MovieChat Forums > The Watch (2012) Discussion > Insane product placement

Insane product placement

This movie features some riddiculous product placement. Early in the movie, Vaughn is looking at a Samsung 3DTV, when Ben Stiller approaches and informs him that the TV is full HD, 1080p, wireless etc. Vaughn refers to it as a "miracle of technology"
Product placement has gone too far, anyone agree?


ahhh COSTCO!


Not to mention the giant Tide display which was 'featured' in the final explosion, as well as the constant focus on Trojan Magnums...


I had no problem with the product placement. It could have been Sam's Club or Best Buy. Costco is the best choice.


I genuinely hope the producers got back some of their $68 million budget with their product placements, because they didn't attract mega numbers of bums on seats with this turkey.


I thought you were going to mention Costco. But I guess the tv thing could be an advert for 3DTV too.


I don't care about product placement. If you notice the attempt, then it isn't effective.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


The Costco product placement was more noticeable.

Its that man again!!


Costco was the big product placement,


Don't forget the huge plug (pun intended) for the Trojan Magnums.

Here's my signature.


I thought budweiser was sponsor... Not a scene with them not drinking bud.. They even drink in a car.
And what was that beer ca holders??


If every mention of a real life brand or product is (pejoratively) 'product placement' to you, then you're going to have a lot of problems with a lot of films.

King often liked using real brands and products because it helped immerse his readers in the story, making it seem a little more like "this could happen!"

Sometimes it's better to use real stuff instead of dicking about trying to make up fake names, which often backfires. Writers - especially if they're trying to avoid a likeness to ANY real names - tend to suck at making up names that seem likely or believable, and it degenerates into something akin to Acme.

There WILL of course be some cases of money-grubbing product placement, but that will not include every use of a real name.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


No, because by the time the movie was released, the TV was obsolete.
