MovieChat Forums > Southland (2009) Discussion > Which character did you hate the most?

Which character did you hate the most?

I seriously hated Tammi all though the series, she was such a btch to Sammy and did reckless stupid crap all the time. And then on top of cheating on him she was the indirect reason for him and Ben screwing their friendship. I thought Dewey was annoying as hell in the beginning but he grew on me haha


Oh, she's definitely the most hateful character on the show. When she's not banging some European dude, she's lo-jacking Sammy's phone, trying to brand him an alcoholic ... She's terrible!

Hey Lady! C'mon, hit the gas. You're killin' me out here!



Ditto to what everybody else said...Tammi.

Dewey was hilarious...a little rough around the edges but he was a seasoned cop and they have to have a warped sense of humor to keep doing what they do after what they see day after day.


Tammi. I actually tried thinking of someone else when I saw the thread title, because I'm about 90% sure that Tammi will be everyone's answer, but she really is the most detestable recurring character on the show.

R.I.P Seth Putnam.


Sal's daughter is also annoying.


Ben, in my humble opinion. He was likeable in the first three seasons, but I eventually lost all respect for him when he became an evil jerk. I was rather angry that he fatally shot Ronnie (and got off clean) instead of vice versa.


Who was Ronnie again? I don't remember him shooting anyone he wasn't after while on the job. And all of those guys deserved it. That being said, I hated the guy Ben turned into as well. But I have to agree with most of the others here in that Tammi was the worst *beep* on the show.


Ronnie was the black pimp of the prostitute Ben was trying to help ...he was trying to get her and her daughter off the street and go back Texas(?)..


Oh, yeah, him... Well, we don't really know if Ben actually did anything wrong there. We didn't see anything. For all we know, Ronnie did pull a gun on him and Ben did shoot in self defense. I think the writers did it on purpose, so that we'd wonder about it.


Pretty sure several eagle-eyed posters here ID'd the second gun we saw Sammy cleaning in the cold open was an entirely different model than the one shown after Ronny was shot.

of course, that doesn't mean Sammy wasn't carrying a "throwaway" gun on him. y'know, "just in case". ;)

as to the OT: definitely Tammy is the worst character. I've liked other stuff Emily Bergl has done, but she sure cranked the B!TCH up on Tammy! LOL

Last: Who/TW: ch34; Heroes BNW ch18-FIN!


"Sammy cleaning in the cold open"

"doesn't mean Sammy wasn't carrying a "throwaway" gun on him"

You mean Ben, right? Sammy over a hundred feet(and around a corner) away when Ronnie got shot. But, yeah, it may have been Ben's gun on the ground, but the one he cleans in his garage wasn't a "trowaway" gun, it was his off duty gun. He uses it earlier when the "active shooter" comes into the lobby of the Police Station and starts shooting, just as he and Sammy were going home.

And yeah. Tammy was a grade A c**nt! Couldn't stand her from the moment we were introduced to her.


I agree. I felt the same way. I was hoping that in Season 5 he would get shot. I remember him saying in season 3 or 4 ( I can't remember which) that he wanted to make a difference and the only difference he made was himself. I really didn't like him in season 4 and 5.


I think thats what made the series so great, it was Ben's loss of morality just like Walter's in Breaking Bad.
Ben started off as a cop with a complete sense of right and wrong and even argued with John Cooper about it in the early series then bit by bit as the series went on he got more jaded, started bending the law then breaking it completely in the last 2 series.
This was the only thing on TV I really looked forward to recently but am grateful they made 5 amazing series of edge of the seat television.


That was a gray area. The gun recovered at the scene was not his backup gun


oh I absolutely hated Tammi. And Dewey did kind of grow on me too, at first I thought he was a complete fool but eventually his antics became quite funny, to me anyway.


I hated Tammi. She was a b*tch who I could not stand on the show. I don't know how Sammy used to tolerate her.

I wasn't a big fan of Josie in Season 3. There was something about her I didn't like.

At first Dewey was a bit on an a** but he had his funny moments. He actually grew on me after a while.


By the end of the show? Ben. I liked him through Seasons 1-4, but he became a total *beep* in Season 5.


Tammy. No question at all.

"Bob, I recall you raise either chinchillas or children. Which is it?"
