A movie about porn? Really?
I am confused and slightly disappointed with the movie industry these days. You rent a movie about porn on the internet and you get a movie that has more violence than sex. WTF?! It's easier to rent a movie and see a guy or girl get their head chopped open, or mauled by a beast, or shot in the face, or strangled, or blown to bits, or raped than it is to see a guy and girl have consensual sex. What is the industry coming to? Ok I know some people are gonna say that if you wanna see sex then go watch a porn but the same can be said about violence. People who enjoy violence can watch numerous grotesque scenes of death, dismemberment, decapitation, brutal fighting, torture, and so on all in one movie. Nobody says that such people are perverts for wanting to watch a woman or man suffer through such detailed gore. But ask for a sex scene and you're a pervert. What gives man?
This is a movie about porn on the internet and yet there were multiple fight scenes, a man gets shot to death, another man gets punched to death and dumped in a river, another man gets beaten up and shot in the foot with his own gun, as well as countless slaps cursing and terrible threats. How many sex scenes? Oh, just one. And every movie out there is the same. For what it's worth, I personally would rather watch men with women in sexy and romantic or even lusty hott sex scenes than in scenes getting brutally murdered or beaten. Anyone who disagrees is either ashamed or embarrassed to admit it...or they're perverts, haha. For real tho am I alone in this sentiment?