Racism again?

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, and I will gladly admit if I am, but wasn't one of the main characters in the original a black male? In fact wasn't he one of the survivors? Why eliminate this from this version? I'm not saying it was integral to the part but why change that? I just think it's strange and unnecessary.


Well, since Angela is the only one they brought back (don't remember all the character names from the first one, so not sure if any others are portrayed, but none of them stuck out) I wouldn't call it racist by not bringing back Roger.

Actually, if they had brought back Roger, there would undoubtedly be people calling this film racist because the black character is a coward. Also, Roger didn't seem to be a main character to begin with (not until the last 15 minutes when there were only two ppl still alive). Kept waiting for his luck to run out, but was pleasantly surprised when he survived, since too many horror films are predictable about who lives and who dies and Roger had VICTIM written all over him.

Think the funniest part of the original was when Roger took one look at the approaching mob of demons and scaled the 10 ft-high barbed-wire fence in 2 seconds flat. :)


I'm so tired of all you whiny pathetic *beep* who need to find racism in everything. Was it racist to cast a half hispanic person as Fred in scooby doo just cuz he was white in the cartoon? You people need to get a life. Seriously.


I have to Agree with u on this Billy_Bass! I say they need to close this topic! because first of all there is a Filipino in the cast! uh hello techinally its not racist at all its just dumb there having a topic on this!:(


Stop whining. It's a movie and doesn't any politically correct *beep*


The cast of this film is not completely "caucasian."

Michael Copon is half-Filipino, Edward Furlong has Mexican ancestry and Shannon Elizabeth is Lebanese and Native American.

End of discussion.


Don't bother, Deapokid. Liberals who religiously obey the PC establishment don't care about racial diversity or representation, but rather the appearance and perception of it. So unless the actors with filipino, Mexican, Lebanese and Amerindian blood flaunt that in this film, it's racist. It rings just as hollow as most of the other garbage they push in the name of social 'progress'.


this is fuc king hilarious! as much as racism is a worldwide problem, it's essentially more an american problem. i live in scotland and we have much bigger problems than the colour of our skin. i was raised half catholic, half protestant. a fact i keep to myself in certain circles as religious bigotry and hatred runs much deeper than any racism around the world. religion comes hand in hand with violent knife crime (as well as major acts of terrorism)in most parts of the uk and surrounding countries. as much as i get the whole oppression and slavery history that black people had to endure throughout history, it shouldn't mean that they are afforded every opportunity over a white equivalent in case its construed as racist.

here how much we care about racism in scotland, i have two black friends who are the funniest people i have ever met, especially when it comes to slagging black folk. its not done out of hatred, its just humor. a healthy sense of humor can go a long way to solving all forms of discrimination.

think it through people. is it really that big a deal?


Well, you're totally wrong first of all. I've never been to Scotland, but I'm pretty sure it's an overwhelmingly white country. I've seen a lot of discussion of race in America, but I've seen so much more racism in Europe than anywhere else, especially with the huge influx of Muslims.


first of all, how can i be 'totally wrong' if your only 'pretty sure'? sounds like you just want to start an argument. so here goes...

racism in scotland is no where near as bad as in america. i cant prove this but although we are not a perfect country, we have never been as openly racist as the states. oppression of black folk for years with slavery, the assassination of JFK, killed for, amongst other things wanting to give black people more rights, the assassination of Martin Luthor King and lets not forget Rodney King!! but of course you've heard of more racism in europe? ok.

As you said you have never been to scotland so you have no clue what you are talking about. the religious bigotry in this country far outweighs any racial bigotry. FACT!

i do know that England has a lot of racism problems but still doesn't impact as much as the war between catholics and protestants.

You said: 'but I've seen so much more racism in Europe than anywhere else, especially with the huge influx of Muslims'

Are you implying that because they are not white they are automatically going to be hated? what the hell is wrong with you? Although the asylum seekers from all around the world has been a problem with housing and on our economy, it hasn't directly affected me or my family. thats a government problem, of which they have many, and of which i care nothing about. including the two friends i mentioned in my previous post, i work with a lot of different raced people and get on with all of them. unlike most racist pieces of *beep* around the world, i take an interest in their cultures and religions.

because of my upbringing and because of the way my country perceives religion, i don't have any religion now. i do however take an interest in all religion.

but of course we are all racist here, you ignorant prick. think before you speak.


"Are you implying that because they are not white they are automatically going to be hated? what the hell is wrong with you?"

No, I'm implying that the influx creates racial tension, something I'd seen during the 6 years I lived in Europe. Racial tension in Europe is so much worse.

And if you want to talk about poltiical representation, who the hell is the president of the United States right now, numbnuts? Tell me how many heads of state in Europe have been anything but white?


oh my god, funniest post ever!!! i knew you would throw obamma into the debate, as if having a black president automatically makes america less racist? get a grip!

one black president will never outweigh the amount of racist war mongering non white hating presidents that came before. And as for having a black prime minister in britain? never happen, because unfortunately, we are still run by a racist old *beep* who claims to be the queen of our land, when really shes just a money hungry old cow.

anyway, this is all off the topic of this thread. no point arguing over something that is never going to change the world over. especially on an imdb movie board. i will agree that racism is a worldwide problem and leave it at that.

lets leave this board for discussing movies.


