Utter Woke Shite
And that is all you have to know.
I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.
And that is all you have to know.
I'm Deckard B26354, I retire Wokies, I'm filed and monitored.
Which as a minority myself is why I hate modern movies. Always has to have some dumb ass form of forced diversity in them.
But with that said though I do hope they put more woke people in horror movies. It makes me root for the killer.
shareAlmost every movie nowadays is woke, so I'm starting to stop giving a fuck about it. Although I wouldn't mind if Hollyweird would stop pushing this woke nonsense. At least from the trailer, it looks somewhat decent (woke shit aside).
shareWhat do you mean by "woke"?
You sound woke
shareAnd you sound like troll
shareYou didn't answer the question.
shareI think sugreev2001said it. Maybe a bit harsh, I don't refer to people as "monkeys" (well, most people), but all this woke agenda is absolutely unnecessary. Woke is pushing feministic bullshit and casting African Americans where it's not necessary. And also, another trope of mentioning that a movie character is from alphabet gang.
Women: check!
Negros: check!
Must be Woke!
It is woke, but regardless of that it just looks like crap. One of those generic modern jump scare horror movies that I've come to loathe.
shareYeah movie directors don’t know how to do horror movies where they have an atmospheric style to them which makes the movie actually scary.
shareSome do. There are good ones out there like let's say Mike Flanagan.
To be honest, I have some sympathy for them as it obviously gets harder to create new and scary material given the amount that's gone before. But yes, the trend of jump scares and quiet followed by loud bang scenes have become tedious.
I just want to see quality, not absolute originality necessarily. That calls for a recipe for affecting the human mind, no matter the setting. I dunno what the bottleneck is but the horror scene could use more outright quality.
100 % agree !
Woke forced diversity bullshit !
An hour ago I made an account in ''Movie Forums'' site and I posted the following in this movie's thread:
''It has to be a black possessed this time and the exorcist must be a woman right?''
And I got banned on the spot, reason: posting unwanted spam, ban duration: forever
After that I made an account here and I found this thread. I just want to point out the difference between those sites. Again, nice to meet you all
It is woke and heavily moderated, I will never try to register again there
shareOh you don’t have to worry about any pesky moderators here. This site is run by, and for, adolescent trolls who think it’s cool to complain about the “wokeness” of every single film, with 95 percent of them having no clue what woke even means. If that is what you’re here for, then you will fit right in.
shareI think MovieChat is a healthy community where things rarely go out of limits and that with light moderation if at all. Where you see trolling others see humor, and you are right I fit right in
shareWould this "Movie Forums" site happen to have a user by the name of "Kowalski"? Because if not I'm already 90% tempted to switch over to it.
shareForget that woke website. Let them purple-haired man-bun soyboys discuss movies without you
shareEven forgetting about the Woke aspect of it for a moment, this movie probably would've felt a little more special if Hollywood would stop releasing one horror movie after another involving Possession. We just had Russel Crowe as "The Pope's Exorcist", the Conjuring movies, etc I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but the subject is simply too saturated in horror movies now..
shareWhen we look back at the early 80s when slashers oversaturated the market, what do most people think today? To me, it was a unique time in horror history and I’m glad those films were made, good and bad.