Worst Turtles movie ever made.

I grew up with the TMNJ and I just finnished watching this piece of crap.
There is NOTHING in here that is good, makes sense, or anything positive AT ALL.
I didn't expect my 34 year old self enjoying it like I did 25 years ago obviously, but what the hell did I just watch?! oO

I'm so dissapointed I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

They didn't even try with this movie. I give it 2/10. It would have been 1/10 but the movie was so terrible it actually had me laugh at some points, so for that laughter it gets a higher score.


No. TMNT3 is one of the worst movies ever. U know the one when the go back to ancient Japan. Now that one really sucked. Way worse than this movie.


I saw the movie with my co worker who is a fellow TMNT fan and by the time it ended and the credits started rolling we were both sitting there like, "that's it?! That's the new movie?! Really?!?!" It was the biggest piece of crap that either of us had ever seen, even the 2007 CGI movie was better than that train wreck. The only scenes I like are the mountain chase and the fight with Shredder at the end. Hopefully Micheal Bay will make up for it with the sequel, my fingers are crossed but I have my doubts.


feel almost the same. easily the worst. I would have preferred a sequel to tmnt over this. that said I'm glad this movie exists and the turtles are still goin.


They had all the turtles represented by their personalities. They used martial arts. They ate pizza. They fought the evil Shredder. They had Splinter. They lived in sewers. They were immature. Yeah it had problems. No it was not perfect. But it was far from terrible. They have a potential to make a great sequel.


hey had all the turtles represented by their personalities.

Not well they weren't. It's a strange mix of the portrayal of the characters largely being implied and the one note over the top style.

They used martial arts.

When? Even the turtle actors have publicly bemoaned the fact they learned martial art skills and had great martial arts trained stunt doubles that were never shown in the movie.

They fought the evil Shredder.

What was the point without any of the character's backstory? Their battle was meaningless.

Kinda interesting that they originally shot the movie with William Fichtner's character assuming the identity of the Shredder but eventually relented and gave us Oroku Saki-like character but without any of the reasons fans wanted him so badly.

They had Splinter. They lived in sewers

I don't think we should be praising the movie for including two things which should be a given. Especially when they missed out a lot of other things that should be a given.

They were immature.

That's not a good thing.

it was far from terrible

I disagree

They have a potential to make a great sequel.

There's always potential but what's the likelihood they will. The two writers that seemingly don't like the franchise still on board, the one writer that did sorta like the franchise no longer involved, an even less experienced director and more signs that it will be an even bigger mess.

Also I think that last years movie will always be an elephant in the room. You can't reasonable change the designs too much or append a deeper backstory. Even if they managed a minor miracle of doing that commercially I think it's a sticky situation.

Sure fan favorite characters and promises of change could tempt disgruntled fans back but non-fans that went aren't going to be as keen to take another gamble. Unless something drastic happens this isn't going to be like the Nolan Dark Knight movies or the Phase 2 Marvel releases were we dramatic spikes upwards. We're stuck at the level give or take and with sequels getting more expensive that profit margin is going to slimmer.

We all saw how that worked out for the Amazing Spider-Man series. Sadly TMNT don't have the option of joining the Avengers.


This was pretty bad. But I think the distinction of worst turtles movie belongs to TMNT 3 which slightly edges it out.


I grew up with the TMNJ

this is the problem
the movie aimed for people who supposed to be at the age when you're watching it

not every super hero movie has to be a TDK


this movie is in no way appropriate for children, it simply sucks in every respect!

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman


Then why didn't it resemble in any way the current animates series that is popular with kids?

I mean yes the 1990 movie veered more towards the comic in it's story but still kept hallmarks from the then popular animated series.

Also for all the anecdotal evidence that kids liked it, it didn't sell a lot of merchandise which is usually a good barometer for popularity with youngsters. So if they did like it then they didn't like it enough.

not every super hero movie has to be a TDK

They kinda went for a Dark Knight vibe. For a long time they were saying the movie was going to have a Dark Knight realism with Avengers-esque adventure.

The melding of light and dark is in principal not a bad idea and I can't think of a franchise better suited to it than TMNT but it takes someone with a lot knowledge and care to know which elements to play dark and which to be comedic and to what degree.

