So, Rudy Guiliaini....What do you think...(?)

Just watched his segment.... I don't think he was masterbatijg, but he could well have been having a little fiddle rub down there when they were interrupted...

Also, giving her a 'friendly' pat on the hips seemed a bit much to me.



Was he ever told she was 15? I didn't catch that part. I only picked up on that the viewer knew she was 15 but that he was never told that or made aware of it (not that it makes it right).

Though it was CLEAR as a bell he thought he was going to get some action.



Yes, Rudy wouldn't think a 15yr old was interviewing him - would assume much older.
But when Borat broke into the room he yelled 'she only 15'


That looked like it was inserted in after the fact along with her and Borats chat next to the door of the room. All inserted in after, like we are meant to believe the rooms empty then there's a camera waiting for Borat to come back in and shout she's 15. Which is it, empty room or 5 or 6 cameras in there with full crew?

Im not even defending Giuliani, but the segment is a bit disingenuous. Seems a bit like a honey trap and edited to perfection. I'd love to see the original unedited footage and how many people were in that room with them. Because she asks him to the bedroom for some reason, they make it seem like the main room is empty of people, literally 5 seconds before there were 2 or more cameras being operated by crew and a possible 4 cameras altogether. So when she asks him to the room there are other people right there with them.

When they go into the bedroom we see him man handling her which looks bad. For all we know she's asked him to unhook her mike, but that's the bit they remove and it makes it look way worse along with adding creepy music and again, making it seem like they are alone when they are within earshot of the others with an open door a few feet away.

All I know is she got him into the honey trap room with hidden cameras, initiated close contact and touching to try to get some juicy footage.


She said— “Let’s go into the bedroom and have a drink.” Um—- Really? Does he have hayseeds in his hair. Oh wait— he has no hair.

He should have just left.


“Let’s go into the bedroom and have a drink.” was probably dubbed in later. You can't see her mouth move when we hear it.


I think he was doing a little rearranging in anticipation of some action and not tucking in a shirt...he might not have been masterbating, but he wasn't just tucking....


It looked like he was tucking his shirt back in, and really, if you think it through, it almost had to be. After all, Cohen certainly would not have removed footage that was incriminating, nor would he have busted into the room early if he had a chance to catch Giuliani doing something embarrassing. The fact that the best he could give was a split second shot of him tucking his shirt in, after the microphone had been removed, tells me that he had nothing. That entire sequence is so chopped up and overdubbed that it's obvious nothing happened. Never once does Giuliani say anything remotely incriminating, or that in any way indicates he's expecting romance. If Giuliani was masturbating, or expecting sex, Cohen would have captured it on film.


It was crystal clear Guiliiani was anticipating some good ole sex. As I said in my original remarks, I don't think he was masturbating, but I do think he was doing a little chubby rearranging or something like that.

But it is clear what his intentions were from about the start. Especially observed from his actions....and my goodness, what other reason did he almost run to the bedroom for?

And the way he plopped down on the bed....


If you watch the scene you can see his hand never makes it down his pants far enough for that. It doesn't get much below belly button level. As for his reasons for going into the bedroom, we don't know. The entire sequence is so heavily chopped up, and dialogue is dubbed in after the fact, that we have no idea. It's very possible the cameraman said "come in here and we'll take off the mics and wrap things up." How can we know?

I think more than anything, what proves to me that Giuliani was not expecting sex is that if he were, Cohen would have it on film. He'd have either kept filming long enough for Giuliani to take off his pants, or say something sexual, or done anything, really. In addition it's highly likely Bakalova would have said something to lead him on, or to provoke a response. That she didn't, and that Giuliani said and did nothing inappropriate or sexual, is hugely telling.

If what you are suggesting is correct, all Cohen had to do was stay hidden and keep the cameras rolling, which is his standard operating procedure. He gives his victims plenty of rope and allows them to hang themselves. So why did he burst into the room before Giuliani did anything? If Giuliani as touching his dick, why only a second, if that, worth of footage of his hand appearing to tuck in his shirt?


If you watch all of Giuliani's body language, you can tell he obviously is thinking sex - body language always reveals more than words.

