Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, and I will gladly admit if I am, but wasn't one of the main characters in the original a black male? In fact wasn't he one of the survivors? Why eliminate this from this version? I'm not saying it was integral to the part but why change that? I just think it's strange and unnecessary.
I agree it's racism; just like it's racist that they replaced the white star of the original The Karate Kid with a black kid, and that movie was much more popular and well known than this movie.
"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong." - Ronald Reagan
Be happy with your half black president and your black Nick Furry. Correct me if I am wrong, Nick Furry was white. Wait I am not wrong, did you post this same question in that thread asking why he was not white?
nick fury got changed in the comics by Mark Miller because he loves Sam Jackson. It wasn't hollywood that changed fury's race it was Marvel. Night of the Demons holds a special place in my heart because as an 80s baby it was the first horror movie that I saw that the black dude lived.
I think you took his comment the wrong way. Someone said that Hollywood is white washing the cast's of movies. Which is kind of a slur towards white people. As if an all white cast is a bad thing.
And how is calling the black guy in any movie the tokin not a bad thing? Theyre saying hes just there to get the black audience in the doors.
Also i didnt hear one person say one word of wtf when Brandi was in the all black cast of Cinderella. Thats a remake that changed the cast from top to bottom. And for no other reason then to have something to sell to black people at Christmas time.
Not trying to be a jerk here just trying to give my views on this. Sorry if your offended by it.
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Why focus so much on race? I think maybe not harping on it so much things may get better. Would you rather some affirmative action approach to casting?
? no .but, to think like you, in black and white, is kind of racism, isnt it? the day black and white people dont see the races in a movie, wil be a day to remember. the most racism movie is the "black" movies, where the word "white boy" is in every second line. no there almost no racism from white people anymore, but alot of racism against white people. thats a fact! just look around. sorry for my bad english
I'm actually offended.. so because someone has minority blood.. even though they DO have it.. and alot of them are lamenting them there are NONE respresented.. but because they LOOK white.. well they are white? Lebanese is considered WHITE?
What the HELL.. I mean.. really? White is a very VERY broad category, and seems to be getting broader by the second.
I will only throw in. I live in a town of about 30,000. And yes we do have minorities here.. But, and I work with the public DAILY.. They are not as represented in a group of 10.. I probably see THREE times as many "white" people as I do of any other color.. PERIOD.
Almost all my friends are "white" (granted.. I only have a few).. and one I do know is Native American.. but he looks REALLY white to me. Italians, Irish, English, German.. all considered "WHITE". But are very different groups and its really INSULTING to lump them in a group.. I don't think a Sudanese man would LOVE to be lumped in with a Kenyan man just based on their skin COLOR (not even getting into skin tone).
So this argument really is kind of silly at its face. Race swapping occurs ALL Ove the movie mark.. and as someone said earler.. I almost hit the ROOF when they were talking about making "Candyman" WHITE.. or caucasian (same difference). It totally destroys the MYTHOS of the character and the backstory.. although they could make him an Irish indentured servant. but it doesn't have quite the same texture.. and poignancy.. although anyway.. I don't think ANYONE should touch "Candyman" aside from Tony Todd.. so I am biased in that regard anyway.. much like Pinhead IS Dough Bradley.. and Freddy Kruger is ROBERT ENGLUND (sorry Jackie Earle Hailey.. but nooooo.. ).
And even if they had a character with the SAME name.. and SAME charactreistics.. we'd still be in the SAME boat with you complaining about their ethnicity. So its a no win scenario no matter how you slice this one.