MovieChat Forums > Monsters (2022) Discussion > Why did they create a lobotomized incel ...

Why did they create a lobotomized incel version of Dahmer?

The real Dahmer was a stud.
He looked normal.
His body language, facial expression and head movements were normal.
He spoke normally.
He exuded sexual energy.

The Netflix Dahmer:
-looked like a dork even without glasses
-moved like a zombie
-talked like he had been lobotomized
A guy like that is destined to be an incel for life regardless of sexuality.


I have to agree. Evan Peters can act well enough but he came across too weird. When watching Dahmer in real life, you constantly have to remind yourself that he's a psychopath. The sandwich scene was the worst. The woman could have tased his ass and would have been justified.


She wouldn't even have needed a taser lol.
She could have just one-punched him.
That said, she probably wouldn't even need to make a fist and could have knocked him out cold with a simple slap. She wouldn't even need the back of the hand lol.


I'm guessing it was an acting choice. Evan Peters probably didn't want to show up just playing himself as Jeffrey Dahmer. They also seemed to want to hammer home the police's racism/incompetence, which serves their narrative better if the cops are turning a blind eye to this freaky weirdo who acts like someone who chops people up in his apartment. The problem with that is it makes the club scenes look silly where he's picking up one guy after another.


I was really surprised by how cool and normal the real Dahmer was when I saw interviews with him. Like wow, I could totally hang out with this guy and be none the wiser. But I guess that's why he got away with everything he did.


Are you serious? He didn’t seem anything close to cool and normal in those interviews! He talked slow and weird.


He was highly medicated in prison. He's different in the home videos.


Yeah Peters was playing him like how you'd expect a weird creepy psychopath to act, like every scene he was trying to remind the audience "Hey i'm a crazy creepy weird guy" when in reality Dahmer appeared normal to the public eye, and didn't act like a cliche creepy psycho.


Do you jerk off to him, weirdo?


I never thought of Jeffery Dahmer as a stud. Most people who are studs (gay or straight) don't need to drug people to keep them from leaving.


He has been described as "a catch" by guys who knew him from the bar scene. He was definitely seen as good looking.

But he was insecure. At best he was a shy introvert but some have speculated he might have been on the spectrum.

Drugging them wasn't just to keep them from leaving but also so he wouldn't have to talk to them or cater to their sexual needs.


Movies and TV shows (and people in general, honestly) always seem intent on trying to make someone like this special in some way, it seems. They almost never (not that I can recall) paint them as an actual, regular-seeming human being. Even despite the fact that one of the most often heard phrases you hear about the real killers after they're caught is "He just seemed like a normal guy to me."

I can't help but wonder if there's something psychological to this. Like if it's just easier for us to view someone like Dahmer as this born-weird, Sheldon Cooper-type than to acknowledge that a normal-seeming person could actually be capable of doing the things he did. As if that's too horrifying of a concept to imagine. So, instead, we make them into this stereotypical creepy person that none of us have ever seen in real life before.

Personally, I found the whole thing to be a distractingly big flaw in an otherwise alright series (well, that and the hamfisted "the system is racist" message). From the alien way he constantly behaved, I found it difficult to believe this guy had ever come in contact with another human before, let alone that he was capable of convincing several of them to come home with him to hang out. I mean, he basically had "I'm a serial killer" written across his forehead. It just felt so unnecessarily silly and unrealistic. Especially considering we have actual footage of the guy speaking and can clearly tell that he didn't behave like he was from another planet.


I just kept thinking of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite the whole time I was watching. He talked just like him and had the same mannerisms. Which makes me wonder if they based the character of Kip off of Jeffrey Dahmer??