As for Cohen wanting to film some sex, that is ridiculous - the woman is an ACTOR, not an adult film actress. Next, Cohen is a humorist and commedian in these flicks. I doubt it was ever in his intent to film a sex scene capturing a lecherous old man in a sex act.

Guiliani's intent is clear, he just didn't get what he was hoping for and to suggest otherwise seems to suggest the ridiculous.


I see nothing in his body language to suggest that.

No, I did not say he would "film some sex." Read what I wrote. Cohen let the situation play out as far as it would, but was unable to film Giuliani saying or doing anything inappropriate. If Giuliani wanted or expected sex, he would have said something. If he was actually putting his hand down his pants to touch his dick, he would have done so. The fact that Cohen captured NOTHING is the proof.

Look at every other scene in both Borat films. Cohen gives the victim the bait, and watches as they take it and embarrass themselves. He gives Giuliani the bait, and nothing happens.


we will just have to agree to disagree....I clearly observed Guiliani believing he was was going to get laid.

It can't be mistaken.


Then why didn't anything happen? Why would Cohen burst in before anything truly incriminating was said or done? He didn't have to wait for them to have sex, but why not let Giuliani get his hand the rest of his way down his pants, or let Giuliani say something, or ask something, or even insinuate something? If what you believe is true, why wasn't Cohen able to capture anything? If you look at every other prank in both Borat films, every single time he lets the scenario play out to the extreme, and never stops anyone before they fully embarrass themself.


Like I said, we'll just have to agree to disagree, but I suggest you go and listen to Cohen's comments and the actresses comments. Cohen has stated he went in when he did because he was concerned over what Guiliani was going to do and that he felt he had an obligation to protect his actor.

It's just clear to me, though - Guiliani thought he was going to get some action (besides, look at his past background with women -this behavior is in his nature)....


Nothing happened. Cohen was hiding in the bathroom or a cupboard and burst out a Guliani was about to leave.

When Borat burst in Guiliani was in the main room with laptop in hand so he must have been chatting away to the girl in the main room for quite awhile.

You are telling me he teleported from the bed to the main room door and a laptop suddenly appeared in his hand?

Cohens editing team even flipped the orientation of the confrontation footage from left to right because the camera pointing into the main room should show the a right turn into the room.

But we have a left turn into the room which makes me think he was hoping people thought this was still the bedroom even though the bedroom would still be a right turn if a camera pointed at the door.

So much shenanigans.

Is honey trapping stuffy old politicians considered comedy in 2020?


Look again.......he carries that rectangle object into the room with is the same thing he is carrying in his hand when he walks out after Borat comes in the room. I imagine he heard the commotion and headed on out of the bedroom...


>he heard the commotion and headed on out of the bedroom...


While Borat passes the bathroom door, takes multiple steps past it, then the very next shot he doesn't reach the bathroom door.

It's movie magic.


Who even cares - this was blown so far out of proportion. 4 seconds of him with his hands in his pants is not a scandal, however much they want it to be.



Yes... that is the part of the film in question. What is your point?


I did watch the scene twice because I was wondering what the hell? The fact that someone in Guiliania's position would go into a bedroom with a young girl? He should know better...


Because they have mic on them, he know there won't be problem.


someone in Guiliania's position would go into a bedroom with a young girl

A 24 years old girl is a "young girl"?


Giuliani was told she was 15.


At no point did we see Giuliani hear she was 15. Even when Borat stormed in "shes 15" was an insert after the fact.


It likely happened earlier in the movie when Borat introduced his 15-year-old daughter to him. Giuliani's defense isn't ignorance about her age which would've been much better than he "was only tucking in his shirt". LOL!


When? Timestamp it.

Even when he ran in at the end "Shes 15" was ADR after the fact. Everybody is teleporting around at that point.


That 3:26 youtube video isn't the whole movie and doesn't show their introduction.

It's basic common sense if Giuliani hadn't been told her age, he would've used it as his defense.

Giuliani is a sleazebag who cohorts with Russian spies and spreads their anti-American propaganda in order to hurt our great country. It's sad that you want to defend him.


Timestamp it. It's on Amazon.

"anti-American propaganda in order to hurt our great country."

Im not from the US, sorry.

"It's sad that you want to defend him." Im not really defending him, Trump or Republicans.

