Worst Turtles movie ever made.

I grew up with the TMNJ and I just finnished watching this piece of crap.
There is NOTHING in here that is good, makes sense, or anything positive AT ALL.
I didn't expect my 34 year old self enjoying it like I did 25 years ago obviously, but what the hell did I just watch?! oO

I'm so dissapointed I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

They didn't even try with this movie. I give it 2/10. It would have been 1/10 but the movie was so terrible it actually had me laugh at some points, so for that laughter it gets a higher score.


Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Full Movie Online


The city needs heroes. Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police to the politicians. The future is grim until four unlikely outcast brothers rise from the sewers and discover their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles must work with fearless reporter April and her wise-cracking cameraman Vern Fenwick to save the city and unravel Shredder's diabolical plan.


What is TMNJ??? Teenage Mutant Ninja Janitors.


I enjoyed the film, but I had to give it a 5/10.

The film tries to make the TMNT origin realistic and viable by drawing from the sci-fi film RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (sentient animals created in a lab), as well as THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (reporter’s family connection to genetic experiments, superhuman reptile-human hybrids). But in the end, they left out Hamato Yoshi and his connection to the Foot Clan, and without it the whole story is distinctly hampered and generic. The IDW comics went on a similar premise, but they managed to work in Hamato through the angle of reincarnation and mysticism and it’s worked out fairly well for that story.

Splinter and Shredder are the most affected by the lack of Hamato Yoshi. While they have received substantial upgrades – Splinter puts his rats’ strength/ability/tail to great use, and Shredder has an awesome suit of armor – they are simply a lab subject and a businessman trying to capture them for his own gain. There is no sense of vendetta or personal stake for either side, and TMNT at heart is a personal story of family - the loss of family and the fight to stay together against all odds.

Thankfully, the Turtles themselves are the best and most awesome thing about this film. Their personality is pretty much how they’ve always been: Leo the leader, Raph the rebel, Donnie the brains and Mikey the fun-loving joker. Their designs are a mix of previous incarnations (bandanas from 1987, physiques from 2012) and with new stuff (superhuman strength and agility, individual apparel) and while the blend is a bit overdone (Raph in a loincloth? Really?) it still fits the Turtles okay.
And thankfully the designs have now been toned down for the sequel and they look cleaner and leaner.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.
