MovieChat Forums > Night of the Demons (2011) Discussion > Night of the Middle-Aged Demons

Night of the Middle-Aged Demons

What the ????

Shannon Elizabeth is THIRTY SEVEN.
Edward Furlong is THIRTY THREE.
Monica Keena is THIRTY ONE.

What audience was this supposedly aimed at? The original was about a group of high school kids. Shannon and Edward could have kids in high school. I know this one doesn't say these people are in high school, but still. What group of adults, that are old enough to have mortgages and own their own homes, would need to have a party in an old abandoned house? They have their own homes!

Whoever wrote the script for this was just making bad decisions from the get-go. Full of bad effects, over inflated boobs, terrible dialogue, too much cursing for my taste, and not a single likeable character in the whole bunch.



Agree, Linda. Terrible, terrible movie.

Sgtking, the secondary actors may be able to pass for college kids, but not Shannon E or Edward F. They both look every bit of mid to late 30s. The acting in this thing was embarrassing...well, actually everything about the movie was embarrassing.

This whole movie was a horrible mess and I regret seeing it. Brought absolutely nothing of value to the table. Thank God I only rented this and didn't buy it, but even at that, I wasted 90 min or so of my life...


I agree with you there on that. Well take for example Shannon Elizabeth when she did the first American Pie movie. She is my age and she looked just like a high school girl back when the first American Pie movie was made. I agree with you there. Some people can hide their age well. I am 38 1/2 years old and I have been told I do not look like I am 38 years old. Even when I entered the Navy back in the early 90's I had a Company Commander ask me if I was old enough to be in the Navy? I was old enough to serve and I told him I can show him my ID he then did not say anything after that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


If the actors can pass off for teens/college students they are hired. Wasn't Denise Richards already way into her thirties when she did Wild Things and Drop Dead Gorgeous? The whole cast of SCREAM was well into their thirties. Shannon Elizabeth maybe almost forty but she still looks sexy. But I agree that Edward Furlong should've been recasted. He looked forty and exhausted.

"What's the fastest way to kill a slasher flick? Slap it with a PG-13."



If they can pass, that's fine, but none of these could pass for teens or college. I agree that Shannon is still sexy, but she was a bad choice for this movie.

And no, Denise Richards was in her late 20's when she did both of those movies. None of the cast of "Scream" that were supposed to be in high school was even out of their mid 20's in the original.

Edward Furlong looked like he needed a looooong vacation. The bags under his eyes were terrible. :)



It's aimed to a mid-to-late twenties audience that would nostalgically remember the original "Night of the Demons". Im 28 years old, so I was:

7 years old when I watched the original "Night of the Demons" on VHS

10 years old when Terminator 2 was released (Edward Furlong)

and 18 years old when American Pie was released(Shannon Elizabeth)

This movie is for someone like me who will recognize all these faces and enjoy the movie for what it is. A walk down memory lane "when movies were good".



ROFL! yeah there was definitely a missed oppurtunity here. with the original being as good as it is, it would not have been easy to improve to be sure. by the same token they had good source material to draw from and wasted it on fake boobs, bad lighting, mediocre effects and not-so-sexy sex scenes/ pretty much just bad fimlmaking. I do love monica keena though and her delivery of the last line in the film did get a laugh from me. if eddie get to rehab, starts working out and gets into some good improv classes he could be ok.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


What made it worst: wasn't the fact that one of the characters beat up on teenagers. Or the fact that they go all out for Halloween parties in Haunted Houses. It's the spin the bottle. Having Edward Furlong acknowledge the stupidity of the situation does not save the screenwriter from ridicule of making the scenario.



Well it is a remake of the original Night Of The Demons. Plus, Linnea Quigley was around the same age when she filmed this back in the 80's. I liked the remake and so they tweaked things just a bit. It did not bother me any because they did stick to the story or the basis of the original film.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I thought the female leads were all very attractive, no problems with their age from this fan of the original.

"We've got movie sign!"


I did not have any problems with their ages either. I thought they were all hot to look at and that is what I enjoy about movies is getting the chance to see the eye candy and if they happen to show a little bit of their goods then I am pleased about it. What I mean by goods is a little something to look at like their breasts for frontal nudity and their nice fine firm asses as well! I loved the original version of the film as well!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


Well the year NOTD came out I was born. 1981. I didn't see the original until I was 17. Saw part 2 at 18. Saw 3 at 18 also. When the remake was first announced I was 25 I think. When it came out, I was 28. I'm 29 now.


Hey that is cool to hear about! I think all of those films are classics! I have the first two original ones and would have had the third one if this stand at the Horror Hound Convention would have been selling the DVDS, but what they were selling were the blank DVD Rewritable DVDS. That pissed me off because I did not find out about it until I got home to watch one of my DVDS that I had bought from this table there.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


By the way, middle-aged is 50 actually. Once a person hits 50 they're officially middle-aged. The younger demo has 2 tiers:

1st 16-25 or 18-25. Second tier, 18-35 or 21-35.