I'm looking at the footage from a neutral point of view. Which at first I enjoyed and fell for it. Then I came here and people pointed the staginess out with all the edits then watched it again and yes, it looks like a set up, trying to manufacture a #MeToo moment.

Its very disingenuous.


You have several posts on this site defending Giuliani, therefore you're defending Giuliani! You're being very disingenuous.

You're basically defending a would-be pedophile.

Nevermind the 3 minute video. I'm looking at Giuliani's own defense. At no time does he say he thought the girl was older. Giuliani is an attorney and knows that would be his strongest and best defense if he hadn't been told her age in an earlier scene. That's why I wrote that you need to use your basic common sense which is blinded since you are not neutral. You appear to have an agenda against the #metoo movement which you're trying to disparage.

Cohen already mentioned in interviews that he introduced his 15-year-old daughter to Giuliani, therefore it's in an earlier scene which Giuliani never contradicts.

My PC doesn't run Amazon videos. It barely runs youtube.

Nevertheless, you're defending an anti-American sleazebag who is spreading Russian propaganda. You can support democracy or Putin's hatred of our democratic values. Not both.


>You have several posts on this site defending Giuliani, therefore you're defending Giuliani!

Doesn't mean I have a political side. Like I said, im not from the US. I dont care.

Im not defending him on anything else other than this, where im more attacking the film making and the way they set out to honey trap the guy. In this case only. I don't know his history.

I repeat in this case only. Im not speaking on any other subject, I don't know his past, I'm not from the US. We don't know the history or care about every political figure in your country.

>You're basically defending a would-be pedophile.

Am I living in the world of Minority Report?

>Cohen already mentioned in interviews that he introduced his 15-year-old daughter to Giuliani,

They edited this piece to shreds for a hit job and coerced him into a hotel bedroom with hidden cameras and initiated close contact. So now I don't know what to believe, as far as I know she was a young reporter who got access to the old man.

>My PC doesn't run Amazon videos. It barely runs youtube.

Nice out, i'll wait for the timestamp.

>Nevertheless, you're defending an anti-American sleazebag who is spreading Russian propaganda. You can support democracy or Putin's hatred of our democratic values. Not both.

I dont care about your politics or what Putin thinks about the Democrats. Not a hooty given, im from the UK, we have our own problems.

I even wrote a post 2 years ago, when I was sick of your UScentric bull infecting the Internet with people politicising the slightest of things, to weed out and fing point on which US political party you support.

And what do ya know, you were there obsessing over Trump. He's gone in a few days, get over it. It's a movie forum and I don't think you have a single post talking about movies. It's all political postings. Please, find a political forum where you can let off some steam and let the people who want to talk about movies, talk about movies in a movie forum.

Even the mods are tired of it. "This site is called MovieChat, not PoliticsChat."

Tired of this USA political crap infecting every single internet discussion about any other subject, can we just end it when he gets voted out and go back to normal.


"honey trap the guy"

Speaking of traps...

I know his history! He's a former prosecutor who made men do the "perp walk" in front of news cameras after a "sting operation". It turned out the men were innocent and ended up being released after Giuliani had ruined their reputations in front of million of people. The pervert is getting a taste of his own medicine. Good!

"im more attacking the film making"

A 3-minute scene from a 2-hour movie isn't filmmaking. It's bizarre that you don't understand the difference.

Since you're the one who is obsessed with defending a pedophile, I suggest YOU watch the entire movie on your beloved Amazon and give the timestamp to everyone on moviechat.

"what Putin thinks about the Democrats"

I wrote DEMOCRACY. If you don't know what democracy is, then you're in bad shape.


Theres no point continuing the discussion with you. Your post history shows you are solely a political poster.

You don't want to talk about the film making, you dont care. All you care about is Republican=bad.

I don't care about US of A politics. I don't know the history of every US political figure nor do I care. I'm not from the USA.

Im talking solely on this one piece of film making.

>A 3-minute scene from a 2-hour movie isn't filmmaking.

A 1 second scene is film making.

Now rant off somewhere else. Reported for bringing a political chat into a movie chat and blocked.

Goodbye Felicia.


1. Watching 3 minutes of a film is not watching the film. It's watching a short clip.

2. Criticizing the short clip for not having a scene which is clearly in another part of the film is disingenuous. That was my point!