In this case the movie was a complete mess as it was The Amazing April O'Neil Begins in this dark realistic setting with turtles doing fart jokes and learning ninjutsu from a book.


I'm going to give my most unbiased spin on the film. I watched a good portion of it this morning.

Not a good film. Many aspects of the film I really disliked. There were good parts but not enough to make me want to watch it again.

First things first, the good parts I liked. There aren't many so I can go through this quickly.

I grew up on the turtles from a very young age so I do have a fanboyish side to me admittedly. Even so, I still thought this was a crappy movie.

Anyway....good parts. They portrayed the family bond very well. They gave enough to make you really want to like the turtles to a certain extent. They showcased the utilisation of teamwork between the brothers. This particular aspect is something I much prefer seeing in action movies. I'm fed up of watching these stupid films with guys like Chuck Norris, Scott Adkins, Jason Statham and Steven Segal going off on their stupid little ego stroking by mowing down leagues of men with their poncy little martial arts flicks. At least with the Turtles, the main message they convey is that teamwork should always triumph.

The many aspects of what I didn't like about this movie: -
I'm not one for over analysing acting performances. It is irritating to see bad reviews from people whining about poor acting when most of the time they simply don't like the actor or actress but can't admit their pettiness. Now, I like Megan Fox. However, I really do find she is an appalling actress and it really showed itself watching this movie. Whenever the camera panned on her to show her response to dramatic sequences, I was cringing at her facial expressions. I can't explain what it is exactly but nothing about her felt quite right. I think she must be unable to blend into the role at times because in other films she does blend in better, from what I've seen. Perhaps it was just mis-casting. Michael Bay just wanted her in the movie for marketing purposes is my guess.
I will only ever say bad acting when throughout a film it becomes distracting to the point where I don't want to see the person on screen anymore. So, maybe she is not necessarily a bad actress so long as she is in roles more suited to her personality. Most actors and actresses are only considered good because they make the role a slight extension of their own personality anyway.

I also found the plot to the movie very rushed. It seemed like they had specific plot devices they wanted to fit in and it was all just squeezed together to make the movie watchable. The ending battle when they were scaling the building to fight the shredder felt very rushed to me. This might just be my own opinion again.

The turtles have always been portrayed as somewhere around 5ft4 to 5ft8 tops in height. They're meant to be ass-kicking underdogs that can triumph over most adversaries using teamwork and discipline as well as clever problem solving. However, in this movie they looked like imposing monsters. Personally, I preferred the more smaller statue they've had before. It also convinces me more they are still teenagers at the end of the day.

The voice acting for the turtles and the personalities given were hit and miss for me. I had no complaints for Leo and Raph really. Dons voice and personality seemed fine but I didn't like Mikey. His voice sounded weird and his personality seemed really really weird. I know it's silly but I'd have loved it if they stuck with giving him a stoner surfer dude voice. Maybe make him less a weird perve too.

There are other little things I didn't really like too. Never mind though. The IDW comics are incredibly entertaining at the moment. I'll always have my fanboyish turtle ninja fix from there.

If any of you have not seen the IDW revamped comics yet, I'd suggest giving them a try. Bebop and Rocksteady have been given an awesome makeover.

Careful what you say to me. I will argue with you forever. I enjoy trying to prolong arguments :D



The original movies were worse than this to be honest.



Nah, that was crap too. Totally blinded by nostalgia. Critics ripped that movie too. This was basically similar, just better written. And actual climax, a better explanation for why Splinter knows how to fight. Shredder that actually has a plan of some sort. It was stupid, but better than rounding up kids to steal stuff.


The fight between Shredder and the Turtles in this film was better than any sort of fight in the 3 original turds.



OP's opinion is absurd.

Worst Turtles movie EVER? I think not. Even though I personally didn't hate it, don't dismiss that as a lack of disappointment. I had my share. But overall I can say I didn't despise this film.

But to DARE to say it was the worst of the lot... eh..

Are you friggin kidding me?


Honestly, it wasn't that bad compared to TMNT (2007). Apparently, that movie was a continuation to the original cartoon series and movies from the '80s to the '90s but failed to live up to its potential.

I'd say the best movie out of all of them was Turtles Forever (2009). Now THAT'S how you make a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.


Don't agree about Turtles Forever being the best, it could have been the best if not for the mistreatment and misrepresentation of the 80s Turtles.
