Bad Voice Acting

Steve Carell put on a terrible, silly Russian accent which sounded like an intentionally bad impression of a Russian or Eastern European accent. It wasn't good voice acting. It wasn't cartoony, animated, funny or energetic. Just a bad and flat voice. There are so many people out there who can do a huge amount better than that. It's a real shame that they sell more tickets for what is, in truth, a worse final product. But hey, it's about the money I guess.

Not to mention Mr. Brand...

Obviously there has been an influx of famous actors doing voice acting in recent years. The thing is, it's not all bad. Some do a wonderful job. I feel that Carell's attempt, in this film, is grating and weak. Any takers?


I liked the movie overall and really enjoyed it, but I agree. Steve Carell and Russell Brand did mediocre jobs voicing their characters. I think Steve Carell was a terrible choice to play a hulking bald mad scientist. Whats next, Faizon Love voicing an asian midget?

Russell Brand (should be Russell BLAND) did a bad british impression. His accent sounded more Lithuanian than British.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


Amen brother!!!! He could have used he's regular voice like in The Office, and it would have been awesome, but he sounds so dull.

"Hamburgers, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."


Steve Carell put on a terrible, silly Russian accent which sounded like an intentionally bad impression of a Russian or Eastern European accent.

I watched this with my Slovenian friend. Gru's accent sounded quite similar to the Slovenian accent!


Totally agree. The voice acting was atrocious. I initially thought I had the wrong audio track, because they weren't matched to the character art AT ALL.

Just... dissonant.


I'm not even sure what the point of the accent is... it's not like it adds humor or anything. I also didn't think it was a particularly good performance... they could have gotten a million people to put on a fake Russia accent.


Finding any fault at all with this movie is ridiculous. It's funny and touching and pretty much perfect in every way. It didn't need to follow the rules of science or physics, and it certainly didn't need to use accents that were either true to their sources or overly cartoony in order to be 100% entertaining. Everyone did a great job, especially Steve Carrell as Gru. Can't wait to see Despicable Me 2!


It's ridiculous just because you liked it? Anyway, I think the movie is good actually, but I don't think the accent added anything to the character... at least comically.


Silly voice acting in a silly animated comedy! THE EFFRONTERY!


Russia is in Asia as well

