MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) Discussion > How is this garbage getting a 6 rating??...

How is this garbage getting a 6 rating????

This blasphemous pile of junk is just abysmal. Besides resembling the Turtles in neither narrative nor appearance, the rest of the movie is a plot hole inside a paradox, cooked up by a group of guys who's only real exposure to Ninja Turtles was a few fuzzy Saturday mornings after a drinking binge in college. Like every other Platinum Dunes production, every change makes no sense and takes away from what the source originally was. In a franchise that is ripe for the age of special effects and great story telling, as a fan I feel more than just let down and betrayed...enough of my fan-boy bitching. All said and done how the *beep* is this POS getting a 6 out of 10???


Why do people ask the same idiotic question? If somebody likes a film they give it a high rating, if not a low rating. Is that so difficult to understand? Jesus Christ on a bike!!


Preaching to the choir. I consider this movie a 7/10 (Good) and had fun with it. I had some problems with it, but overall, I was satisfied. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) I found better than Secret of the Ooze (which I like), Turtles III (f@cking hate it), and TMNT (2007) (between mediocre and average).


Nothing more to add than "amen". How this abomination was released is beyond me. I know you shouldn't have ANY expectations when Michael Bay is involved, but this... this is a new low. I'm speechless.


I know you shouldn't have ANY expectations when Michael Bay is involved

So you are saying Bay's films are bad and don't make money?

Explain yourself and back that post up?

Or are you just full of sh*t and posting trash?


Apperently, majority of viewers disagree with you, which is how this movie has gotten that rating. you have to remmeber that IMDB ratings are not much more than a popularity contest. if people liked it it will be good, if they didnt - it wont. People tend to like movies for many different reasons, from nostalgia to simply not having enough perspective. I used to rate complete garbage quite high when my movie toll was bellow 500, now after 3000+ movies i have way more perspective but i can understand how i did the mistakes i did.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


It shows how little you know.

Most movie companies have hired agencies to artificially increase the rating on review sites. I will gladly elaborate if you want to learn more.

Anyway, (I think) this movie is horrendous. Just bad, bad craftsmanship from start to finish.


IMDBs rating calculation is built to combat that, though i agree that it will not be foolproof.

The movie company agencies work on smaller movies, however they cannot outsway hundreds of thousands of real votes. no, not even register and vote bots can. and hiring real people to do the job in a way thats effective for something as highvoted as this would be excruciantingly expensive.

It is much better to do what TDK did and rallied the fans to downvote all movies above it which is how Godfather lost its #1 spot on IMDB as most fans went and voted that a 1 just to get TDK higher. Now that was an effective vote manipulation.

You think its horrendous, i though it was average (5/10), others may think it is great. that is fine, we all can have our opinions.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I deplore the late feedback.

I think you underestimate the web medias influence.

Horrendous was a tad strong word to use.


I gave it an 8 since I loved it, it was funny and entertaining. My kids were laughing their butts off. I think Megan Fox's acting is just fine, compare her to Kristen Stewart and she is night and day better. I really didn't grow up on the Turtles as they came out when I was 14 and I was really not watching any cartoons anymore. My favorites were Transformers, Voltron, Thundercats & He-Man which I was watching when I was younger. I remember catching a few episodes to see what the craze was about in 89 to 90 and thought it was an okay show but just wasn't interested. I would now like to go back and finally watch all those old episodes. Maybe because I didn't grow up on the old show and was past getting into it back then I am able to accept this movie more and enjoy it because I don't know of all the changes they maybe made to it? I was upset with Transformers as I felt Michael Bay made so many changes (for the worse) it ruined my beloved memories of my all time favorite cartoon series / toy line. So if that is how someone feels about this movie I totally get it. Transformers is the only movies I'll ever complain about as that was the one series I wanted to see made on the big screen but without any changes and made exactly like the original story arc. Oh well what can you do? I really did enjoy this movie, I definitely will watch it a few more times.


I gave it a three just because some of the fighting scenes were a little cool

Smile, you're on camera 👿


I give it a 5.

The Turtles were the only saving grace. I thought their personalities were spot on. I wish they weren't so bulky but that doesn't take away how well they were portrayed. Everything else was pretty pathetic. Take away the turtles and this movie would be a -100,000,000 out of 10.



I thought it was more entertaining than Interstellar.


Hahaha... You're funny


Well, it was more entertaining than Interstellar

This was a fun movie, Interstellar was a super serious movie

He didn't say it was better, he said it was more entertaining

Which it is

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I gave it a 7. Sure, the plot was kind of dry, but it was longer than what we got in 2007 with TMNT, so the length fit more with the movie. If this were 20 minutes longer, then it would be right where it needs to be, but this is still a good length, I guess. It was the biggest problem I had with the 2007 movie, and I even thought that movie was decent.

Plus, I laughed quite a bit, which makes sense when Comedy is one of its genres. AND I'm not one of Megan Fox haters.

Winter is coming
