Bad Voice Acting

Steve Carell put on a terrible, silly Russian accent which sounded like an intentionally bad impression of a Russian or Eastern European accent. It wasn't good voice acting. It wasn't cartoony, animated, funny or energetic. Just a bad and flat voice. There are so many people out there who can do a huge amount better than that. It's a real shame that they sell more tickets for what is, in truth, a worse final product. But hey, it's about the money I guess.

Not to mention Mr. Brand...

Obviously there has been an influx of famous actors doing voice acting in recent years. The thing is, it's not all bad. Some do a wonderful job. I feel that Carell's attempt, in this film, is grating and weak. Any takers?



What? He was GREAT!

You can knock on Ed Wood but it won't do you no good 'cause all of my heroes are dead in Hollywood


You are totally wrong about Steve Carrel! He was hilarious! Russel Brand, though, I can understand didn't seem to fit the character very well


Only one I agree on is Amanda Cosgrove. Her voice sounded too old for Margo who appeared to be 8 or 9 and pre-puberty.

Esther: My name was in the Bible!
Fred: Yeah, Samson slew the Philistines with your jaw-bone!


Wow...I thought I was the only one who HATED that pratt talentless *beep* Russell Bland.

I hated the character before I even realized who it was!!! Awful...truly awful.

I liked Gru though.


Very clever of the producers. Give the villain a vile Russian accent to impress on young viewers how bad the nasty Russians are. You wonder if the CIA had a hand in the message of this movie.

