling her therapist. Once it was confirmed in a later episode that it actually happened, I spontaneously laughed out loud at it. Not because the situation at face value is funny at all, but because I found the sheer absurdity of it hilarious (take your daughter to work day, leaving her in there with a cannibal, etc.)

I saw it as the height of absurdity amidst a deluge of absurd parody moments that all together highlight just how stupid the stories its making fun of are. I saw it as funny because of the absurdity. Which was the entire point of the show.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


that's because it's a mix of humor / satire.

i usually don't like when they mix movie genres but i thought in this it's was extremely well done with a lot of finesse, like a sharp knife cutting through butter very smoothly.
