MovieChat Forums > Southland (2009) Discussion > Which character did you hate the most?

Which character did you hate the most?

I seriously hated Tammi all though the series, she was such a btch to Sammy and did reckless stupid crap all the time. And then on top of cheating on him she was the indirect reason for him and Ben screwing their friendship. I thought Dewey was annoying as hell in the beginning but he grew on me haha


While I hated Tammi more than her I couldn't stand Lydia. She always seemed to be in a pissed off mood and was so self-righteous all the time.


How could you not like Lydia....
I thought Lydia was the best character within the whole show - I wasn't a huge fan of Regina King but she made the show worth watching.

The only character I dislike is Tammi; thought she was annoying.
I'm still upset that the show got cancelled.... twice.

I also liked Janilla; I thought she should've developed her character even more, would've been interesting if she was apart of the team. I don't remember if she attended those classes or not - she once talked about attending law classes; don't know if she did or not.


She was constantly pissed off and so sickeningly self-righteous. It wasn't that bad through the first three seasons, but when Russel left she became nearly unbearable for me.

And no, the best character on the show by far was Officer John Cooper



I came to love Dewey, as I think I would have in real life. He's one of those effervescent characters who at first you think "Who IS this annoying jerk?" but whose incessant positivity and good nature eventually wins you around. I love how he was with Ben - although he called him "Boot" and "Kid" he always acknowledged him and treated him with respect when others were patronising and, in John's case, cruel. I also loved how he behaved disruptively at the briefings, with his terrible jokes, and when the sergeant told him to shut up he'd just say "sorry" and smile, totally unembarrassed (then carry on, unrepentant, next time).

Lydia I also loved, for totally the opposite reasons. She was very serious, very dedicated, and very good at her job. I admired her athleticism - sometimes when she's chasing you can see that Regina King really is fit and strong. Her character had a dreamy, vague aspect to her which I liked.

I'm a Prick With a Fork.


Tammi, for sure. She was never a redeemable character.

Welcome to the O.C., bitch. - Luke Ward, The O.C.


Tammi was a cun- t. Not evil, but not a good person in any conceivable way. No redeeming qualities at all. A person who did not deserve to die, but, the world and everyone in her life would be better off if that were to happen. Complete scum. ..except the photographer, without her he wouldn't have a decent home and loads of beer and a great television. Everyone else would be better off though.

Formerly: Mental Midget, Red Gillen, Choking Baelish


It's not your Fathers Adam 12, that's for sure!...

My least fav. characters were the scumbags, dog-breaths, gangbangers and women that called 911 to make a cop come!

Favorites...Belker, Renko, Bobby Hill, and Tina Russo-nice bust!


Nice overbite too, plus sexily cross-eyed.

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!