3. You're the one bringing up #metoo and democrats. I was bringing up his self-defense from a legal point of view especially since Giuliani is an attorney and understands criminal law.

4. Nobody told creepy Giuliani to move to the bedroom, lay down and put his hand in his pants. That's what you're defending!

5. I discuss films, TV series and other topics, too. Meet me in "Emily in Paris" if you wish to discuss that series. or "2020", the 1917 parody

What a snowflake you turned out to be!


>My PC doesn't run Amazon videos. It barely runs youtube.

It's ONLY on Amazon Prime. So you basically slipped that you've never even seen this film.

Your computer is not good enough for YouTube so Torrent is also out of the question.

Will the mods please ban this political poster so you can finally move to a political forum to rant on. The whole of the internet is out there, good luck and goodbye.

This is MOVIE CHAT. Not politically obsessed maniac chat.

>I discuss films, TV series and other topics,

No, no you don't, you quickly shoehorned in a couple of posts that are not politically orientated, the exact same day I pointed out what you are. Then without pause you went straight back to the POLITICS like every other post from the last 4 years.

You are a political poster, nothing more, nothing less.

>Meet me in "Emily in Paris"

???? You talk as if you are a regular, like that's your home base. 1 post. 1 single post there.

Please, stop making a complete fool of yourself.


You're still defending pervert Giuliani?


You admitted you have never seen this film.


Have you?


Well, judging by my post history I have discussed multiple scenes from the movie film.

SO the answer would be yes. Based on evidence.

You on the other hand are speaking about earlier scenes that don't exist in something you have never even seen.....talking as if you have seen it.

The only reason you are commenting is because this scene features a Republican (apparently) and you are solely a political poster who doesn't care about anything other than politics.

Look, he's gone now (Trump). Can we just go back to the internet of 4 years ago where everything didn't have to be politicised.

What will you do with all your time and energy then, drifting around the internet like a ghost, a lost soul, trying to stir up some political arguments, yet nobody hears, nobody replies. You are a ghost and all of your energy has been sapped. It's over. The orange man has been banished.

Now I am solely talking about the film making in this segment without political leanings, because, as i've said, I'm not from the US of A, I don't care about US politics. Trump is gone, no need to fight the good fight any more. Put down your pitchfork. If you want political chat stay in the politics section or find a political forum.

Again, this is MOVIE CHAT.

Now are you capable of talking about this scene without being politically biased? If not will you please just go away.

Firstly, go watch the film. Then maybe you can come back to talk about something YOU HAVE SEEN.


Excuse me, but it's the U S and A.


Thanks for the correction.

Although im thinking US and A. That would refer to the USA including the rest of the continent, wouldn't it?

The United States and America.

The United States of America. Which only refers to the USA.

If I went that far describing where I wasn't from I'd say "I'm not from US and the rest of the world outside of England and I don't care about US of A politics and don't know or give a hoot about the history of every US of A political figure in the last 25 years. P.S. Badman Orange man bad has gone now. Can we please get over it."


Very niiiiiiice!


she told him she would remove his microphone in the other room


I don't really know what happened but there was a lot of editing going on and it seemed too convenient and planned out. It was made to seem they were "alone" when he was ushered into the secret camera bedroom, but what about the 2 or 3 camera operators and other crew in the main room who just filmed the interview? Seems a bit odd. That in a split second everybody vanishes.

I counted 2 cameras in the interview, one from each side to catch the faces, with operators because the cameras are moving slightly and zooming, but when Borat walks in I'm thinking there could be 4 cameras in there if we are to believe this was all real time. Then when they move to the doorway to talk another 3 cameras appear so 7 cameras in that main room. Then when they move to bedroom we get a pulled back shot (8 cameras) so the room looks empty, like a hidden camera type shot and we are to assume they are alone? No camera people or crew? And the mikes are still hot. Its very strange.

Most of the scenes during the film were set ups anyway, where the featured public were in on the joke, they get regular people to agree to be filmed and tell them to roll with whatever you say however racy it may be for non-actor reactions so it seems genuine.

Most scenes look like multiple takes all cut together, there's 1 camera there, small set up, yet there's takes that look like there's 20 cameras in the room catching every angle, reaction close ups, multiple cuts and edits, definitely not real time.

