MovieChat Forums > Den of Thieves (2018) Discussion > It's a very nice attempt. But the plot ...

It's a very nice attempt. But the plot holes just annoy.

The cast did well in this, the action scenes were good...


*SPOILER WARNING*****************************

1. Donny talks to cops. Agrees to work with them. Cop then proceeds to blow his cover. WTF?

2. Gerald Butler's character is a douchebag to the point of being so abrasive his character comes off as cartoonish. Completely unlovable except for the fact we have to keep reminding ourselves we like him as an actor. The emotionally broken cop routine with marital problems...again.

3. The whole 50 cent daughter dating scene.... Yeah it was cute, but why? They totally destroy the tone the movie is trying to set with that gag reel scene.

4. The discussion about never taking him alive. Saw this in Heat. Was a much better scene.
Saw it in Point Break. Was a better scene.

5. Plot twist realization scene....Usual Suspects anyone? I'm surprised we didn't have the Kobayashi voice over.

6. The plot twist. WHY???!! This film didn't need it!!!

7. If they knew each other, what was with the driving audition scene for? he didn't even drive in any of the heists!!! Fast & Furious maybe? I dunno.

8. The Federal Reserve job...So many technical details would have to have been gleaned. Right down to the fact that there was a vent in the room for him to hide. Listening to people talk in a bar....No inside help. The enormity and scale of such a job and they just go along with it.

9. Decoy bank job. Or whatever that was. Yup. You want to double and triple your risk exposure.

10. Open firefight with ex-marines on crowded highway initiated by police. Pretty sure you don't engage like that unless it's safe to do so, to minimize civilian casualties.

11. Gerald Butler spotting their getaway vehicle and them in it from a large distance away. (Okay whatever, I'm going to let this one slide)

12. No chain of command where Gerald Butler works. Ok. About as dumb as the unofficial informant that he almost got killed.

13. The cutesy ending where he's in a bar in london smiling broadly and putting on a British accent. Yeah that scene does not work in a film where the crew he was going to doublecross all died in brutal gunfights. That type of scene is reserved for movies that end happily. Is this film trying to be Ocean's Eleven or Heat? Why would he even need to be doing another heist if he just got 30 million that he had to share with one other person??

This movie tried to be too many things. You're either gritty like Heat or Dark Blue or End of Watch or anything by Michael Mann or you're a happy ending Heist flick.

I was really digging the beginning scenes, so much potential, the cast was great, could have pulled off a gritty flick that would have stood the test of time, but instead the director/writers whoever pulled their punches and tried to please everyone. Sorta.

I didn't write this to trash the movie. I can see some decent effort was made. The missed opportunity here was a shame.


Great points!


Yea point number one blew it for me. That cop was an asshole and there was no reason for him to have done that.


On #1, they explain that at the clothing store. They knew Merriman and company wouldn’t kill him when they had so much heat on them.


They couldn’t possibly know that.

As we saw with the acid Barrel they could easily get rid of a body and lay low.

Honestly this movie made no sense.



To add some more.

1. How did they even know about Merriman? They showed no history that would explain why he was even on their radar.

2. Why didn’t they arrest Merriman once they got an informant? He clearly gave them a tonne of information to work with. And there is no way they would have let them actually get inside that bank that allowed them to escape. They would have more than enough to stop them and arrest them before they entered the bank.

3. Hell they push how they will kill them anyway. So why were they even pretending to actually care about catching them. Not just cornering them and killing them.

4. Why on earth did Merriman corner the cop in the house. Just to get his number? Completely pointless scene. Made no sense and just means you’ve outed yourself completely to the cop.

5. A guy comes to you with a bank plan, he gets revealed as knowing the cop you know is major crimes, and you just what.... keep him around? Nothing screams set up to you. They have already killed cops.

6. The first scene makes no sense. It’s an empty armoured car. Why on earth would any of the security guys try and stop or do anything. We are led to believe is was a mistake but even the guy in the car wouldn’t get out. Like it’s fucking empty there is no money who gives a shit.

7. All this for $30million? Split many ways it doesn’t seem worth the risk and how hard it would be to pull off. Makes more sense to just keep hitting low profile targets and build up the money from there.

8. Why weren’t the cops working with literally anyone else. I get we are meant to think there cowboys but holy shit they aren’t. They are just horrible at their job.

9. Not a plot hole. But what the fuck was the point with all the bullshit drama that happened with the cops wife. Literally cut that out and save 20 minutes of movie time.


"8. The Federal Reserve job...So many technical details would have to have been gleaned. Right down to the fact that there was a vent in the room for him to hide. Listening to people talk in a bar....No inside help. The enormity and scale of such a job and they just go along with it."

The "inside help" was one of the two black women who kept ordering asian delivery from inside the Fed. We see her give O'Shea a knowing wink after refusing to tip him because it took "too damn long" on the final order. That was when he delivered the old food in the bag he'd hidden in the restroom ceiling.

The other black woman wasn't in on it and ran to complain by calling the front desk to call him back in. But we see the woman that winked at him along with the Hawaiian phone guy Merrimen burned drinking at the Irish pub O'Shea was bartending in at the end of the movie.

What I thought was sort of lame is if the Hawaiian guy was in on the double cross with O'Shea, why did he act all pissed and cuss to himself when Merrimen left him high and dry? It's like that was a deliberately contrived scene to mislead the audience.

"3. The whole 50 cent daughter dating scene.... Yeah it was cute, but why?"

Cheap attempt to humanize one of the robbers. They did the same with Gerald Butler's character getting all emotional about losing his daughter in the divorce; to try and make a lawless, douchebag cop seem more likeable and human instead of the thug that he was.


""5. Plot twist realization scene....Usual Suspects anyone? I'm surprised we didn't have the Kobayashi voice over.""

good one. yeah it's a sad wannabe knockoff of heat.

another gripe i have is, the genius kid was just not plausible at all. came off like pure SJW casting to me.


14. How does he move all the money when he goes back 2 the UK at the end??
