MovieChat Forums > Easy A (2010) Discussion > When did you lose your virginity?

When did you lose your virginity?

Mine was a couple weeks after I turned 16. I remember being pretty pleased the whole next day at school and telling my buddies as we were running laps around the football field. But to be honest, getting my first BJ at 15 made me happier than losing my virginity for some reason.

At what age did you first have sex? I'm assuming the average age is probably around 17 and curious to see if that holds true.


This will probably be looked down upon by anyone reading it (I don't care what people think, really) but I am now 33 and still a virgin. Actually, I have never kissed anyone and have never really been on a real date. It's all partially by choice...there has been very few I have been interested in. But I woul be lying if I said there have been people lined up to go out with me. I don't know why, exactly. I am not ugly, I am thin, and I think my personality is good, though I am very shy and have funny taste.

But I wanted to respond to this since there may be other, older people that have not experienced these aspects of life and can be encouraged to share.


I was 15. I don't regret it because I wanted to at the time, was going out with the person it was with and I was aware of the risks and the concequenes.

Trang Pak is a grotsky, little byotch


@Zantara Xenophobe
Don't worry, I am sure you are not the only one. I am 21 and have never had sex, never kissed either. Can I say I have not even been on a proper date and noone but 1 chick has ever expressed any romatic interest in me (by that I mean actually admitted she likes me, not just flirting. I do flirt with many girls, I am not THAT pathetic). But yeah, I dont think there is anything wrong with me if I still have friends and girls still flirt with me. I used to be very depressed and tried very hard, but I honestly just don't care anymore. Like Olive said at the end to Easy A - it's nobody's god damn business. If it happens it happens, if it doesnt o be it. All I can do is be at my best and surely that has to be good enough.


Zantara Xenophobe it was so refreshing to read your post. I'm 24, a virgin, never been kissed or been on a date. 50% of the time I'm OK with that and figure when it happens and the other 50% of the time I hate it and feel like the only other person in the world in this situation.

It’s immortality, my darlings


i didn't know there were still virgins out there! haha hello fellow virgin xD I'm 20 & i haven't done anything with a guy---or even had a first date. no kiss! just nothing! i feel like i'm too afraid to go on a first date since i've never even DONE anything with a guy. gosh i feel like i'll be forever alone.
maybe i'm picking? i dunno why i haven't even been on a date yet. it's frustrating but i guess the right guy will come along eventually? or i'll be forever alone. i mean i've done it 20 years already? i could do another 20 lol so sad


I was 17 and a senior in high school.


I feel exactly the same!

It’s immortality, my darlings



18. I'm 22 now and I wish I never lost it.




Am I the only one cracking up at this thread? It's like watching people trying to outbid each other, except the bids go lower and lower. And some of the stories, pure comedy. Thanks for the laugh.

"Where did you go to law school?"
"A whole bunch of places."


18 years old at my graduation party. We broke up two weeks ago though but not because he's a douche. We were together for 2 years.

"That ain't my perfume, I'll bet she had a curfew."

The Band Perry "You Lie"


15...then i was scarred because of how bad it was that i didnt do it again til i was 18 lol


15 with this really attractive was wild and she was a virgin...I could easily tell.


For girls, would you consider fingering as losing it if you didn't want to go all the way? Some say yes, some say no. What are you're thoughts. If you still want to be innocent in there and all.


fingers is not losing your virginity. you might as well say you lost it horseback riding or whatever. i was 15, my mom's wedding night (to her second husband). she didn't even get any cuz he passed out drunk from the wedding party after.


I lost my virginity at 18. He also popped my cherry with his fingers before we had sex. Sorry if that's a bit graphic for some. We were together almost a year before we had sex and we've been together for 4 years now. I love him very much. He's my best friend and the sex is incredible!


15. But then I found it again after being married. I was like I never had sex, was never going to have sex again. Yeah...just like being a virgin.

"Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing" -- Jason Stackhouse



21. He was essentially my first everything, right down to kiss. I didn't mess around with that kind of stuff and would only sleep with someone with feelings in there. Even to this day(ok, I'm 22, lol, not that long ago) I still will only do intimate things with people of value. It was of course fantastic and "everything I hoped for" Was wonderful, though. Not together anymore but Im sure my next relationship will fare better. :D


A one night stand when I was 17 and I kept going for 40-50 minutes and then I was too tired to continue and told her I wanted to sleep. I was a little drunk and I had a rubber so it really didn't feel all that great. But psychologically it felt great to have done it. I don't regret it to this day and it was 10 years ago.

ps: It didn't really feel great until the third time (and girl)
