Can't finish it

It was tolerable and somewhat entertaining up until "Faye" showed up


Do you hate women or something?




No but your mother does


Watch the anime instead.


I'm going to watch it ..
I wanted to come at this live action crap with an open mind... Didn't help at all, the show is pure crap


So you're a fan of the original anime version?


Never seen it and didn't want to see it before the live action..


So you're just another idiot incel troll with nothing better to do in your life than complain about women. Got it.


So you're another idiot incel troll with nothing better to do in your life than complain about people complaining about a series... Got it!


Pathetic comeback. Just what I expected from a troll like you...


Nah... you didn't see that one coming..
I uno reversed it.


She showed up near the end of the first episode xD

But I felt what you feel. I kept an open mind though and watched the second episode and its my favorite episode and guess what? Faye is NOT IN episode 2 AT ALL.

I trudged though up until episode 5 and encountered so much bs, could see the leftist/alphabet agenda, and stopped watching for days. Then I finally watched the first eight minutes of episode 6 and shut it off completely!!! they had a female mechanic hit on Faye with the subtlety of a baboon and I bounced right out. They want Faye to be Gay? Nope.

I gave the show an honest try. I even liked a lot of the set pieces, and some of the villians. Jet was excellent! The other main actors not so much. Episode 2 was really good, but every other episode began to have too many agendas and bad writing and characters doing things that go against who they are as core characters. they took black villians from the original and changed them to a non black race, there are ZERO white males shown in a positive light which shows the lefts agenda pretty clearly, they are emphasizing gayness and sexual deviancy as normal when its not normal (sex slaves? Dominant and submissive sadist crap as normal? No its not!).

My brother said he finished watching it himself but he views the show like its more along the lines of a "Firefly" romp but watching a different crew and ship...but that defeats the point of calling it Cowboy Bebop and showing the Bebop World-Building.

My summary, you really should give it a chance and keep an open mind. But if it gets to where you dont like it or dont want to finish it then dont blame yourself. It just isnt your cup of tea.

I personally found it is not for me either. Which is unfortunate because some things they got very right. The creatives (the REAL artists) did such a wonderful job with the set pieces and the world building atmosphere. Some of the side characters were excellent.


I had never seen the original, so I watched them back to back. I'm not super into anime, but I really liked the original much more than I thought I would. Every part with Edward was really good. The slow noir parts were my least favorite parts (and I generally like noir). The live action was just too cheesy. I liked the actor playing Jet. That's about it.
