Amazing movie

I went back and watched it again recently. Still awesome. Best sports movie since Rocky, imo.


I agree. Powerful film was great performances all around. This is where I really started to gain a ton of respect for Tom Hardy and Joel Egerton.


It’s exceptional from top to bottom. Not a groundbreaking film by any means, but a true tour-de-force overall. Although Edgerton was outstanding, Nolte and Hardy particularly shined in this. I wasn’t surprised by how great Nolte was (he deserved all his accolades), however, I was in awe by Hardy’s performance; this was after all one of the films that made me a fan of his. His acting was intensely gripping and convincing.

Side note: I myself don’t think Rocky was the greatest sports film before Warrior, but I’ll leave that for another discussion.


It really is. I don't like sports movies but this one is one of my favourite films. All three leads are excellent but Nolte and Hardy moved me to tears. Nolte has always been a favourite of mine and this is definetely one of his finest roles.

Just seeing this on the trending section made me want to watch it again.


Word. I recently re-watched it for the first time in a couple of years and I was utterly captivated.

Just a deeply moving film. That last scene with Hardy and Nolte at the hotel is one of the most heart-wrenching I’ve seen in a film.


''Side note: I myself don’t think Rocky was the greatest sports film before Warrior, but I’ll leave that for another discussion.''

Well, this is your personal opinion. In a way, you are not wrong for saying it. However, I do think that Rocky is the greatest sport movie of all times. It might be a bit simple and somehow cheesy, but it still is one of the most inspiring movies ever.

We could argue that Rocky isn't objectively the best sport movie before Warrior. It doesn't change the fact that it is highly influencial and revered though.

On another note, I didn't think that Warrior was all that great. It has its moments and the acting is very effective. But I definetly wouldn't go as far as to say that it is anywhere close from being one of the best sport movies off all time or theb est since Rocky. Just to give a few examples of better sport movies than Warrior made after Rocky: Any Given Sunday, Moneyball (realeased the same year), Raging Bull, Chariots of Fire, Rudy, The Fighter, etc.


"Side note: I myself don’t think Rocky was the greatest sports film before Warrior, but I’ll leave that for another discussion."

I just came back here after years and saw this. I won't argue about Rocky, but have to ask... what is the greatest sports movie before Warrior, if not Rocky? Serious question borne out of my curiousity.


Seabiscuit - being a true story adds a lot.


Million Dollar Baby is probably the best sports movie to come out both before Warrior and after Rocky.


That was an excellent movie. I was so shocked by the counter-intuitive ending.


Same here, I definitely didn't think the movie was going in that direction the first time I watched it.


Days of Thunder (1990)


Good, fun movie, and I enjoyed the "ride" it inspired with the theatre screen and moving chairs (anyone else remember that?), but Tom Cruise being Top Gun-Tom Cruise didn't give it the same depth and impact as many of the other films mentioned here.


I remember the 'ride'. I was with my family and cousins at Universal Theaters. It was pretty cool.


Chariots of Fire is my go to.


"what is the greatest sports movie before Warrior, if not Rocky?"

easy: "The world's Fastest Indian"


Great movie.