For example when they went to the babysitters house and stood in the hall. It was played out in real time, which was impossible unless there were 10 cameras in that small space counting how many different cuts with shots from multiple angles. SO they either filmed the scene multiple times and peiced together best bits or used ADR later if they thought of something funnier. Yet if the lady is supposed to think they are real people being genuine why do they need 20 takes to do it and keep being outrageous over and over again?

Same when they go to the party and do the dance, looked like there was 20 cameras there from the amount of angles they shot with multiple cuts of "reaction shots". Also seemed like people were miked up, like when Borat asked a dad "how much for my daughter", then his daughter seemed genuinely angry but you could hear her reaction perfectly. So they must have been miked up. There was no boom mike to catch anything. She was miked because the production knew she was going to talk or were they all miked up? I'm just trying to get a sense of how it was put together.

It was film making lifted directly from The Simple Life with Paris Hilton. Kinda staged and fake with lots going on in the edit.


I like your analysis.
I'm not in the film industry, but always try to analyze these setups as well - like if a camera angle was edited in later with the same camera, or were all the cuts real-time using many cameras etc. IE a 1 cam news reporter editing in shots of themselves shaking their head 'yes' as if agreeing with the interviewee, but the sound not in-synch.
I then like to pause the show and mansplain them to my Wife, who then glares at me and sometimes leaves. Some people just want to be fooled and not know about it - LOL.


The incident is even shorter than it appears because they used the footage of the mirror reflection also. First it's one hand in the trousers, then they use the mirror footage and you see it is the other hand, then they switch back again. It's the same hand.

Also, you an see the equipment boxes in the bedroom, which is why they went there and can see 1 small cam set up in that room and one on a tripod in the next room.


When he runs in at the end, theres how many cameras? He takes 3 steps and passes the bathroom door, we see that. Giliani is on the bed then teleports to the bathroom door in the main room and Borat is still walking yet he still hasnt made it past the bathroom door after we just saw him pass it.

It's so odd. Its starting to look really premeditated and fake.



I don't know how anyone can watch his segment and not come to the conclusion that he's a creep.


Because some people are smart enough to understand that real life context and editing can completely change how this scene comes across. This is a movie meant to make him look silly, not real life.


Editing doesn't control people.


Evidently, editing does control some viewers into taking it literally.


Only creeps wouldn't see anything wrong with RG's behavior. And cultist Trump supporters.


aaaah so thats what its about. The political thing. Doesn't matter if it was staged or faked. He's a Republican so pointing out its staginess is directly supporting Trump. I didnt even know Giuliani was Republican until now. All I know of him that he was Mayor of New York during 9/11.

Can't wait until this election is over and Trump goes just to end this. Tired of everything being politicised and people pointing the finger accusing you of being either a Trump supporter or a snowflake SJW Democrat, I've been called both over the slightest things.

I'm not even from the US. Not everybody on the internet is from the US. The internet is not UScentric.

I do not support Trump, I do not support the Democrats, I have never voted in a US election, I do not have a US passport, I have never been to the US of A. I live in Europe where we have our own problems.

Talk in a forum about your favourite ice cream flavour, somebody always barges in to politicise it and weed out which political side each person is on as if everybody is from the US. Ice cream man, we were talking about ice cream, I don't care if Trumps favourite ice cream is the same as mine, that does not mean I voted for Trump at the elections 4 years ago

It's getting a bit boring now, 4 years of this crap.


It controlled you. The first time I watched it controlled me, I was sucked in, hook line and stinker. It took someone else pointing it out after feeling there maybe something suspect about the whole film because of the multiple cuts and reality TV style film making.

So I watched through a few scenes again and yes, I was right to feel it was iffy. I'm talking the whole film, it's just not genuine compared to the original and the TV spots in his early work.

Its comedy manufactured in the editing room, where we are led to believe it's documentary style film making.


Again, that has nothing to do with his behavior throughout the whole segment. If he acted like that in the presence of a camera crew, I don't want to imagine how he acts when he's alone with young women.


Obviously it did control you. With all the edits, ADR additions, inserts of things that did not happen like Borat storming in at the last minute shouting shes 15 and Guiliani sitting up as if he'd been caught. He did storm in but the "15 year old" part was an insert after the fact, you can tell because they have a new camera angle catching it. Its edited really weirdly in itself because the old man is sat on the bed, Borat storms in, then Guiliani literally teleports out of the to the bathroom door, with laptop in hand, he was sat on the bed, is he a 70 year old flash now?

