MovieChat Forums > Easy A (2010) Discussion > That's not even a swear word in England.

That's not even a swear word in England.

And she pronounced it incorrectly.


It's not really a swear here in the US, either. Rude, yes. The script probably called for the C word (trivia says a number of F's and 3 C's were dropped) but was changed to twat to avoid an R rating. And rhyming twat with cat in America will get you laughed at.

**these go to eleven **


I agree if it is supposed to be a British swear word say twat not twat. I wouldn't ever say arse in an American context or mock accent. Shailene says twot in The Descendants too, but I don't think it's an accent thing, I think it's just pronounced wrong.


Twat - whether it rhymes with Cat or Cot - is very much a swear word in England; some consider it more offensive than the F bomb.

Try putting on a TV show and it'll be instantly bumped to the 9pm watershed.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


You can say twot before the watershed on British TV, because it isn't a *beep* word over here. Now, twat is another matter.

Why do people so frequently get told to "read the book" on a movie database?




I'm from the north of England, near Manchester and it was pronounced twat to rhyme with cat. I live in Wales now and everyone here pronounces it that way and my ex, who was from Portsmouth down in the South of England says it that way too.I've never come across anyone who ever said it to rhyme with swot, if I said twot in Manc I'd get my head kicked in

I am the ray of darkness in your otherwise sunny day...

The Cake is a Lie



What isn't a swear word?


Even the prime minister uses it...

David Cameron, Prime Minister: "Too many twits might make a twat"