Borat storms in shouting passes the bathroom door ONCE, the next second when Guiliani is on camera after teleporting from the bedroom, Borat is still walking and doesn't make it past the bathroom door. The hall is about 3 steps long to the bathroom door and he's made 7 steps already without reaching it, while Guiliani has made it off the bed and to the front door. Its so weird.

It was a straight honey trap job.

She ushered him into that bedroom area, who knows what was said to get him there because the "lets have a drink in the bedroom" could've been ADR as we don't see the mouths. She could have said something a simple as "lets clear the room while the crew dismantles the set" (the crew we never see because they are "alone").

The hidden cameras are set up in the bedroom already, so we know this was all premeditated to get him into that bedroom alone with her and make it seem like there are only 2 total people in the hotel room. When there wasn't because who was operating the 6 cameras literally 30 seconds ago. Then the plan was to put him into a position where they are touching each other and capture it all from every angle and piece it together with timeshift edits, ADR and sinister music.

Jump cut to the bedroom and we see him man handling her. So her plan was to get up close and get him touching her, we dont see the part where she asks him to help remove her mike. She probably could have removed the mike herself but the plan is to get him touching her and her getting up close to him.

Then another weird edit where she teleports positions and possible ADR about "phone number and address". He's sits down on the bed. Which looks like another part was edited out where she ushers him onto the bed and starts undoing his mike, pretty much fiddling with his midriff and shirt for quite a long time while he sits there awkwardly, then the side PAT happens!

I mean, he's sat there like a goof and didn't know what to do while she was "helping" him with the mike, and he could have just done it himself without her taking over in that situation. He shouldn't have touched her everybody is right, but c'mon, It's like a single second awkward pat while she's still going whole hog at his midriff area for what seems like forever. I know what's worse if roles or power dynamics were reversed.

Silly old fool should have been savvy enough to get out of that situation and realise he was being set up. Because she is coercing and setting up all the pieces.

They are timeshifting all over, positions changing, so what exactly are they cutting out? Who knows what she was saying, she could have told him to sit on the bed for all we know. And the mike. He could have done that himself, but again she controls the room and initiates the touching, she wasn't going to allow him to undo the mike himself and needed to get as close as possible while "alone" for the camera.

Straight honey trap, get him into a position she controls, initiate close contact alone and touching. She initiated the moving to the bedroom and the touching, pulling his shirt out. And edit it's all together so it looks sinister then have Borat storm in at the end where more inserted shots and teleportation happen. Guiliani sits up abruptly as if he's been caught then teleports to a Borat at the front door after Borat already took 7 steps into the room.

Giuliani is holding his laptop at this point. You can see all the cracks appear if you watch it again.

The more I look at the footage the more I see weird edits, timeshifts, teleporting, shot inserts with new camera angles and possible ADR.

Sacha Baron Cohen has lost it if his comedy now involves preplanned honey traps to try and manufacture a fake me too moment in the editing room.


the poster you replied to doesn't deserve a rational response


He’s a creep, but not based on this segment. Pushing the bogus Ukraine conspiracy theory made him a creep, or worse. His ridiculous press conference at the Four Seasons Landscaping, very creepy (and hilarious). His speech on January 6 to help incite the crowd that invaded the Capitol, far beyond creepy.

But what’s truly sad is that so few people who agree with me about all those things are willing to look at this footage honestly.

He patted a 24-year-old woman on the waist after she had flirted with him. He was probably attracted to her and hoped she would continue escalating the encounter, but that doesn’t make him a pedophile. Inserting a overdubbed line about her being 15 after the fact doesn’t make her *look* 15, and the context of being interviewed by a reporter, dressed and made up professionally, well spoken, with a camera crew etc., would naturally lead him to assume she was a college graduate, at least in her mid-20s. I’m sure if we could find pictures of her when she was actually 15, she looked much younger. (Nor, BTW, is lusting after teenagers “pedophilia” in any case, because pedophilia is about being sexually attracted to children who have not gone through puberty.)



Whip out his subpoenas
